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    I asked before and I'm aking again...


    Shotties of Assult Rifles

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    I asked before and I'm aking again... I_vote_lcap50%I asked before and I'm aking again... I_vote_rcap [50%] 

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    I asked before and I'm aking again... Empty I asked before and I'm aking again...

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Wed Apr 25, 2012 12:20 am

    ME2- I hit the collector vessel and just discovered a shocking secret about the Protheans. Oh what could it be you wonder to yourselve poised at the edge of your seats.

    And now I need a new weapon. What do I go for. My first playthrough I wasn't sure what weapon to get and chose shotguns and this time I thought I'd go for assault rifles and run a Geth Pulse Rifle for the lols.

    Turns out its really weak.

    Its either shotguns or assault rifles. For Which do I opt? I'm a power heavy Sentinel with a Warp that one shots most enemies on veteran and some on hardcore.

    Also does my bonus power Barrier Carry over into Mass Effect 3 if so I'll make my sentinel around Barrier instead of Tech Armour.

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    I asked before and I'm aking again... Empty Re: I asked before and I'm aking again...

    Post by Extertionist Wed Apr 25, 2012 12:27 am

    Snipers are the best possible weapon for a soldier or infiltrator, but since your a sentinel they're dam near impossible to use right. How do you play as a sentinel cause that tremendously affects which one's best suited to you.

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    I asked before and I'm aking again... Empty Re: I asked before and I'm aking again...

    Post by sen545331 Wed Apr 25, 2012 1:39 am

    i chose assault rifles, and the bonus power doesn't follow over to me3 unless you open it again. i think the person with barrier is kaiden alenko, you do have access to other ones though. just fyi, those powers don't work the same way, they increase cooldown times by 60% (not including the end choice which can drop it to 30%) and just reduces damage dealt by a percentage.
    there is, however, one power that if you deactivate it after it's been put up, it'll replenish your shield completely, quite useful

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    I asked before and I'm aking again... Empty Re: I asked before and I'm aking again...

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Thu Apr 26, 2012 4:04 am

    I'm super power heavy. I'm throwing out warps, cryo blasts, and Overloads from a distance but once I've softened the enemy up I get really agressive.

    I use the cover and move tactics so I'm always hving my squad members move forwards and back wards to draw fire, flank, or use powers so that we are always advancing.

    I tend to get held up when we break against a large number of enemies.

    I fight mid- close range so either can fit in. I just sometimes think thatt assault rifles seem more heroic than shotguns.

    My squad is also always Garrus and Tali. Because Garrus us bad *** and TALI IS MY GIRL! Na shes just my fav character and romance option and I feel she and shep must always go through hell together. garrus is there for relationship

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    I asked before and I'm aking again... Empty Re: I asked before and I'm aking again...

    Post by sinisterapathy Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:26 am

    I always switch between assualt and not to limit yourself...especialy if your a soldier.

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    I asked before and I'm aking again... Empty Re: I asked before and I'm aking again...

    Post by Extertionist Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:08 pm

    In your case, use ARs, most versitile weapons in the game.

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