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    When I'm king - the forum game

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    When I'm king - the forum game Empty When I'm king - the forum game

    Post by cloudyeki Wed May 09, 2012 11:14 pm

    It's easy, if you've ever seen the man show you'll get it. Everyone gets 3 demands.

    When I am king;

    All crazy ex's will be thrown to my pet sharks with laserbeams

    All games will recieve exports, no exceptions.

    All jehova's witnesses who wake me up will be put in a maze with the Minotaur. (4 different occasions already!)
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    When I'm king - the forum game Empty Re: When I'm king - the forum game

    Post by skarekrow13 Wed May 09, 2012 11:27 pm

    First derail, I once was rudely awakened by witnesses. Two young ladies who looked like they'd run if you whispered boo. I answered with nothing but pajama pants on, crazy hair and all. They didn't stay long

    When I am king

    Bread will be routinely replaced with deep fried slabs of cake for sandwiches
    Church bells chiming the hour will be replaced by speed metal guitarists looking for work
    There will be at least one Lifetime Movie Channel movie per month in which the plot is not about overcoming ****/abuse or a crazy murderer being tracked down by a clever yet perky female

    Compulsory Poster
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    When I'm king - the forum game Empty Re: When I'm king - the forum game

    Post by cloudyeki Wed May 09, 2012 11:32 pm

    My friend came up with a way to keep them away for good, but involves a loincloth, a mask or red face paint, and an old fashion cauldron over a firepit. And that last one will NEVER happen. Sometimes tropes ARE bad.

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    When I'm king - the forum game Empty Re: When I'm king - the forum game

    Post by Quarik Wed May 09, 2012 11:41 pm

    1. Gankers will suddenly fall into a firey hell of Prowling Demons, BP Mushies, and BP Bonewheels.

    2. The secret of the pendant will be revealed.

    3. Free cheesecake for everyone! With passionfruit syrup it's the best thing.
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    When I'm king - the forum game Empty Re: When I'm king - the forum game

    Post by skarekrow13 Thu May 10, 2012 12:01 am

    One time I walked into the room while my wife was watching and looked at the TV and said: who's the murderer. She told me to be quiet......and then pointed out who the murderer was
    Town Crier
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    When I'm king - the forum game Empty Re: When I'm king - the forum game

    Post by Tolvo Thu May 10, 2012 12:21 am

    1: Life will end.

    2: All that was will have been cataloged.

    3: My reign will contain me cataloging everything that never was.

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    When I'm king - the forum game Empty Re: When I'm king - the forum game

    Post by Extertionist Thu May 10, 2012 12:23 am

    When I am king.

    -There will be only one nation, the nation of earth

    -Dogs shall not shed

    -bad games wont exist

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    When I'm king - the forum game Empty Re: When I'm king - the forum game

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