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    a build of strength and dex

    Demon Slayer
    Demon Slayer

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    a build of strength and dex  Empty a build of strength and dex

    Post by Demon Slayer Sun Jun 10, 2012 9:33 pm

    SL 120 Warrior

    Vit: 30
    Att: -
    End: 50
    Str: 50
    Dex: 35
    Res: -
    Int: -
    Fai: -

    R1: Quelaag's Furysword
    R2: Chaos Demon's Great Hammer
    L1: Grass Crest Shield
    L2: Chaos Claw

    Paladin Helm
    Balder Armor
    Eastern Gauntlets
    Knight Leggings

    Dark Wood Grain Ring
    Ring of Favor and Protection

    No Spells

    i accept any help that anyone can give me Praise the Sun
    hope you enjoy

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    a build of strength and dex  Empty Re: a build of strength and dex

    Post by Yarxov Sun Jun 10, 2012 9:40 pm

    Dont do Elemental AT ALL. Drop the Claw, and the Great hammer, nd Qualaags sword. None of those maximize on having 50/35 (which should be evened out to 45/40) Then you can use the C/C scaling weapons like SSS, Claymore +15, etc.

    And you can mix in pure Dex or Str weapons like Maces, Greatswords, Katanas.
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    Age : 29

    a build of strength and dex  Empty Re: a build of strength and dex

    Post by dancash1808 Sun Jun 10, 2012 9:44 pm

    vit 30
    end 50 (if you need it to wear your gear if not take one for dex and the rest for vit as many as can be spared down to 40)
    str 46
    dex 39
    and you want +15 weps with stats like those NOT CHAOS. i cannot emphasize this enough chaos is such a waste with those stats. (also isnt this the second time?)

    Posts : 2313
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    a build of strength and dex  Empty Re: a build of strength and dex

    Post by Yarxov Sun Jun 10, 2012 9:48 pm

    Yes it is. Also second time you post immediately after me and say similar things xD

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