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    That's right! Lore discussion on unreleased content. Possible spoiler

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    That's right!  Lore discussion on unreleased content.  Possible spoiler Empty That's right! Lore discussion on unreleased content. Possible spoiler

    Post by skarekrow13 Tue Jun 19, 2012 12:34 pm

    So I just read this article

    and it says that the goal is to travel back in time to Oolacile to save the kingdom. If this is true there are a few possibilities involving our existing lore ideas.

    The first is that Darkroot might still be connected to Oolacile but is NOT the land itself. How come? If we save the land it should fundamentally alter Darkroot for the rest of the playthrough which I'm not sure would be an easy DLC. In this event, Darkroot might be an extension or path to Oolacile instead. However, since they've hinted that the DLC will occur later in the game.....

    We have possibility number two. Oolacile IS Darkroot and changing the past occurs in all the fancy schmancy buidlings that have been released to this point. When we return to our time, Darkroot is now light and the trees have become Skarekrows (yeah that's right, they added me to the game and pluralized me), the Stone Knights are now intact or upgraded etc and a sizable chunk of DLC is not in the past.

    Theory three is that we only try to save Oolacile and fail, meaning both old and new can exist "as is" in one playthrough. This option fits the story well.

    Theory four is the copout and a mix of the above ones. Darkroot is only part of Oolacile so we go back in time, save the kingdom in the past, and come back to our time. However, past Oolacile decides that the spreading darkness is inevitable and isolates them bulk of their kingdom from the darkened areas meaning a. There's still no Oolacile in our time that we can access, b. Darkroot was the area that was sacrificed and is unchanged from our time travel fun and c. this would still make sense story wise but is the least interesting theory I have so far.
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    Post by Spurgun Tue Jun 19, 2012 12:52 pm

    I vote for theory number three.
    Question. Do you think that we will meet dusk in the past?
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    Post by skarekrow13 Tue Jun 19, 2012 12:57 pm

    I do. There's been articles where reps for the game indicated that there'd be a sequence to unlocking the new content rather than having things just handed right out. If that's the case and the trailer with the hand is accurate she could be a key. The hand looks like it spawns from the cave she is a crystal golem in so my guess (for right now at least) is since she already talks about her kingdom's plight and is local, she is one of the pieces needed to get going in the DLC. If that's the case, it would make sense to send you back to her time. However, it's possible she sends you back in time before or after she was there. She's supposed to be the last of her land I think but since she exists in our time that's a fairly bland assessment. It's theoretically possible you're in Old Oolacile even after she left since the screens to date seem deserted. In that event, saving the people would likely indicate an evacuation occurred (rather than all dead).
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    Post by Spurgun Tue Jun 19, 2012 1:03 pm

    I was the one who pointed out that the cave looked like dusks cave silly
    I am really interested in how artorias will fit into this. Will he be one of the destroyers of Oz or will he attack us because he thinks we are Oz’s enemy? Or is he just attacking us randomly?
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    Post by skarekrow13 Tue Jun 19, 2012 1:20 pm

    Everything so far has made him seem sinister. From the original game content my theory was that Artorias did turn his back on Gwyn but only because Gwyn had changed and was no longer the noble leader he once was. Artorias, with his unbendable will remained true to his nature as a noble knight. If my original theory is right it could mean he's trying to protect the land but is misguided perhaps. Something like he's a placeholder slowing the process but can't stop it and we need to get past him to really end the darkness. This would be part of the broader idea that Kaathe is intent on spreading the age of man and is therefore not "evil." Another option with Artorias being the "good guy" is that he is spreading Darkness aka the age of man and Oolacile is trying to stop him. So us saving Oolacile would be like linking the fire and continuing the age of the gods.

    The vibe I get though is that he's actually evil or sinister like I said which might just be a demonstration of how pervasive the evil has spread. It's so bad it even got Mr. Unbendable Will to turn evil.

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    That's right!  Lore discussion on unreleased content.  Possible spoiler Empty Re: That's right! Lore discussion on unreleased content. Possible spoiler

    Post by Shkar Tue Jun 19, 2012 1:49 pm

    I have a post in the background lore thread that has "proof" that fate exists in the game, based on a slight amount of DLC info and a lot of logic. Going off that, I think the closest theory of yours is #3.
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    Post by skarekrow13 Tue Jun 19, 2012 3:26 pm

    You're both right where I'm at in that option three seems to make the most sense without making wholesale changes to existing game content. Admittedly these are all wild assumptions based off of a sentence or two of unverified text I found today. In other words.....loads of fun!

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    Post by Jorund Tue Jun 19, 2012 8:32 pm

    I remember reading somewhere, in one of the articles that someone's posted before, that you need to have access to Duke's and Darkroot to access the DLC. I'll see if I can find that thread/link.
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    Post by skarekrow13 Tue Jun 19, 2012 8:36 pm

    I think I saw that too. Someone posted a link here I think. If that's true there might be a more concrete link between Seath and Oolacile

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    Post by Jorund Tue Jun 19, 2012 8:38 pm

    I remember someone starting a topic about Pricilla being the offspring of Dusk and Seath. Dunno the credibility of that theory itself, but I really am interested in seeing if there is a more concrete connection to the two.

    How does Seath choose who he puts into golden crystals?
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    That's right!  Lore discussion on unreleased content.  Possible spoiler Empty Re: That's right! Lore discussion on unreleased content. Possible spoiler

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Tue Jun 19, 2012 8:52 pm

    From what I've seen and heard Theory #3 seems the likeliest, that being said, however, if I could I would love to be able to save Oolacile.

    Didn't Miyazaki (or some other higher-up at From) say that there won't be anyone living in Oolacile when we get to visit it?
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    That's right!  Lore discussion on unreleased content.  Possible spoiler Empty Re: That's right! Lore discussion on unreleased content. Possible spoiler

    Post by DoughGuy Tue Jun 19, 2012 9:26 pm

    "Artorias, with his unbendable will remained true to his nature as a noble knight."
    Yeah i can confirm he's still in my cov silly Sorry couldnt resist.
    Theory 3 is most likely but I also know this is FROM so expect something good.
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    Post by skarekrow13 Tue Jun 19, 2012 11:46 pm

    I assume they'll rock it no matter what. Can't wait. Oh boy oh boy oh boy!
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    That's right!  Lore discussion on unreleased content.  Possible spoiler Empty Re: That's right! Lore discussion on unreleased content. Possible spoiler

    Post by DoughGuy Wed Jun 20, 2012 12:34 am

    You just want your watering can silly
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    That's right!  Lore discussion on unreleased content.  Possible spoiler Empty Re: That's right! Lore discussion on unreleased content. Possible spoiler

    Post by skarekrow13 Wed Jun 20, 2012 1:05 am

    Not just. I also want to see my brethren trending the forests

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