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    Statue/Alter of the Undead Parish


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    Statue/Alter of the Undead Parish Empty Statue/Alter of the Undead Parish

    Post by K.Magic Tue Apr 17, 2012 11:26 pm

    As can you see I dont post on the forum very often I was doing a lot of catching up on what has been discussed.

    Getting to the point the alter in the undead parish seems to play I role in the story that I may have overlooked, this is the location of the first fire-keepers soul that we come across, and also the place that Reah decides to settle at when she returns from the catacombs/ToG.

    It is actually the statue that interests me more if anyone can shine some light on it for me would be great, I know that there are other statues of similar style in different parts of Lordran (Anor Londo,behind kingseeker Frampt,and other place that escape me at the moment) but it's the artwork that surrounds it that also interests me...

    Now to it looks like a dragon of some sort on both sides with them both seeming to face the statue now I don't know who it is but my guess wold be Seath...

    May have nothing to do with anything but I noticed it and thought it might open up something new in the search for lore, or has someone already discredited this as nothing more than designs for the windows
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    Statue/Alter of the Undead Parish Empty Re: Statue/Alter of the Undead Parish

    Post by DoughGuy Wed Apr 18, 2012 12:34 am

    Welcome to the forums!
    Theres been a lot of speculation about the statues based on the fact there are 4 of the same statue in lordran. They are believed to represent Gwyns wife and her children. Theres also been a lot of work done on the pictures around it. if you look around this forum enough.
    Chosen Undead
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    Statue/Alter of the Undead Parish Empty Re: Statue/Alter of the Undead Parish

    Post by User Wed Apr 18, 2012 12:36 am

    I am sure it just points out to ONE child. Not four.

    You might find some insight as of what the lady and infant statues represent within the catacombs. I am sure that if you look hard enough, you will find the answer my friend. Just look at the many statues within the Catacombs, remember the lords of the flame, and remember the lady and infant statues in general. It might enlighten you.
    Duke's Archivist
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    Statue/Alter of the Undead Parish Empty Re: Statue/Alter of the Undead Parish

    Post by DoughGuy Wed Apr 18, 2012 12:41 am

    I thought you said they represented the God of War, Gwynevere, Gwyndolin and Priscilla? I know the catacombs statues are the mother (holding the child?) with spikes coming from her womb.
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    Statue/Alter of the Undead Parish Empty Re: Statue/Alter of the Undead Parish

    Post by User Wed Apr 18, 2012 12:43 am

    I did not say such things. Wyrn did. I said that it maybe so. However I counteracted stating that it would probably not be the case, as Priscila is seen as an abomination to the gods eyes. Would be somewhat odd for them to represent her, no?

    As for Gwyndolin, he is a maiden, and not of the sword... the item the infant holds. Women of royal are not expected to pick the arm, and as such Gwynevre would not work as well either, as she is more passive and docile than the aspect of the God of War.

    Duke's Archivist
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    Statue/Alter of the Undead Parish Empty Re: Statue/Alter of the Undead Parish

    Post by DoughGuy Wed Apr 18, 2012 12:49 am

    Ok. Well ten i can quite clearly see who they are meant to represent. But why would they still exist and not be smashed like the sunlight altar or have been removed like the one in anor londo (thats my view anyway, that the missing anor londo statue was him)?
    Chosen Undead
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    Statue/Alter of the Undead Parish Empty Re: Statue/Alter of the Undead Parish

    Post by User Wed Apr 18, 2012 12:54 am

    Hard to Say. Perhaps it was not the God of War who stood at the statue, but Gwyn at first. As Gwyn was first seen as the Lord of Sunlight, it is stated that the God of War inherited the Sunlight at birth. Perhaps, as his father lost the aspect of sunlight when he relit the flame against the chaos, he smashed the statue of Gwyn to show the light.

    Or it is perhaps a statue of himself or Gwyn, in which the God of War smashed in a state of... revelation. As you know,m the sunlight blade tells an interesting story of its own.

    As four all four of the statues with the infant... remember that all of them point to the aspect of Gwyn, the God of War, and the maiden in many aspects. But, seeing as he is new, Mr. magic should find out on his own terms. stating what is and what is not is somewhat possibly a headache and an annoyance to him. it is best for him to find out on his own, in his own terms. Searching the archives or exploring the world of Lordran is a good way to do that. Posting it when he asks a question about the statues may stray him if we talk about other things that he did not ask, no?
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    Statue/Alter of the Undead Parish Empty Re: Statue/Alter of the Undead Parish

    Post by DoughGuy Wed Apr 18, 2012 2:45 am

    You are correct.

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    Statue/Alter of the Undead Parish Empty Re: Statue/Alter of the Undead Parish

    Post by K.Magic Wed Apr 18, 2012 8:35 am

    As said before I have searched the archives reading up on a lot of Dks lore and I appreciate all the comments and the help they have given, (oh and thanks for the welcome Doughguy, and others). Thanks for the concern aswell but I have not been strayed lol!

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    Statue/Alter of the Undead Parish Empty Re: Statue/Alter of the Undead Parish

    Post by WyrmHero Wed Apr 18, 2012 11:49 am

    I really think those statues symbolize Gwyn's children with his wife (if you look closely you'll see that she has a little crown). The one at the church is clearly Gwynevere, she is the goddess of fertility and I think all the maidens pray to her (hence Reah praying to the statue even though she is from Way of White).

    The other statue that is found in the Catacombs I think is Gwyndolin. The the only hint it give us is the location of the Darkmoon Seance Ring. Also as Gwyndolin was a moon deity maybe it relates to death (?), the whole opposite of his sister. The other statue is next to the Sunlight Altar and well it is the only clue that it could be Gwyn's Firstborn. The fourth statue is different from the others, and I believe it is related to New Londo (Firelink is just above). I don't know if that's baby Priscilla, I can't confirm it is. All of this is speculation of course, I can be wrong.
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    Statue/Alter of the Undead Parish Empty Re: Statue/Alter of the Undead Parish

    Post by User Wed Apr 18, 2012 12:36 pm

    For K. Magic, I hope you do look into the catacombs and find what i mean. it might help if you see for yourself.

    As for the other.... Mmmm, sorry Wyrm. I object.


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    Statue/Alter of the Undead Parish Empty Re: Statue/Alter of the Undead Parish

    Post by befowler Thu Apr 19, 2012 11:58 am

    Is there a connection with the two female ghosts/banshees in New Londo? They also hold children, and can throw lightning.
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    Statue/Alter of the Undead Parish Empty Re: Statue/Alter of the Undead Parish

    Post by skarekrow13 Thu Apr 19, 2012 12:09 pm

    And why is there never any talk of the fifth statue? While I'm at it, while presented on different bases, the Undead Parish statue and the Sunlight Altar statue show the same pose with the same sword bearing child. I can't really say much about catacombs.....haven't been to that statue in a while. The Firelink one looks to be different time period and architecture. I have no speculation of my own but why would four statues theoretically representing four pieces of the same puzzle have the above variations. Also....did I mention there's a fifth statue?

    And welcome!

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