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    I found a secret ledge in the forest!


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    I found a secret ledge in the forest! Empty I found a secret ledge in the forest!

    Post by Shkar Sun May 13, 2012 2:11 am

    Well, it's not USEFUL, but it's there! If you look off the bridge leading from Alvina's building to the mushroom island, looking toward the jump from teh Archer to the same mushroom area, you can see a rock just the river, way down low.

    You can stand on that. I fell off the edge while Forest Hunting and was surprised as all hell when I lived. I'll try to post some pictures tomorrow.
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    I found a secret ledge in the forest! Empty Re: I found a secret ledge in the forest!

    Post by Carphil Sun May 13, 2012 2:13 am

    That would be a great way to troll invaders. Just stand there shooting arrows and pray so that they don't pull out a dragonslayer bow
    Duke's Archivist
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    I found a secret ledge in the forest! Empty Re: I found a secret ledge in the forest!

    Post by DoughGuy Sun May 13, 2012 2:14 am

    Did you hit the wall to test if its an illusion?

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    I found a secret ledge in the forest! Empty Re: I found a secret ledge in the forest!

    Post by Shkar Sun May 13, 2012 2:14 am

    Carphil wrote:That would be a great way to troll invaders. Just stand there shooting arrows and pray so that they don't pull out a dragonslayer bow

    It's low enough that the only places you would be able to hit them are on the bridge and one or two places on the mushroom side.

    DoughGuy wrote:Did you hit the wall to test if its an illusion?

    The rock slopes up, so I couldn't really get that close, but I didn't try too hard, I was trying to snap a few photos on my phone. The host dropped down a few prism stones and they didn't shriek, and since I landed down there on a level 12 you can easily survive the fall.

    That being said, the rock seemed kind of transparent in some places, so I'm guessing it isn't intentionally there.
    Chosen Undead
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    I found a secret ledge in the forest! Empty Re: I found a secret ledge in the forest!

    Post by PlasticandRage Sun May 13, 2012 2:17 am

    I accidentally knocked the female hunter with the Pharis equips onto that once and she survived. Tried to shoot me with arrows for a few minutes from it and then backed off of it to her death.

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    I found a secret ledge in the forest! Empty Re: I found a secret ledge in the forest!

    Post by Shkar Mon May 14, 2012 1:58 am

    Ok, so I have a few pictures here from when I fell down if anybody wants to experiment with it:

    from the rock itself:


    Looking straight down at it:


    Looking at the jump for perspective (rock is in lower right):


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    I found a secret ledge in the forest! Empty Re: I found a secret ledge in the forest!

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