There i was invading the Klin, enter the world and right upon entering i see a sunbro dueling it out with another red phantom and the Host is standing off to the right side.
I think ok cool "i will wait my turn" i bow to the host and slowly walk to the side to try and show i know what is going on.
host decides to attack me, to which i attack back, after i take about 50% of the hosts life away the sunbro changes his attention to me and rushes me, swings and misses really bad, back stabbed dead.
i put attention back on the host and get his life down to about 1/5th. at this point the red phantom gets pissed i messed up his duel so he goes after me. the Host runs away to heal (i assume), but not out of sight, boom avelyn dead right as i get back stabbed from red phantom, but i have like 1/20th of my life left after the BS.
inb4 cool story bro
inb4 this is not your personal diary
I think ok cool "i will wait my turn" i bow to the host and slowly walk to the side to try and show i know what is going on.
host decides to attack me, to which i attack back, after i take about 50% of the hosts life away the sunbro changes his attention to me and rushes me, swings and misses really bad, back stabbed dead.
i put attention back on the host and get his life down to about 1/5th. at this point the red phantom gets pissed i messed up his duel so he goes after me. the Host runs away to heal (i assume), but not out of sight, boom avelyn dead right as i get back stabbed from red phantom, but i have like 1/20th of my life left after the BS.
inb4 cool story bro
inb4 this is not your personal diary