SL 120 Warrior
Vit: 30
Att: -
End: 50
Str: 50
Dex: 35
Res: -
Int: -
Fai: -
R1: Quelaag's Furysword
R2: Chaos Demon's Great Hammer
L1: Grass Crest Shield
L2: Chaos Claw
Paladin Helm
Balder Armor
Eastern Gauntlets
Knight Leggings
Dark Wood Grain Ring
Ring of Favor and Protection
No Spells
i accept any help that anyone can give me
hope you enjoy
Vit: 30
Att: -
End: 50
Str: 50
Dex: 35
Res: -
Int: -
Fai: -
R1: Quelaag's Furysword
R2: Chaos Demon's Great Hammer
L1: Grass Crest Shield
L2: Chaos Claw
Paladin Helm
Balder Armor
Eastern Gauntlets
Knight Leggings
Dark Wood Grain Ring
Ring of Favor and Protection
No Spells
i accept any help that anyone can give me
hope you enjoy