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    Sen's Fortress Cage Elevator


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    Sen's Fortress Cage Elevator Empty Sen's Fortress Cage Elevator

    Post by Elevander Tue May 22, 2012 4:11 pm

    If this is known/has been stated before, my sincere apologies!

    When following the pathway parallel to the rock giant and taking a right, there are two cages in the middle of the room suspended over a pit, the left one can be unlocked and then ridden down like an elevator (it drops you off on the walkway that has the first set of swinging blades).
    Once activated, the effect seems permanent, thus creating an easy shortcut to bypass the blades/boulders section of the fortress.

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    Sen's Fortress Cage Elevator Empty Re: Sen's Fortress Cage Elevator

    Post by Kaminari Tue May 22, 2012 4:14 pm

    welcome to the forums!
    I think this is pretty well known and I also think it is on the wiki, but nothing wrong with spreading the word, there can always be people who have missed it happy

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    Sen's Fortress Cage Elevator Empty Re: Sen's Fortress Cage Elevator

    Post by Elevander Tue May 22, 2012 4:19 pm

    Wow, yeah, just went to reread that section, and somehow I skipped over the whole paragraph mentioning that and how to get to the rock giant, now I feel like a dunce lol I found it strange not remembering reading about that, seemed somewhat obvious lol!

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    Sen's Fortress Cage Elevator Empty Re: Sen's Fortress Cage Elevator

    Post by Elevander Tue May 22, 2012 4:21 pm

    Oh, and thanks for the welcome happy

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    Sen's Fortress Cage Elevator Empty Re: Sen's Fortress Cage Elevator

    Post by Kaminari Tue May 22, 2012 4:32 pm

    Np, enjoy your stay, the more people we get here the merrier, are you on xbox or psn?happy

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    Sen's Fortress Cage Elevator Empty Re: Sen's Fortress Cage Elevator

    Post by Elevander Tue May 22, 2012 4:44 pm

    Xbox, but I'm playing offline, 'cuz we have a a crappy router, so I keep getting booted off of online play (and getting the "not properly quit" message, which I'd rather avoid, knowing it can potentially corrupt my save data); and my wife keeps getting booted off of Diablo, so I know it's not my game disc or 360 f'ing up.

    *sigh* The woes of modern technology...

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    Sen's Fortress Cage Elevator Empty Re: Sen's Fortress Cage Elevator

    Post by Kaminari Tue May 22, 2012 4:56 pm

    feel free to messagem e if you ever start playing online, I'm also on xbox happy

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    Sen's Fortress Cage Elevator Empty Re: Sen's Fortress Cage Elevator

    Post by Elevander Tue May 22, 2012 4:59 pm

    If I ever do, I just might happy Going to go NG++ or +++ before I try to go online, so I can say I fully enjoyed the solo part of the game in case my data gets corrupted after all.
    Demon Slayer
    Demon Slayer

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    Sen's Fortress Cage Elevator Empty Re: Sen's Fortress Cage Elevator

    Post by Demon Slayer Tue May 22, 2012 5:06 pm

    i,m on psn but although that we can talk by messages or by chat but i give the welcome to the forums have meeting people doing friends things like that have fun good luck

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    Sen's Fortress Cage Elevator Empty Re: Sen's Fortress Cage Elevator

    Post by SlakeMoth Wed May 23, 2012 1:43 pm

    Hello & welcome. Did know about the elevator as a matter of fact. It's very handy. I just love the way it stops on the walkway right in front of a Serpent Guard though. Still it wouldn't be Dark Souls if things were too easy. I've found that's it's easier to cast Fall Control and equip the Rusted Iron Ring than try to fight it on the walkway. Just leap off and leg it as quick as you can to the ladder in the top right corner but watch out for the lightning attacks from the Serpent Mages on the ledge above.

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    Sen's Fortress Cage Elevator Empty Re: Sen's Fortress Cage Elevator

    Post by Bioraptor Wed May 23, 2012 3:15 pm

    Kaminari wrote:welcome to the forums!
    I think this is pretty well known and I also think it is on the wiki, but nothing wrong with spreading the word, there can always be people who have missed it happy

    I am glad he did,I consider myself a bit of a buff on Dark Souls knowledge.
    I did not know this.

    So kudos to you OP for making me a little bit wiser.

    Thank you......

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    Sen's Fortress Cage Elevator Empty Re: Sen's Fortress Cage Elevator

    Post by Bioraptor Wed May 23, 2012 3:18 pm

    Elevander wrote:Xbox, but I'm playing offline, 'cuz we have a a crappy router, so I keep getting booted off of online play (and getting the "not properly quit" message, which I'd rather avoid, knowing it can potentially corrupt my save data); and my wife keeps getting booted off of Diablo, so I know it's not my game disc or 360 f'ing up.

    *sigh* The woes of modern technology...

    If you do not mind me asking who is your ISP provider?.

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    Sen's Fortress Cage Elevator Empty Re: Sen's Fortress Cage Elevator

    Post by jjshowal Wed May 23, 2012 3:24 pm

    When I first found this shortcut out I was so relieved. Saves a lot of time and frustration. Welcome to the forum!

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    Sen's Fortress Cage Elevator Empty Re: Sen's Fortress Cage Elevator

    Post by Bioraptor Wed May 23, 2012 3:29 pm

    jjshowal wrote:When I first found this shortcut out I was so relieved. Saves a lot of time and frustration. Welcome to the forum!

    I can Imagen it does friend,this is such a relieve to find out.
    I usually do not have any trouble with Sen`s Fortress although you just never know,one day I may have a bag full of souls and make that wrong footing and fall to my death.
    Not now though as I have been shown the path so to speak.

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    Sen's Fortress Cage Elevator Empty Re: Sen's Fortress Cage Elevator

    Post by FruitPunchNinja Wed May 23, 2012 4:27 pm

    this is well known, its a shortcut. one time i had barely any health and went down to grab souls i dropped and one of the swinging axes hit the cage killing me.....i have had it knock up against the cage before and make a spark but never did it actually cause dmg to me. i was like :shock: :shock: 😢

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    Sen's Fortress Cage Elevator Empty Re: Sen's Fortress Cage Elevator

    Post by WorldSlayerPIKA Thu May 24, 2012 11:07 am

    Why didn't you say it earlier silly

    Hell, I am a good in searching things, but I missed this completely!!! I gotta tell my friends now since they don't now either 8)

    +1 for posting this at the right moment (for me)!

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    Sen's Fortress Cage Elevator Empty Re: Sen's Fortress Cage Elevator

    Post by Elevander Thu May 24, 2012 11:32 am

    Haha, seeing that I'm not the only one who missed that makes me feel slightly less like a dumbass for posting it lol And sorry if I don't reply real quickly, but I have two little ones running around, and between them, cooking, cleaning, etc, and actually playing DS, I don't always have the time to do more than glance at the new posts.

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    Sen's Fortress Cage Elevator Empty Re: Sen's Fortress Cage Elevator

    Post by Elevander Thu May 24, 2012 11:34 am

    Oh, and Bio, we use Charter, but hardwireing through the modem doesn't give me issues, just using the router does, but we have to many wireless laptops in the house to not use one.

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