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    What a relief


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    What a relief - Page 2 Empty Re: What a relief

    Post by Darkson Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:06 pm

    But a dialect here is not "how" I speak, but also what I speak, words can be are mostly different.

    Proper German:

    Hallo, ich bin der Tolvo!

    Willst du meinen Hund schlagen?

    Vienna dialect (Wiener Dialekt/Wienerisch) would be:

    Servas, I bin da Tolvo!

    Wüst mein' Hund schlog'n?

    Shut your mouth! - In proper German: Halt deinen Mund!

    Wienerisch: Hoit die Pappen!/Hoit die Goschn!

    Or just: Gusch!

    I better not imagine how you guys would pronounce that lol
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    What a relief - Page 2 Empty Re: What a relief

    Post by Tolvo Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:08 pm

    "Hey, let me show you this funny video."

    "Yo dog, check this shizzle nit out!"

    "Boy take a look at dat dere vidja, it's rocking!"

    "Ya'll better check this old youtube movie out, it's funnier than a pig eating corn out of a basket."

    Yes, I just stereotyped many people from my nation haha.

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    What a relief - Page 2 Empty Re: What a relief

    Post by Darkson Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:15 pm

    Lol, but those are really specific slang words, and I also learned pretty much all of them by now I guess. lol Youtube and MTV are my main source... learning source? Source of learning? SOurce of knowledge?QOKQSLA Anyways, without Youtube specifially, I wouldn't even be able to form my sentences like that.

    But a dialect is a complete variation of a language...
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    What a relief - Page 2 Empty Re: What a relief

    Post by Tolvo Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:16 pm

    See, I just don't know them, they are that vastly different. They are pretty much like different languages in areas.

    And actually you can learn a lot from youtube about the English language, at least how to pronounce words and when to use certain ones. Grammar though, that's the real tough one I hear.

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    What a relief - Page 2 Empty Re: What a relief

    Post by Darkson Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:23 pm

    But English is pretty awesome, because it's so easy, everything is so much easier about the grammar. And most of the people here don't even speak proper german, there are so many common/naturalized grammar mistakes...

    Also, English is the most beautiful language that there is imo. And people can say and especially sing about things that just sound so much more stupid when you translate it to german. silly (Is this maybe a good thing?)
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    What a relief - Page 2 Empty Re: What a relief

    Post by Tolvo Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:27 pm

    See, I always think singing in other languages sounds a lot more interesting, but I guess it's just that exotic charm of a language that is foreign.

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    What a relief - Page 2 Empty Re: What a relief

    Post by Darkson Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:33 pm

    I don't think you'd like any of those embarrassing german songs silly

    Austrian maybe, the dialect isn't at all as... I don't know how to say it... hard? I mean, not that aggressive as the German language may seem to you. Maybe that's the reason we developed so many dialects, because talking is easier then.

    What was the original topic again? silly
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    What a relief - Page 2 Empty Re: What a relief

    Post by Tolvo Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:34 pm

    Be Kind Rewind I think, underrated film, decently funny.

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    What a relief - Page 2 Empty Re: What a relief

    Post by Darkson Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:40 pm

    Never saw that one...? Why am I even here then?
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    What a relief - Page 2 Empty Re: What a relief

    Post by Tolvo Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:40 pm

    Because you should see it, it stars Jack Black.

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    What a relief - Page 2 Empty Re: What a relief

    Post by Darkson Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:44 pm

    He's awesome! But because of Tenecious D.

    "The best song in the world" - that's really the best song (and video) in the world!
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    What a relief - Page 2 Empty Re: What a relief

    Post by Tolvo Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:46 pm

    Ah yes, Hollywood Jack is great, but we can't deny his musical roots.
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    What a relief - Page 2 Empty Re: What a relief

    Post by skarekrow13 Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:52 pm

    Lol....nice derails. Gotta add to the dialect in America. California there was a push about ten years ago I think to teach "Ebonics" as a second language rather than the usual Spanish or French. Ebonics is the dialect of African Americans (or black people depending on how PC you wanna be). It's English but not so much really. And as far as accents go, people in Albany used to be able to tell I was from "Western" New York because of how I pronounced my "a" sounds. Don't get me started on New York City too. Also, if you call "pop" by the word "soda" where I live it can lead to a fight. If you say "pop" in eastern New York the same. And in some part of Florida (per my cousin) it's "Coke" regardless of actual brand, flavor, etc.
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    What a relief - Page 2 Empty Re: What a relief

    Post by Tolvo Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:53 pm

    Skare, I have a friend that says Soda Pop, and it drives people nuts. I'm a Pop man myself.
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    What a relief - Page 2 Empty Re: What a relief

    Post by skarekrow13 Fri Apr 13, 2012 2:02 pm

    Grew up with pop, had relatives living in and I moved to soda and back in pop. I call most things soda unless I say "can of" first then I say pop. I usually call Dr. Pepper "pop." My brain's not wired well I think

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    What a relief - Page 2 Empty Re: What a relief

    Post by SlakeMoth Fri Apr 13, 2012 2:14 pm

    I'm really glad I posted this, er, post (even if we have gone off topic a bit) because I think it's helped to clear the air a bit. For my part I accept that people have every right to get emotional over something they care about a lot and maybe I gave the impression that I wasn't taking their views seriously. I was but I was concerned that things were getting a bit out of hand.

    As for the language thing. I once had a boyfriend who was very fluent in German and French and he taught me how to ask someone in German if they would like to go to bed with me. (I've forgotten it now, it was something like(' lieber mit meir'). Anyway I tried it out when we went to a club called The Twisted Wheel in Manchester (England) and this guy's reply was 'no thanks, I've got a dog'. Well that was my translation anyway. I never tried it again.

    By the way, I'm not implying that German people sleep with dogs. Oh jeez, I'm outta here.
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    What a relief - Page 2 Empty Re: What a relief

    Post by Tolvo Fri Apr 13, 2012 2:18 pm

    Haha, he was probably just making a really foul remark about his girlfriend.

    My absolute favour part of the german language is how they treat the word fun.

    "Wir machen Spass."

    We make fun.

    Germans don't have fun, they Make Fun.

    I remember actually for a project once we had to draw an image of german life and a slogan to go with it, and I drew two big German guys holding down a whimpy looking guys with the slogan under it in german saying, "Germans don't have fun, We make Fun."

    I got an A+ and applause from my german teacher haha.

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    What a relief - Page 2 Empty Re: What a relief

    Post by Darkson Fri Apr 13, 2012 3:11 pm

    Ok Tolvo, first of all, it's now "Spaß", not "Spass". 8)

    Also, I don't really get the joke with the 2 big ones holding down the wimply one?

    And also, I assume they were wearing Lederhosen and such?

    And also, I assume that at least some guy in your class made something that was somehow in some way referring to Hitler?

    And also, I don't really get why "I" is written with in capital(s)?

    ANd wth is tHe meEAnING of Life?

    ANd why don't you say "PURPOSE" of life??? I mean, wth, I don't care what it "means", I wanna know the PURPOSE! PURPOSESSIONISTICATIONALITISM

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    What a relief - Page 2 Empty Re: What a relief

    Post by skarekrow13 Fri Apr 13, 2012 3:16 pm

    Because we're Americans and everything we do is pretty much a big f*** you to everyone else big grin

    Lol....."I" is capitalized because it's similar to a proper noun, referring to inherently a unique individual. Just like, if you are referring to the god in Christian beliefs it's "God." Kind of a show of respect and indication that it's specific. Not "a god" but "The God." Or not "someone" did it. "I" did it.

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    What a relief - Page 2 Empty Re: What a relief

    Post by Darkson Fri Apr 13, 2012 3:25 pm

    But it's not Me and You and He and She and It and We and They and You and:

    Why the hello my friend is there "you" for both "you" and "you". I don't get it??? Is it not so that it can be misunderstood sometimes, I mean aren't there situations where you use you just like I did use you now but you don't really know if I ment you or you all?

    And why do you just put the commas where you want? It's not like that in German, there are stupid rules on when to put in a comma.

    And altogether it's all like you have no pancake like seriously and why do you use "like" so often like I mean like it like really weird like

    I'm not drunk or somthiendg.

    Last edited by Darkson on Fri Apr 13, 2012 3:32 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    What a relief - Page 2 Empty Re: What a relief

    Post by berkut Fri Apr 13, 2012 3:31 pm

    In terms of the original topic:

    Emotions are always an interesting part of communication happy. Without them, it becomes incredibly difficult to understand and appreciate what people are saying, after all, they are a major part of how we communicate. Yet of course emotions can always run off course, and when they get in the way of logic they can erode the basis of a meaningful debate. I suppose that conversations are another case where a balance is required (as is with everything), oh balance happy

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    What a relief - Page 2 Empty Re: What a relief

    Post by Darkson Fri Apr 13, 2012 3:40 pm


    Discussions imo should only be sdns I'm not kidding I feel funny now I should really sleep a bit I guess. People this rigght here happens when I just type without really thinking and checking, I'm sorry if I right bullbugar but I don't really seem to be all to by b myself at all. But I'm at the same time in the moos for philosophizifications and shiz but I don't know.


    THe purposession of life is that werE must search for the purpopropotion of the why we are here, that is the whole point, and now that we know that we must no longer search and you all shut up



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    What a relief - Page 2 Empty Re: What a relief

    Post by Darkson Fri Apr 13, 2012 3:43 pm

    Oh right, I can't delete it iif someone already posted undernareith

    Last edited by Darkson on Fri Apr 13, 2012 4:00 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    What a relief - Page 2 Empty Re: What a relief

    Post by Darkson Fri Apr 13, 2012 3:46 pm

    AND BTW just wanted to say

    I FREAKING TOLD YOU it was a part of the Elite Set ther behind the wall.


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    What a relief - Page 2 Empty Re: What a relief

    Post by berkut Fri Apr 13, 2012 3:55 pm

    I feel like I somehow offended you 😢

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