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exod FEAR
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    Sons of Witches

    exod FEAR
    exod FEAR

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    Sons of Witches Empty Sons of Witches

    Post by exod FEAR Mon May 21, 2012 10:11 pm

    This Covenant is Under Construction!

    It's come to my attention that people infected with an egghead can use a "maggot attack" using what is usually a kick to infect players in pvp.

    This is a covenant dedicated to the spreading of The Fair Lady's masterpiece.
    All members must be a dedicated egghead and use pyromancy and fire based weapons as their primary form of combat. It is expected that you use an ascended +5 flame, and a chaos/fire weapon. You may also use a normally upgraded weapon, buffed woth a charcoal resin. If you do not have access to something you desire, our fair lady will be able to supply just about anything.
    All I ask if for your utmost dedication to our fair lady.

    Now you must have realized that as chaos servants there is no direct way to invade. That is why the Sons of Witches have affiliated themselves with the darkwraiths.
    We shall invade using the majestic Sons of Witches 3378427106 with the sole purpose of infecting others, even in death, an infection is considered a victory.

    If you kill an honorable opponent, be sure to Bow or Prostration . If they fought without honor please give them a Look Skyward . Also, feel free to show your victims the way to enlightenment by pointing them here, this is how we will increase our numbers. If they decline, then wish them luck in finding an egg vermifuge. Sadly, the retched vermifuge are plentiful...

    This is the a rough draft for the ranking system.
    I will be tweaking the names and amount of rankings
    If you have suggestions for rank titles, please share!

    -Chieftain of the Infection
    (2 players, 1 XBOX, 1 PS3)

    -Overseer of the Eggs
    No more than 4 people may have this rank. They are the Chieftains' right-hand men. They share power with the Chieftains.

    Assigned 3-5 Hunters/or lower to manage.
    Passing the bar guarantees a title and a permanent position in the establishment... Welcome Son, you have arrived.

    -------------------(Test of might required to pass Bar)---------------

    -Brother of Chaos
    Assigned 2-4 familiars/spreaders to manage.

    -Hunter of the Poison Swamp/Demon Ruins/Izalith
    * dependent on preferred invading area.
    Elite Fighter

    -Infection Spreader
    Proven Combatant

    Foot Soldier

    Your infection has caused those around you to resent you. As an outcast you turn to us, here the infection is celebrated ;and you, are welcomed.
    Tryout with UnderBoss or higher to prove loyalty before promotion (necessary)

    My plan is to have many ranks and have it be easy(ish) to rank up. Anyone who is interested in putting time in into it will be promoted promptly, and anyone displaying unequaled styles or talents will be given a unique title.
    Examples of titles:
    -Lasher, light poise, whip
    -Behemoth, high poise, great club/axe
    -Shambler, med poise, fist weapons
    -Chosen One, dual flames

    I only came up with this concept today, I am looking forward to getting feedback and HOPEFULLY applicants.

    I'd also like to mention, when we have enough people I will be hosting fight clubs (covenant members as well as anyone who would like to join), I will also be planning mass invasions.

    I welcome I wide range of Soul Levels, but it is preferred that you stay near pvp ranges to maximize infection rates. SL 80 or 120 for example.

    I will be coming up with a ranking/title system shortly and those who deem themselves worthy of higher ranks need only ask for a tryout where you shall enter the kiln or forest with a higher ranking official. This is where you must prove your worth by fending off AND infecting a series of invaders.

    Lastly, I have an XBOX, so I will be in charge of managing the 360 Sons, but in time I will promote a trustworthy PS3 player to be the Chieftain of the PS3 Infection.

    That's all I've got for now, this idea is still pretty fresh and it's the first time I'm doing anything like this.
    I appreciate any feedback!

    and if you've read this far, THANK YOU for your time Proper Bow

    Last edited by exod FEAR on Tue May 22, 2012 12:32 pm; edited 7 times in total
    exod FEAR
    exod FEAR

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    Sons of Witches Empty Re: Sons of Witches

    Post by exod FEAR Mon May 21, 2012 10:26 pm

    This is the build I am currently using

    I will most likely be moving up to the SL 120 range shortly.

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    Sons of Witches Empty Re: Sons of Witches

    Post by Leeroy_Jenkins Tue May 22, 2012 12:34 am

    This sounds like an awesome cov sadly I'm on the ps3 and my internet allows minimum online play but kudos on the sweet idea.
    exod FEAR
    exod FEAR

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    Sons of Witches Empty Re: Sons of Witches

    Post by exod FEAR Tue May 22, 2012 12:44 am

    Thanks man!

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    Sons of Witches Empty Re: Sons of Witches

    Post by SunlightCrusader Tue May 22, 2012 12:46 am

    Making a covenant is easy; marketing it is the difficult part.

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    Sons of Witches Empty Re: Sons of Witches

    Post by ithunktwice Tue May 22, 2012 1:15 am

    This sounds super fun! (btw I JUST made an account and this is my first post)

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    Sons of Witches Empty Re: Sons of Witches

    Post by Leeroy_Jenkins Tue May 22, 2012 1:19 am

    I'm a noob to the forum too.

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    Sons of Witches Empty Re: Sons of Witches

    Post by ithunktwice Tue May 22, 2012 1:37 am This is my counter-forest farmer build I'm working on. I think it could work for this covenant... any suggestions? Also I'm on PS3 so I could possibly help in that area.

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    Sons of Witches Empty Re: Sons of Witches

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Tue May 22, 2012 2:08 am

    This is probably the most unique one here at the momment. I like your concept very much
    exod FEAR
    exod FEAR

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    Sons of Witches Empty Re: Sons of Witches

    Post by exod FEAR Tue May 22, 2012 2:12 am

    Welcome to the forums! I'm relatively new as well :/ your build seems effective, I don't have any criticism for it. Aside from the missing egghead of course!

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    Sons of Witches Empty Re: Sons of Witches

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Tue May 22, 2012 6:02 am

    May a vet of the forums extend his hand of welcome to you fellas?

    In any case welcome one and all. The guys you'll find on here are some of the most helpful, skilled, and down right funny people I've never met.

    And I'm the best of them all.... well maybe thats Tolvo but still I'm pretty co..... uh funn..... nope, skille..... no, damn well you get the idea.

    Last edited by ViralEnsign_ on Tue May 22, 2012 6:19 am; edited 1 time in total
    Duke's Archivist
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    Sons of Witches Empty Re: Sons of Witches

    Post by DoughGuy Tue May 22, 2012 6:07 am

    Just to let you know try to get a PS3 leader early. Especially if you put in a ranking system. Its hard for non xbox members to level up if you dont have a PS3 leader. You could even ask the PS3 leader of the Izalith followers to step in to help you out since your covs are so closely related.
    Also I'm much cooler than Viral, I fight giants spiders and dingo hoards for a living.

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    Sons of Witches Empty Re: Sons of Witches

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Tue May 22, 2012 6:09 am

    And still fail... remember all those people who get dragged out into the Outback by those pesky dingos?


    I fight not simply animals of the feral pursuasion, the Port Hills Panther, but distasters of the natural kind. Earthquakes are nothing to me!

    Last edited by ViralEnsign_ on Tue May 22, 2012 6:19 am; edited 1 time in total
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    Sons of Witches Empty Re: Sons of Witches

    Post by DoughGuy Tue May 22, 2012 6:14 am

    lol I ill not tarnish my reputation by advertising my cov in another covs thread ... again. Anyway to not derail this too much a couple of things. Why look sjyward or prostration after kiling an hourable fighter? I couls see those being misunderstood occasionally. Simply bowing after each fight is enough. What ideas do you have for rank names, levelling up in ranks and how many ranks there are? Finally I would suggest making this only a temporary thread. Stick "(under construction)" in the title so people know you're not finished and then once you;ve got the covenant fairly well down make a new official thread.

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    Sons of Witches Empty Re: Sons of Witches

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Tue May 22, 2012 6:20 am

    In good faith I remove all mention of other UC's from my posts and say to you this. What SL would you want us at? If you even want an SL to operate at. I could make a Parish Infecter quite easily.
    exod FEAR
    exod FEAR

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    Sons of Witches Empty Re: Sons of Witches

    Post by exod FEAR Tue May 22, 2012 10:49 am

    Either SL 80 or 120. Id like to have some of both.
    exod FEAR
    exod FEAR

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    Sons of Witches Empty Re: Sons of Witches

    Post by exod FEAR Tue May 22, 2012 11:21 am

    DoughGuy wrote: Why look sjyward or prostration after kiling an hourable fighter? I couls see those being misunderstood occasionally. Simply bowing after each fight is enough. What ideas do you have for rank names, levelling up in ranks and how many ranks there are?

    Maybe I worded it awkwardly but I meant to say bow or prostration for an honorable fight, and look skyward for dishonorable.

    I'd like to have a ranking system that coincides with the common mafia organization:

    -Don (2 players, 1 XBOX, 1 PS3)
    -Boss (highest 5%, no more than 4 people may have this rank)
    -UnderBoss (next 5%. Assigned 3-5 Capo and lower to manage.
    -Capo (15%. Assigned 2-4 associates/soldiers to mentor/manage.
    -Associate (next 20%
    -Soldier (next 35%)
    -Outsider (first 20%. Tryout with UnderBoss or higher to prove loyalty before promotion)

    I have yet to come up with fun/relevant versions. But my plan is to have many ranks and have it be easy(ish) to rank up. Anyone who is interested in putting time in into it will be able to become a Under/Boss, and anyone displaying unequaled styles or talents will be given a unique title.
    If anyone has suggestions for Infection-like versions of the titles above please help me!

    EDIT: please look at the first post, I made an updated version. Let me know what you think big grin

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    Sons of Witches Empty Re: Sons of Witches

    Post by Rin Tue May 22, 2012 12:09 pm

    lol 1 thing i have an egghead toon at stage 2 that has collected bout 500k souls and i sumtimes *** bout with the maggot attack and it dosent realy spread i once egghead my m8 like 50 times n nothin happened im 99% sure the spreading thing is a mith...sorry :|
    exod FEAR
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    Sons of Witches Empty Re: Sons of Witches

    Post by exod FEAR Tue May 22, 2012 2:06 pm

    Well that's unfortunate. I will still be working on this covenant though. I think it's fun and hopefully others will too. I guess we will just focus on having fight clubs and mass invasions then happy
    exod FEAR
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    Sons of Witches Empty Re: Sons of Witches

    Post by exod FEAR Wed May 23, 2012 11:03 am

    I'm just going to bump this... Looking for recruits!

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    Sons of Witches Empty Re: Sons of Witches

    Post by Leeroy_Jenkins Wed May 23, 2012 9:37 pm

    Rin wrote:lol 1 thing i have an egghead toon at stage 2 that has collected bout 500k souls and i sumtimes *** bout with the maggot attack and it dosent realy spread i once egghead my m8 like 50 times n nothin happened im 99% sure the spreading thing is a mith...sorry :|

    Doesn't it take some time for the egghead to grow once they're infected... so there wouldn't be anyway to tell if they got infected unless they pm you later.
    exod FEAR
    exod FEAR

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    Sons of Witches Empty Re: Sons of Witches

    Post by exod FEAR Wed May 23, 2012 11:27 pm

    Haha yeah, just message them ten minutes later... "Hey, sort of awkward but did I deform your face?"

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    Sons of Witches Empty Re: Sons of Witches

    Post by Leeroy_Jenkins Wed May 23, 2012 11:38 pm

    I would suggest trying it to see if it works first hand that seems like the best way to find out.
    exod FEAR
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    Sons of Witches Empty Re: Sons of Witches

    Post by exod FEAR Thu May 24, 2012 1:03 am

    Yeah, but whether or not it works I'd still like to go through with it. I'll hold fightclubs and tournaments regularly, egghead mandatory!

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    Sons of Witches Empty Re: Sons of Witches

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Thu May 24, 2012 3:12 am

    Lol your theme song could be a varient of Extraterrestrial (god I hate this song)

    "Kiss me, K-k-kiss me (this is when you get then with the maggot attack)

    Infect me with your egg head"

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