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2 posters

    PSN, SL 109 -- WANT: Titanite Slab(s)/Demon Titanite HAVE: Lots of Red/White Titanite Slabs/Chunks rare weapons including Titanite Catch Poles


    Posts : 219
    Reputation : 6
    Join date : 2012-01-17
    Age : 36
    Location : Indianapolis

    PSN, SL 109 -- WANT: Titanite Slab(s)/Demon Titanite HAVE: Lots of Red/White Titanite Slabs/Chunks rare weapons including Titanite Catch Poles Empty PSN, SL 109 -- WANT: Titanite Slab(s)/Demon Titanite HAVE: Lots of Red/White Titanite Slabs/Chunks rare weapons including Titanite Catch Poles

    Post by jjshowal Mon Jan 30, 2012 12:52 pm

    Hey guys, I'm in need of some Titanite slabs and Demon Titanite for some upgrading. I have lots of red/white/blue titanite to trade as well as some hard weapons to come by. PM me on here or add me on PSN -- jjshowal if you want to trade.

    Posts : 1125
    Reputation : 32
    Join date : 2012-01-17
    Age : 45
    Location : Belgium,Antwerpen

    PSN, SL 109 -- WANT: Titanite Slab(s)/Demon Titanite HAVE: Lots of Red/White Titanite Slabs/Chunks rare weapons including Titanite Catch Poles Empty Re: PSN, SL 109 -- WANT: Titanite Slab(s)/Demon Titanite HAVE: Lots of Red/White Titanite Slabs/Chunks rare weapons including Titanite Catch Poles

    Post by GrEeNgObLiN Mon Jan 30, 2012 6:05 pm

    Witch sl and console

    Posts : 219
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    Join date : 2012-01-17
    Age : 36
    Location : Indianapolis

    PSN, SL 109 -- WANT: Titanite Slab(s)/Demon Titanite HAVE: Lots of Red/White Titanite Slabs/Chunks rare weapons including Titanite Catch Poles Empty Re: PSN, SL 109 -- WANT: Titanite Slab(s)/Demon Titanite HAVE: Lots of Red/White Titanite Slabs/Chunks rare weapons including Titanite Catch Poles

    Post by jjshowal Mon Jan 30, 2012 6:15 pm

    SL 109 on PS3, PSN - jjshowal

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    PSN, SL 109 -- WANT: Titanite Slab(s)/Demon Titanite HAVE: Lots of Red/White Titanite Slabs/Chunks rare weapons including Titanite Catch Poles Empty Re: PSN, SL 109 -- WANT: Titanite Slab(s)/Demon Titanite HAVE: Lots of Red/White Titanite Slabs/Chunks rare weapons including Titanite Catch Poles

    Post by Sponsored content

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