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    Soul Reapers (Dark wraith Player Covenant)


    Posts : 13
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    Join date : 2012-04-11

    Soul Reapers (Dark wraith Player Covenant)  Empty Soul Reapers (Dark wraith Player Covenant)

    Post by Shadow-Drago Mon Apr 16, 2012 3:20 pm

    Soul Reaper academy- Gotei 13
    The Four Kings were Trapped lost within the Dark
    although it offers power its infinite void Twists and turns souls the once
    great Kings of New Londo those who pray to the Anor Londo God’s But the power
    of the dark turns them against such gods. The Dark’s only want is to spread and
    consume all light. Once a city known for its culture, New Londo was flooded in order to
    contain the Darkwraiths and the Four Kings, killing its inhabitants in the
    process. Sir Knight
    Artorias was one of the four Knights of Gywn, the commanding knights of Lord
    Gywn's army. Artorias had an unbendable will of steel, which both helped and
    fed into his hatred for dark. At sign of his treason his sword was cursed, it
    is these powers which causes its followers to see the allure of the Darkness.

    * * *

    The Rules :

    * Respect the power of the Dark

    * Protect The abyss

    * Join mass invasions join other
    Reapers spreading the dark.

    * Respect your superiors *

    * * *

    The Organization :

    - A Dark spirit-

    Apprentice: new member –Tasked to seek out another living warrior and kill
    him for his humanity. Must assassinate characters
    5-10 in totally join in 2 mass invasions, invade the world of a Player and be
    there with a dark spirit there. Confirmation needed.

    -Reaver- A warrior of the dark with who commands 3-5 Spirits Tasked with
    hunting down Covenant clan Targets. Confirmation needed.

    -Hallow- A Devourer of Humanity and commander of 10 to 20 Dark spirits, organizer
    of Mass invasions

    -Soul Reaper- The highest ranking for an sole warrior gaining this rank
    leaves him command over 30-20 hallow/Spirits/Reavers as well Organizer of

    Ranking Up within the group can happen a variety of different ways One of the main way to increase your rank is to Seek pvp matches against others of known Covenant and win with confirmation. Inviting others to join the Reapers, Rare though it may be Invading a world with another member From the Reapers.

    Then the evaluation test:
    1 Vs 1
    2 Vs 1
    3 Vs 1
    Upon Winning one of these test matches a player may rank up within the covenant without Doing the above But those who take these test Have to fight Reapers who may be more experienced.

    Level and Relation :

    We can PvP at all Soul Level but to have organized event you must respect
    some limitation. There is 4 stage : 60 ; 80 ; 100 ; 120. The 120 cap is the
    most used one so it is recommended to stop at 120 but if you prefer other SL
    cap you can do it but take the responsibility about that.

    Last edited by Shadow-Drago on Mon Apr 30, 2012 6:14 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Updating info as I'm completing it.)

    Posts : 13
    Reputation : 0
    Join date : 2012-04-11

    Soul Reapers (Dark wraith Player Covenant)  Empty Re: Soul Reapers (Dark wraith Player Covenant)

    Post by Shadow-Drago Mon Apr 16, 2012 3:26 pm

    Posting of ps3 Its not a requirement too invade wit fellow member bur it does rank up. There still alot to get straight. One thing is First rank must wear full dark armor second rank two or 3 peices Dark hood require as a hallow just the mask and reaper no armor requirements

    Posts : 13
    Reputation : 0
    Join date : 2012-04-11

    Soul Reapers (Dark wraith Player Covenant)  Empty Re: Soul Reapers (Dark wraith Player Covenant)

    Post by Shadow-Drago Mon Apr 30, 2012 6:16 pm

    This covenant is currently recruiting But is fairly new as I Update the User list as well the covenant allowed to join. Idea's needed don't be shy

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    Soul Reapers (Dark wraith Player Covenant)  Empty Re: Soul Reapers (Dark wraith Player Covenant)

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