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    The quickest way to beat a boss you've been unable to beat!!!


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    The quickest way to beat a boss you've been unable to beat!!! Empty The quickest way to beat a boss you've been unable to beat!!!

    Post by Gunny1963 Thu Jun 28, 2012 9:55 pm

    Turn off the damned sound!!!! I found myself playing with my heart beating so fast I could feel it in my throat and was getting hyper and realized the intense music was helping that. So, I turned off my receiver and DEATH! Killed the Demon Firesage the very first run thru without sound. This after three horrible runs.

    Then promptly killed the Centipede Demon the second run thru. Woulda got him the first if I didn't try moving to the side and shooting arrows at him while he was smoking Solaire. Hey, had to try something new cuz I thought it might be fun. NOT. lol

    NG++ is fun so far but I haven't faced Gwyn again. NOT looking forward to him.

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    The quickest way to beat a boss you've been unable to beat!!! Empty Re: The quickest way to beat a boss you've been unable to beat!!!

    Post by Owl Thu Jun 28, 2012 10:01 pm

    I don't know, man.

    I'm sure there is something to your theory but I think the adrenaline probably helps me. When I mute any game (difficult or not) I feel like I'm missing something.

    When the game is exceptionally difficult, I get a similar feeling to driving with headphones on. It seems like I'm missing something that could be potentially dangerous.

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    The quickest way to beat a boss you've been unable to beat!!! Empty Re: The quickest way to beat a boss you've been unable to beat!!!

    Post by Hahalo Fri Jun 29, 2012 3:12 am

    I when and made my +5 lighting Zwei, and everything after was quite easy.

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    The quickest way to beat a boss you've been unable to beat!!! Empty Re: The quickest way to beat a boss you've been unable to beat!!!

    Post by bloodpixel Fri Jun 29, 2012 3:18 am

    When I put on my Longcoat, everything was quite easy.

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    The quickest way to beat a boss you've been unable to beat!!! Empty Re: The quickest way to beat a boss you've been unable to beat!!!

    Post by Azran Fri Jun 29, 2012 8:34 am

    Playing without music helps me too; the brain stops processing the sound into what I hear, and it focuses entirely on the gameplay.

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    The quickest way to beat a boss you've been unable to beat!!! Empty Re: The quickest way to beat a boss you've been unable to beat!!!

    Post by Gunny1963 Fri Jun 29, 2012 5:58 pm

    Yep! That's exactly what I mean. Screw the adrenaline. My heart is calm, my focus is solely on my task at hand with no outside distractions. Maybe if they didn't make it so intense I wouldn't mind but the deeper I get into the game the more the loud music pisses me off.
    Dark Spirit EliteBiker20
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    The quickest way to beat a boss you've been unable to beat!!! Empty Re: The quickest way to beat a boss you've been unable to beat!!!

    Post by Dark Spirit EliteBiker20 Fri Jun 29, 2012 9:46 pm

    music is no problem for me.... when you have beaten the game close to twenty times now, you sort of know whats coming to you and how to handle it..... on my main character, i am on my 5th run through and i easily beat the Four Kings by myself...... You just have to try different tactics and when you find one that works, keep using it.

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    The quickest way to beat a boss you've been unable to beat!!! Empty Re: The quickest way to beat a boss you've been unable to beat!!!

    Post by Gunny1963 Fri Jun 29, 2012 9:57 pm

    20??????? Amazing. Seriously man. You sound like me and Halo Reach. lol I'm a General. You know how many times you have to play to become a General????? hahahahaaaaaa

    I play offline and all by my lonesome. I bring in Solaire for the Centipede and Smough but that's it. Everything else is solo.

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    The quickest way to beat a boss you've been unable to beat!!! Empty Re: The quickest way to beat a boss you've been unable to beat!!!

    Post by BoilerFan8472 Fri Jun 29, 2012 10:03 pm

    I need the music. It gets in the mood to kill stuff lol. Without it I feel like I'm missing something important and start making mistakes. I also use the sounds of the boss's attacks to tell me what's happening when I can't see them instead of visuals.(I wanna say that I process audio before visual but I know that's not true)

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    The quickest way to beat a boss you've been unable to beat!!! Empty Re: The quickest way to beat a boss you've been unable to beat!!!

    Post by lordgodofhell Sat Jun 30, 2012 5:47 pm

    I could NEVER imagine facing ng7 Gwynn without that soothing sweet music. I don't agree with this. The music is a part of the challenge you're selling yourself short by muting it.

    The logical in game things to do in order to make boss fights simpler:

    1. Summon Help
    2. Level up
    3. Upgrade Weapons, Armor, raise poise

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    The quickest way to beat a boss you've been unable to beat!!! Empty Re: The quickest way to beat a boss you've been unable to beat!!!

    Post by Azran Sat Jun 30, 2012 6:19 pm

    But Gwyn's music is calm and soothing. It actually helps more than a frenetic beat.
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    The quickest way to beat a boss you've been unable to beat!!! Empty Re: The quickest way to beat a boss you've been unable to beat!!!

    Post by Spurgun Sat Jun 30, 2012 6:37 pm

    The first time you fight the taurus demon silly I was genuinely scared by the music.

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    The quickest way to beat a boss you've been unable to beat!!! Empty Re: The quickest way to beat a boss you've been unable to beat!!!

    Post by Gunny1963 Sun Jul 01, 2012 4:33 pm

    Maybe for you younguns but I don't need my heart racing. Though I kept it on this time around for Gwyn and I did get him right away. Funny I saved Solaire just for this fight and FORGOT I could use him! lol

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    The quickest way to beat a boss you've been unable to beat!!! Empty Re: The quickest way to beat a boss you've been unable to beat!!!

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