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    elusive titanite POLE


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    elusive titanite POLE Empty elusive titanite POLE

    Post by Odinbear Thu May 10, 2012 10:33 am

    I got The POLE on my 2nd build, still gotta be the strongest, NOT fastest weapon in the pouch. Got summoned into a game in the Depths yesterday and one of the phantoms also had one, looked like he was lovin it too. BTW used mine to defeat almost every boss (4kings was hardest due to it's high endurance requirement to keep swinging hard.)

    Anybody else use or like it? (it's a love/hate relationship here) 🤡

    Is it a viable PvP weapon or will I still get creamed. (I seem to be doing a little better against invaders in the depths with a Uchigatana and my mage build was actually getting in hits with a +5 short sword ) Seems FAST STRIKE is more PvP friendly?

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    elusive titanite POLE Empty Re: elusive titanite POLE

    Post by lextune Thu May 10, 2012 2:22 pm

    Every weapon can be successful in PvP.

    It is the wielder, not the weapon.

    ....with that said, it is not an easy weapon to master, or else we would see more of it in PvP.

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    elusive titanite POLE Empty Re: elusive titanite POLE

    Post by FruitPunchNinja Thu May 10, 2012 4:04 pm

    i can agree that dex weapons are very pvp friendly(aka easy to use). the tinite catch poles appeal is in its unique move set(which i personally dont love) other then that its basically the same as a +10 magic halberd. i guess it also has the benefit of not needing nearly as many ores to get to that point.

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    elusive titanite POLE Empty Re: elusive titanite POLE

    Post by jjshowal Fri May 11, 2012 2:11 pm

    I found it on the first titanite demon in my first playthrough. i instantly threw my drakesword away and used the catch pole until the end of my first playthrough. i was kind of disappointed in how much i liked it because it works so well in PvE. It's move set isn't very versatile (other than the jump smash), but it is a freaking awesome weapon with great reach. I was terrible with it in PvP, as I am with most big and slow weapons. Only my +15 iaito and balder side sword is better imo.
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    elusive titanite POLE Empty Re: elusive titanite POLE

    Post by cloudyeki Fri May 11, 2012 3:38 pm

    It's a decent weapon, the heavy attacks are pretty bad for pvp, and the scythe (not great scythe) and the G.halberd have the same movesets with the advantage of a better heavy attacks.

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