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    May have found what the pendant does.


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    May have found what the pendant does. Empty May have found what the pendant does.

    Post by TheNeoReaper Thu Jun 21, 2012 4:38 am

    On my 2nd character I decided to pick the pendant. Well while in Anor Londo I dropped my white soapstone down for my brother to summon me(talking on bluetooth). So he summoned me but on my screen it said I was invading him. I thought meh a game glitch. When I actually appeared in his world I was a black phantom. Well I got this character up to my original character & transferred the pendant over. So I went to Dark Root Forrest & dropped my white soapstone down. Guess what same thing happened. This character has over 200hrs of gameplay & thats has never happened without the pendant

    Last edited by TheNeoReaper on Thu Jun 21, 2012 4:48 am; edited 1 time in total
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    May have found what the pendant does. Empty Re: May have found what the pendant does.

    Post by DoughGuy Thu Jun 21, 2012 4:39 am

    Im afraid we're going to need pics before we can acknowledge this is anything. And are you sure you were black? Not red or blue?

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    May have found what the pendant does. Empty Re: May have found what the pendant does.

    Post by WyrmHero Thu Jun 21, 2012 4:46 am

    This had happened to me too. It's a summon glitch.
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    May have found what the pendant does. Empty Re: May have found what the pendant does.

    Post by DoughGuy Thu Jun 21, 2012 4:47 am

    Wyrm are you sure you were a black phantom?

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    May have found what the pendant does. Empty Re: May have found what the pendant does.

    Post by WyrmHero Thu Jun 21, 2012 4:49 am

    Yeah black phantom = dark spirit (red).
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    May have found what the pendant does. Empty Re: May have found what the pendant does.

    Post by DoughGuy Thu Jun 21, 2012 4:50 am

    See I wanna know whether he meant black red or black black.

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    May have found what the pendant does. Empty Re: May have found what the pendant does.

    Post by TheNeoReaper Thu Jun 21, 2012 4:52 am

    Yes I was a black(red) phantom. I'll post pics or vids as soon as it happens again. Wasn't recording at the time. I would've been recording if I knew this was going to happen.

    Last edited by TheNeoReaper on Thu Jun 21, 2012 4:57 am; edited 1 time in total

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    May have found what the pendant does. Empty Re: May have found what the pendant does.

    Post by WyrmHero Thu Jun 21, 2012 4:53 am

    In Demon Souls, black phantoms were the red invaders. I don't know why they were called black instead of red. They had a blackish cool aura.

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    May have found what the pendant does. Empty Re: May have found what the pendant does.

    Post by DamageCK Thu Jun 21, 2012 9:50 am

    If this happened everytime, or even the majority, i'd accept it. And it would be awesome. Oh, trying to summon me for the gank, are you? GET **** ON. Hahaha.
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    May have found what the pendant does. Empty Re: May have found what the pendant does.

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Thu Jun 21, 2012 9:53 am

    It's happened to me before as well. It's a summoning glitch.

    For the record, Wikidot refers to red invaders as black phantoms as well.
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    May have found what the pendant does. Empty Re: May have found what the pendant does.

    Post by Serious_Much Thu Jun 21, 2012 9:58 am

    That's because in demons they were called black phantoms, but on dark souls they look a lot more red and lighter coloured so i call em red.

    yeah neo i think it's just part of the old summoning/invasion glitch. It's not anything to do with the pendant at all as it's not often enough.

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    May have found what the pendant does. Empty Re: May have found what the pendant does.

    Post by befowler Thu Jun 21, 2012 10:36 am

    I've experienced this bug too. I also have a coop character with a pendant that has had over 99 coop wins in Anor Londo (judging by the sunlight medals) and many more sessions and has never had it happen, so I don't think it involves the pendant.

    Basically, there's a slight chance that you can appear in someone else's game as anything other than what you were supposed to be. I've invaded via red orb and appeared as a white phantom, and cooped and appeared as a red phantom or even a DM. It's actually possible to get more than 2 friendly summons this way if an invader glitches and comes out friendly. I've beaten S&O with a team of host, 2 white phantoms, and 1 sunbro.

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    May have found what the pendant does. Empty Re: May have found what the pendant does.

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