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    weird things you assumed that made your game harder

    Chosen Undead
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    weird things you assumed that made your game harder Empty weird things you assumed that made your game harder

    Post by Rynn Thu May 10, 2012 6:27 pm

    what are some silly things during your first playthrough that you thought, that made the game more difficult.

    I thought that rings were the least important piece of equipment, and generally very weak. This led me to think that 40 poise was a low amount, and I refused to play my sorcerer with any less then 90 poise.

    I thought that rolling had 0 invincibility frames, so I never did it.

    I thought HP was a useless stat, and never raised it.

    I thought an enchanted dagger was better then a CMW dagger.

    I thought level 200 was a low level, so I kept leveling up.

    Finally... I had 70 resistance so I could live longer.
    Chosen Undead
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    weird things you assumed that made your game harder Empty Re: weird things you assumed that made your game harder

    Post by User Thu May 10, 2012 6:33 pm

    hm... well girl, I think I see about most here is true, except for the dagger part, resistance, and level stat.

    Let me add something... I *** up with something... hard. I tried to fight enemies with pyromancy only when I made my first successful character, yes? Went up to 78, she did. Well, I tried to level strength and stuff with a Hand Axe I never upgraded higher than 5... not normal, raw. Nito's Domain and the Four Kings are the only areas I did not do, but my Axe was still raw, + 5. Hard, but fun.

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    weird things you assumed that made your game harder Empty Re: weird things you assumed that made your game harder

    Post by Glutebrah Thu May 10, 2012 6:35 pm

    i thought i wanted to save every item i got incase i wanted to use it later, i was afraid of giving Embers to blacksmiths thinking i would miss out on another blacksmith later. never upgraded weapons because i thought as soon as i did id find a new weapon i want to upgrade.

    i also never knew about the repair box from blacksmiths, and when i wa in blight town i almost lost my weapons and armor to durability. ended up beating Qualaag with only 20 Dura left on Drake sword.
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    weird things you assumed that made your game harder Empty Re: weird things you assumed that made your game harder

    Post by Forum Pirate Thu May 10, 2012 6:42 pm

    That the greataxe was good.

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    weird things you assumed that made your game harder Empty Re: weird things you assumed that made your game harder

    Post by ALENAH Thu May 10, 2012 6:49 pm

    That the Black Knight Sword must be the best sword because it has the highest starting stats.

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    weird things you assumed that made your game harder Empty Re: weird things you assumed that made your game harder

    Post by Imarreteet23 Thu May 10, 2012 6:51 pm

    I thought that going human was a waste of humanity, so I soloed my entire first playthrough. Took me a good twelve hours to beat O&S. And the Four Kings... I don't want to talk about that. :affraid:


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    weird things you assumed that made your game harder Empty Re: weird things you assumed that made your game harder

    Post by Glutebrah Thu May 10, 2012 6:52 pm

    ALENAH wrote:That the Black Knight Sword must be the best sword because it has the highest starting stats.

    that sword made the game a joke for me, lol i finally decided to upgrade a weapon when i got it make it +4 and literally just tank spanked every boss with it. (except gywn and S&O) but Seath/Nito/Sif/4 kings were all tank and spanks, 2 handed sword charge them and starting mashing R1 beat all 4 of them first try.

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    weird things you assumed that made your game harder Empty Re: weird things you assumed that made your game harder

    Post by bmurn Thu May 10, 2012 6:57 pm

    I assumed if you were supposed to jump across gaps they would have given you a button dedicated to jumping. Also took a long time to figure out how to slide down a ladder. Not a game breaker, but over an extended period of time all of the time spent climbing down the longer ladders really adds up.

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    weird things you assumed that made your game harder Empty Re: weird things you assumed that made your game harder

    Post by WyrmHero Thu May 10, 2012 7:26 pm

    Raised resistance to 20 for some 'good' defense. Kept raising up endurance instead of vitality.
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    weird things you assumed that made your game harder Empty Re: weird things you assumed that made your game harder

    Post by RANT Thu May 10, 2012 7:28 pm

    WyrmHero wrote:Raised resistance to 20 for some 'good' defense. Kept raising up endurance instead of vitality.

    the second one is actually a good thing, specially for str weapons. i always raise my end first.
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    weird things you assumed that made your game harder Empty Re: weird things you assumed that made your game harder

    Post by BLA1NE Thu May 10, 2012 7:39 pm

    I assumed you couldn't parry Gwyn.
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    weird things you assumed that made your game harder Empty Re: weird things you assumed that made your game harder

    Post by skarekrow13 Thu May 10, 2012 8:31 pm

    I assumed the gold hemmed set would save me from Firesage
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    weird things you assumed that made your game harder Empty Re: weird things you assumed that made your game harder

    Post by DoughGuy Thu May 10, 2012 8:42 pm

    I thought higher res would make me a tank. I figured armour > dodging so I always had just below my equip load in armour.

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    weird things you assumed that made your game harder Empty Re: weird things you assumed that made your game harder

    Post by Odinbear Thu May 10, 2012 9:01 pm

    Sl103 still havn't finished the game, sunk all my souls, boss souls too into stats. Humanity? Didn't know what it was for, played undead most the time, co-oped only 2 bosses have no humanity now and last time I was in the dukes archives used it all up summoning phantoms that just wanted to wait for the invader....
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    weird things you assumed that made your game harder Empty Re: weird things you assumed that made your game harder

    Post by Buggy Virus Thu May 10, 2012 10:00 pm

    Ugh, where should I start. . .

    1. Thought humanity didn't do anything (didn't even understand the humanity counter so never got any)

    2. Didn't think upgrading gave a significant damage bonus, so ended up using an un-upgraded halberd for much of the game.

    3. Didn't know about the drake sword

    4. Thought that magic only had as many uses as were labeled, then you needed to buy it all over again, so I never bought magic.

    5. Thought endurance wasn't a useful stat.

    6. Didn't understand equip load.

    7. Didn't know secondary weapons added weight.

    8. Didn't think you could black the attacks of anything bigger than baldur knights. This includes golems and forest giants.

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    weird things you assumed that made your game harder Empty Re: weird things you assumed that made your game harder

    Post by ARSP Thu May 10, 2012 10:21 pm

    My First Playthrough mistakes

    1. I based my character around Astora's Sword So my dex Faith and Strength were all the same

    2. Put no stock endurance

    3. Put too much stock in Vit

    4. Was afraid of heavy armor and large weapons because of lack of mobility

    5. Never used big shields for fear of being slow

    6. Only used faith worthless for combat

    7. By Anor Londo didn't do any damage to giant guards.

    8. Said screw this and created sorceror and later a Pyromancer.

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    weird things you assumed that made your game harder Empty Re: weird things you assumed that made your game harder

    Post by Sulfur Thu May 10, 2012 10:45 pm

    I thought the drake sword was a good weapon.

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    weird things you assumed that made your game harder Empty Re: weird things you assumed that made your game harder

    Post by FruitPunchNinja Thu May 10, 2012 10:58 pm

    my first playthrough was blind. i had learned from the little demons souls i played but not much. i ended up going to lvl20 before i even left undead burg all because i wanted to use the bksword. i had no idea what the benefit of humanity was. didnt understand how to backstab and parry for quite a bit of the playthrough. when i look back i have no idea how i didnt figure out how to backstab sooner. i never kindled bonfires. i spread my stats out like an idiot cause i wanted to try everything the second i found it. would i change anything about it, no.
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    weird things you assumed that made your game harder Empty Re: weird things you assumed that made your game harder

    Post by JoeBroski09 Fri May 11, 2012 1:53 am

    Started as a knight, killed the merchant on ACCIDENT before getting the bow, so no drake sword for me early on(I heard about it BEFORE release! BEFORE! I didn't evem watch any youtube videos!), killed Lautrec becuase I heard he was a pain in the butt later on in the game. Oh, and I believe I grabbed "divine blessing" as my gift, thinking it was something infinite or replenished at every bonfire or something. I had no idea where pyromancer flames came from. I upgraded a greataxe to +3 then a halberd to +3. Eventually got arrows for a bow and got my drake sword. I'd go back and forth between those. I though dodging was USELESS, mostly because I did NOT want to give up my knight armor. I put points into resistance, faith, dex, end, vit, str, etc. I think I raised faith in hopes to heal in the future, but never had enough souls on me to buy the miracles, mostly because I'd die on my way back to firelink. I didn't parry or backstab even though my friend showed me and told me it was super fun. I denied him saying "tanking is fun." Which it still is. (On my finally GOOD tank, I hate trying to parry qwyn. I got one off, couldn't get my 2nd one. I was going to 2 shot him) I didn't beat the game until recently, but it was my 7th or 8th character, and I could have beat him on 2 characters before. My first character I quit after my friend said Lautrec dropped good items if you killed him LATER rather than SOONER. I then made a pyromancer based of intelligence. Then I made ONE more character, then moved on. Now I'm back, and here's a wiki! Whoo!
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    weird things you assumed that made your game harder Empty Re: weird things you assumed that made your game harder

    Post by Rynn Fri May 11, 2012 2:02 am

    Btw, with the divine blessing one.
    I was so mad to hear they didn't replenish. I thought the gifts were unique, un-attainable items that only that char would have access to, thusforth making a sort of 'subclass' based on your gift...
    It would have been cool, especially since it would have made a 'hard choice' inbetween blessings and the master key.
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    weird things you assumed that made your game harder Empty Re: weird things you assumed that made your game harder

    Post by JoeBroski09 Fri May 11, 2012 2:06 am

    I actually almost chose the pendant. I was like "There's gottah be SOMETHING about it. I really want that." and my friend, who was on the xbox sitting next to me said "The developers of this game are serious, I doubt it really does anything." So I chose divine blessing, and he chose a thief and divine blessing.

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    weird things you assumed that made your game harder Empty Re: weird things you assumed that made your game harder

    Post by ALENAH Sun May 13, 2012 6:15 pm

    Glutebrah wrote:
    ALENAH wrote:That the Black Knight Sword must be the best sword because it has the highest starting stats.

    that sword made the game a joke for me, lol i finally decided to upgrade a weapon when i got it make it +4 and literally just tank spanked every boss with it. (except gywn and S&O) but Seath/Nito/Sif/4 kings were all tank and spanks, 2 handed sword charge them and starting mashing R1 beat all 4 of them first try.

    Yeah, two-handed R1 spam is almost too easy.

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    weird things you assumed that made your game harder Empty Re: weird things you assumed that made your game harder

    Post by Yarxov Sun May 13, 2012 9:10 pm

    -Split my stat investments and had no plan at all.
    -Never upgraded my armor
    -Never upgraded my shield

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    weird things you assumed that made your game harder Empty Re: weird things you assumed that made your game harder

    Post by BoilerFan8472 Mon May 14, 2012 12:41 am

    Thought that the developers would never put a dragon on a bridge again. I sat there for a good 5 minutes thinking demon's souls before I crossed that bridge.Horrible flashbacks then started...
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    weird things you assumed that made your game harder Empty Re: weird things you assumed that made your game harder

    Post by JoeBroski09 Mon May 14, 2012 12:49 am

    BoilerFan8472 wrote:Thought that the developers would never put a dragon on a bridge again. I sat there for a good 5 minutes thinking demon's souls before I crossed that bridge.Horrible flashbacks then started...

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