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    Huge and horrible Glitch


    Posts : 2388
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    Join date : 2012-01-17
    Location : Eye of Terror

    Huge and horrible Glitch Empty Huge and horrible Glitch

    Post by ChizFreak Wed Feb 01, 2012 1:42 am

    At least for me, I'm Slvl 99 in NG+ and Reah doesn't appear anywhere. It seems that this bug is caused because I rang both bells without talking to Petrus. I read that the solution may be kill Capra Demon (I skipped him). I will try it and if it gets fixed I will post it in the wiki. I already have the Lordvessel and I was going to kill Nito when I didn't found Reah in ToG, and she never even appeared with her party at Firelink.

    EDIT: Also I have the bug that causes that Undead Parish and Undead Burg are always infected with BPs, even when offline.

    EDIT 2: Killing Capra Demon, and reloading the game 3 times, made Petrus appeared in Firelink telling me that he already lost his lady. So that is the solution

    Posts : 1658
    Reputation : 65
    Join date : 2012-01-22

    Huge and horrible Glitch Empty Re: Huge and horrible Glitch

    Post by bloodpixel Wed Feb 01, 2012 2:23 am

    Oh wait, you found the solution.

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