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    do you guys think dragons dogma will be able to hold a candle to dark souls?


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    do you guys think dragons dogma will be able to hold a candle to dark souls? Empty do you guys think dragons dogma will be able to hold a candle to dark souls?

    Post by trinitarian Wed Apr 25, 2012 5:56 am

    now this is not a topic of what game will be better or a versus this game and that kind of thing. I'm just asking if you think dragon's dogma will have the same depth and same challenge as dark souls. I've heard bloggers say dragons dogma is a game that combins skyrim and dark souls into one game. If thats true then i think it will be epic.

    However, i know you guys are the dark souls pros and wanted your opinion on the matter. Do you really think dragons dogma will have any resembalnce to dark soul's gameplay? or is that claim just a marketing scheme to draw the souls and skyrim fans into getting dragons dogma?
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    do you guys think dragons dogma will be able to hold a candle to dark souls? Empty Re: do you guys think dragons dogma will be able to hold a candle to dark souls?

    Post by DoughGuy Wed Apr 25, 2012 6:06 am

    Probably belongs in off topic. Dont worry a mod wil move it if it does.

    I think Dragons Dogma will be more like Skyrim. Its open world and wants to appeal to a larger market so there will be a lot less difficulty.

    Last edited by DoughGuy on Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:27 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Its mod not mid)

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    do you guys think dragons dogma will be able to hold a candle to dark souls? Empty Re: do you guys think dragons dogma will be able to hold a candle to dark souls?

    Post by Kaminari Wed Apr 25, 2012 6:12 am

    How ever, even if it will be alot easier, I think it will give quite alot of fun happy
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    do you guys think dragons dogma will be able to hold a candle to dark souls? Empty Re: do you guys think dragons dogma will be able to hold a candle to dark souls?

    Post by DoughGuy Wed Apr 25, 2012 6:17 am

    Well from what ive heard the boss battles will be amazing. For thebigger enemies you actually climb onto them and cut at their vital parts rather than chiping at their feet. Itll make a nice change. I just hope they implement a decent balance system.

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    do you guys think dragons dogma will be able to hold a candle to dark souls? Empty Re: do you guys think dragons dogma will be able to hold a candle to dark souls?

    Post by Kaminari Wed Apr 25, 2012 6:34 am

    I do like the whole Idea about your pawn/companion/friend running with you, and that you can send him/her to the world of someone else and he/she will earn experience from helping someone else happy I do hope you get skills like elemental stuffs as fireball, Shockwaves and icbolts though happy
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    do you guys think dragons dogma will be able to hold a candle to dark souls? Empty Re: do you guys think dragons dogma will be able to hold a candle to dark souls?

    Post by DoughGuy Wed Apr 25, 2012 6:39 am

    I think the mage class will be a fairly generic (not that I mean to say boring) mage. Itl have the classic upgrade paths although I do hope they do some new, interesting stuff.
    The pawns are a good idea. Especially if they can talk about the world. I know they can give you hints but if they can talk about you rachievements and stuff id love it. One of my fave parts about Oblivion and skyrim is actually listening to the common folk talk about the stuff you;ve done.

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    do you guys think dragons dogma will be able to hold a candle to dark souls? Empty Re: do you guys think dragons dogma will be able to hold a candle to dark souls?

    Post by Baal-Avatar Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:22 am

    I moved this thread to the off-topic section.
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    do you guys think dragons dogma will be able to hold a candle to dark souls? Empty Re: do you guys think dragons dogma will be able to hold a candle to dark souls?

    Post by DoughGuy Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:27 am

    Thanks Baal.

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    do you guys think dragons dogma will be able to hold a candle to dark souls? Empty Re: do you guys think dragons dogma will be able to hold a candle to dark souls?

    Post by sinisterapathy Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:03 am

    No. I think it will be a decent game but nothing more.

    Im sure that it wont surpass DS or Skyrim in my eyes...its all just a matter of opinion though.

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    do you guys think dragons dogma will be able to hold a candle to dark souls? Empty Re: do you guys think dragons dogma will be able to hold a candle to dark souls?

    Post by RaSoul Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:33 am

    Im definetely giving the demo a go, it seems interesting happy
    The boss battles is really what attracts me the most, same as DkS.

    And since I can't afford to buy me a decent laptop for Diablo III, I might get this instead.

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    do you guys think dragons dogma will be able to hold a candle to dark souls? Empty Re: do you guys think dragons dogma will be able to hold a candle to dark souls?

    Post by Kaminari Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:21 am

    SouXouX wrote:Im definetely giving the demo a go, it seems interesting happy
    The boss battles is really what attracts me the most, same as DkS.

    And since I can't afford to buy me a decent laptop for Diablo III, I might get this instead.

    However, Diablo III is comming for consoles as well happy

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    do you guys think dragons dogma will be able to hold a candle to dark souls? Empty Re: do you guys think dragons dogma will be able to hold a candle to dark souls?

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