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    Someone give me a fake US address

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    Someone give me a fake US address Empty Someone give me a fake US address

    Post by Serious_Much Thu May 10, 2012 12:47 pm

    Can't make one myself dunno how it works can you put it in this order please:

    post code

    Cheers, I'm just making a US psn account to test out some stuff happy
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    Someone give me a fake US address Empty Re: Someone give me a fake US address

    Post by Serious_Much Thu May 10, 2012 12:55 pm

    Scrap that, did it but sadly didn't work how I hoped (to bypass region restrictions on a game)
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    Someone give me a fake US address Empty Re: Someone give me a fake US address

    Post by PlasticandRage Thu May 10, 2012 1:37 pm

    Whatd you try to do? How?
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    Someone give me a fake US address Empty Re: Someone give me a fake US address

    Post by Serious_Much Thu May 10, 2012 1:46 pm

    Created a US PSN account so my region was set to the Us, and tried to play a US game disc I have and it didn't work, so must be restrictions in the playstation itself rather than the account type..

    I presume for downloads it doesn't matter though as it all comes from sony (why my Dark souls backgrounds downloaded from JP PSN work)
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    Someone give me a fake US address Empty Re: Someone give me a fake US address

    Post by PlasticandRage Thu May 10, 2012 1:48 pm

    Sounds like a good idea in theory. Definitely worth a shot anyway. It must have more to do with where you're connecting from? Maybe the PS3's themselves have some kind of region coding?
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    Someone give me a fake US address Empty Re: Someone give me a fake US address

    Post by Serious_Much Thu May 10, 2012 1:51 pm

    Thing is, I'd love to test it with a US PSN downloaded game, but you have to pay for them all... maybe I should try a demo?
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    Someone give me a fake US address Empty Re: Someone give me a fake US address

    Post by PlasticandRage Thu May 10, 2012 1:54 pm

    Aren't there a couple quiz games that are completely free? I think there are. How would you get the US downloaded game on your system? If you have a plan I'm down to help.
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    Someone give me a fake US address Empty Re: Someone give me a fake US address

    Post by User Thu May 10, 2012 1:55 pm

    My friend bought a Call of Duty MW2 Game for his Xbox, and was canadian. However, it broke, and he bought a french version that he could not convert.

    When he did, he mostly if not always played with frenh players, particularly french canadian players. Little to no english people used a mic, and he was the only known english guy.

    Not sure if it is the same thing for PS3. Although, since Dark Souls allows play for Americans, Europeans, Asians, and other areas of the world to play together, it is unlikely it would be best to test it out with that game.

    Call of Duty for the PS3 ( I use to only play it with my friends who played it, but nothing else), and we found a lot of Australians, British, and other forms of cultural people in the PS3, as well as the Canadians and Americans (and Central and South America). The PS3 System's online system is different than the Xbox, so whatever you try will probably not work. Maybe buying a PS3 based on a region, but unlikely nonetheless.

    The PS3 is unique to itself, as is the Xbox (even though the Xbox is based more on the computer than PS3, in design and programming), you may have to try things that Xbox and other Consule/Computer players have to go threw in order to have different regional settings for the consumer (you)
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    Someone give me a fake US address Empty Re: Someone give me a fake US address

    Post by Serious_Much Thu May 10, 2012 1:56 pm

    Well I don't need any help, all I need to do is download a game, I'll try find a free one when I'm not busy, but if not a demo will work just as well I reckon.

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    Someone give me a fake US address Empty Re: Someone give me a fake US address

    Post by WorldSlayerPIKA Fri May 11, 2012 6:42 am

    I have this experience:
    I am registered in Europe. I have Uncharted 2 US version! I can download DLC from EU PSN Shop, but it doesn't work with the game! I know for sure, that I can't access US PSN Shop with this account!!!

    I am going to investigate soon today, if its possible to access US PSN Shop from another region.

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    Someone give me a fake US address Empty Re: Someone give me a fake US address

    Post by WorldSlayerPIKA Fri May 11, 2012 7:10 am

    Got it....... but: I can not confirm the following information is true YET!!!!! (I believe only when I see it with my own eyes!!! I will test it when I get back home from work.)

    This Video is GERMAN: But should most probably help

    OTHERWISE: Short explanation for accesing any PS3 PSN Shop :

    1. create a new User

    2. with new user, you need to "sign in to PSN Network" (Now called Sony Network?) (found in category: Playstatinon Network)

    3. create a fantasy account -> Important: "Country / Region of Residence" is USA (or Japan if you want winking ) (I am not sure if you need a proper Email Address! It's essential to login!!! and if you forget your Password, you can still retrieve your account when you have access to this email!)

    As address. type in what you want. for example:

    State: New York
    City: New York
    Zipcode: 10027
    Street: Fantasy Street 666

    Once again: I can not confirm this information is true YET. I found this information in German Forums...
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    Someone give me a fake US address Empty Re: Someone give me a fake US address

    Post by Serious_Much Fri May 11, 2012 7:59 am

    Pika, I can access the shop, and Im not intending to buy DLC or anything like that, I was wondering if games off there downloaded and were playable (like demos or PS1 classics etc), and I wanted to know if a US game which I have on PS1 worked.. it didnt work sadly

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    Someone give me a fake US address Empty Re: Someone give me a fake US address

    Post by WorldSlayerPIKA Fri May 11, 2012 9:11 am

    Does this mean, I don't need to test if we can access US shop Because you already know?

    I know I can play Uncharted 2 US version. But I don't know about PS1 games.....

    Thanks for your information!
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    Someone give me a fake US address Empty Re: Someone give me a fake US address

    Post by Serious_Much Fri May 11, 2012 9:39 am

    Yeah, I know that actual disks wont work, but I presume downloads work as my japanese backgrounds of Dark souls seem to work okay silly

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