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    Achievement/Upgrade question


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    Achievement/Upgrade question Empty Achievement/Upgrade question

    Post by Akatik Mon May 14, 2012 12:21 pm

    I just realized I never made a +5 crystal weapon. I'd like to do it for the achievement, but I'd hate to waste one of the valuable slabs on it. Can you, on the upgrade screen, take a +4 to a +5 to pop the achievement and then quit before leaving the screen so you get to keep your slab?

    When does the achievement pop?
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    Achievement/Upgrade question Empty Re: Achievement/Upgrade question

    Post by Serious_Much Mon May 14, 2012 12:29 pm

    It takes a couple of seconds to have it, I dunno why you're so vexed about the idea though, the difference between +14/15 or +4/5 lightning is pretty small, it's not worth worrying about in my opinion.

    Do it on a build that uses buffs or weapons from different upgrade path, that way it wont matter at all

    Last edited by Serious_Much on Mon May 14, 2012 12:33 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden

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    Achievement/Upgrade question Empty Re: Achievement/Upgrade question

    Post by RANT Mon May 14, 2012 12:30 pm

    just do it on a build yoi dont really care for or dont use anymore, thats what i did.

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    Achievement/Upgrade question Empty Re: Achievement/Upgrade question

    Post by Akatik Mon May 14, 2012 12:34 pm

    K, thanks guys.

    I'll figure something out.

    How many slabs do you normally get throughout the game? 1 from Seigmeyer, one from the Stray, and maybe 1-2 from the crystal lizards in the Hollow?

    I actually don't think I'll need to worry about it since I should have enough Slabs. I need three for my build.
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    Achievement/Upgrade question Empty Re: Achievement/Upgrade question

    Post by Serious_Much Mon May 14, 2012 12:42 pm

    Well, I usually get one from the Demon and leave it at that, I never bother doing anything than getting a +15 weapon, and armour to +10 I feel isn't worth the effort to get another slab.

    But depends on how set you are on giving your build the extra 20 or so damage or 10 defence that slab would yield.

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    Achievement/Upgrade question Empty Re: Achievement/Upgrade question

    Post by Akatik Mon May 14, 2012 1:11 pm

    I just need to get my Iaito and Wanderer's Coat to max level. So I guess I'll sacrifice the Wanderer's coat unless I get a third Slab.

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