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    So...(Steam sale)


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    So...(Steam sale) Empty So...(Steam sale)

    Post by sinisterapathy Fri May 11, 2012 5:43 pm

    So...Skyrim is on sale on Steam for 40$...i am seriously considering buying it. I already own it on xbox but ive seen some AMAZING mods on youtube that make me want it.

    Only problem is my crappy dual core processor...which surpasses the minimum by about .8ghz(min is 2.0 dual) but im still worried about having fps issues.

    It comes with creation kit which means i could try my hand at making mod which sounds very interesting. Though i have no experiance with making mods im sure i could learn.

    So im mainly posting this cause i figure some of you may like to know of the sale. I would also like opinions on PC version as well if anyone has it. If you do please post specs and general description of how well it runs.

    Geforce GT 430 1GB
    AMD athlon II X2 2.8ghz
    4gb ddr3 ram
    win7 64 bit

    I know most of you dont play on PC though(or dislike Skyrim) so im not expecting any replies lol

    The sale ends may 14th FYI

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    So...(Steam sale) Empty Re: So...(Steam sale)

    Post by KomradDakka Fri May 11, 2012 6:12 pm

    I played a Pirated version on the PC (i own The PS version now) and from my previous experience with all the elder scrolls games (and fallout 3 and vegas) is that lag is gonna be an issue. for most part its the game, i still cant get into Markarth without my fps chugging like a choo choo train.

    Edit: thanks for the heads up on the sale broski.

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    So...(Steam sale) Empty Re: So...(Steam sale)

    Post by sinisterapathy Fri May 11, 2012 6:57 pm

    I havent played a pirated game since i was like 14 but as i recall they tend to have more issues than legit.

    lol funny thing i think that game was Morrwind...ran like crap...bought it ran fine.

    edit: NP broseph
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    So...(Steam sale) Empty Re: So...(Steam sale)

    Post by Serious_Much Fri May 11, 2012 8:19 pm

    $40 is a sale? wow you're getting ripped off for games, I thought it was bad over here!

    I'm kinda doubting those base computer requirements... You think how buggy the game is on a console which supposedly has 4Ghz worth of processor... You're gonna be running it on the **** quality ever if you do get it.

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    So...(Steam sale) Empty Re: So...(Steam sale)

    Post by sinisterapathy Fri May 11, 2012 8:53 pm are usually $60 new. England right? 1 British pound sterling = 1.6072 US dollar. How much you pay for a new game?

    Dont feel bad for us though feel bad for Australia they pay around $120USD for a new one.

    Also Xbox is 3.2ghz and its outdated...its not all about ghz you also have to take into account cores and various other things. My 2.8 is probably better or as good as than the 360s 3.2.

    yeah i will have to run it on low-med but that will about the same as xbox...maybe a little worse which doesnt bother me as long as i dont have frame rate issues.
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    So...(Steam sale) Empty Re: So...(Steam sale)

    Post by Serious_Much Fri May 11, 2012 9:02 pm

    Well new game let me see... I don't. silly I just get preowned now, I can't afford to spend that much money on a game really.

    You get them for about £40-45 in shops normally depending on the game (AAA are more expensive naturally)

    And I see, I just based it off the number usually, but to be honest you'll probably have bad framerate issues if you put it on high quality, also I don't get why you'd spend $40 just so you can put in some mods you'll use for a few hours before getting bored of them :|

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    So...(Steam sale) Empty Re: So...(Steam sale)

    Post by sinisterapathy Fri May 11, 2012 9:44 pm

    Because the mods are effing awesome plus i can make my own if i get bored silly

    They already add new areas and new quests..soon there will be some that are as big as an expansion. There is already one that adds elswyr though its not finished yet it has new monsters NPCs they are even adding voices.

    Also i love TES so ill probably put far more than a few hours into it.

    Besides i've wasted far more than 40$ because of fleeting moments of

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    So...(Steam sale) Empty Re: So...(Steam sale)

    Post by WarriorOfSunlight Sat May 12, 2012 6:55 am

    Yeah Low to Medium you'll be fine. Framerate will be better than on a console, although that wouldn't be very hard.

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    So...(Steam sale) Empty Re: So...(Steam sale)

    Post by KomradDakka Sat May 12, 2012 11:51 pm


    I'm buying it.

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