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    Summon Ranges?


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    Summon Ranges? Empty Summon Ranges?

    Post by Azran Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:05 am

    Is there any soul level guideline I should follow to get summoned in the game? Because I've got through the entire game without ever seeing a soul sign.

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    Summon Ranges? Empty Re: Summon Ranges?

    Post by Emergence Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:56 am

    Take your SL/10 then +/- 10.

    So if you are 120
    120/10=12 +/-10=22

    You can summon someone as low as 98 (120-22) to as high as 142 (120+22). This range increases as your SL increases.

    Take note that in that above scenario, the person at 98would not be able to summon the person at 120, because the 120 falls just above the high threshold. So for them to jolly coop the 120 has to be the host.

    In your case, though, the lack of signs you are seeing is likely due to a sparse game population.

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    Summon Ranges? Empty Re: Summon Ranges?

    Post by Argetlam350 Wed Jun 27, 2012 12:57 pm

    If you need help on what level range you can summon I suggest using this. But like Emergence said also, it could be due to the sparse game population. I've been only summoned once in my recent month return to the game, and haven't seen any summon signs anywhere.

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    Summon Ranges? Empty Re: Summon Ranges?

    Post by Azran Wed Jun 27, 2012 1:11 pm

    Uh, my fault for not beign more specific. silly

    What I meant to write was; is it like DkS where, for example, you'd have more chances of getting summoned at LVL60 in Anor Londo than LVL1? Are there any recommended SL ranges to be summoned in certain worlds? The non-linearity of the game kind of makes it difficult to guess.

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    Summon Ranges? Empty Re: Summon Ranges?

    Post by Emergence Wed Jun 27, 2012 3:09 pm

    No, it is much more spread out. You would tend to find higher levels in Defilement, and some end game boards like 1-4. But other than that, everyone is everywhere.

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    Summon Ranges? Empty Re: Summon Ranges?

    Post by Doelker Thu Jun 28, 2012 1:19 pm

    I returned to Demon's las week and started a new build. I am currently SL32 and between the last two days I've been summoned to help with the flamelurker at least 7 times.
    Spiderdemon 5 and Tower Knight 2.

    I am not sure what version of the game I'm playing, I guess it is the american, but I tend to se a lot of gohsts all around.

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