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    Solaire and Ornstein rivals?


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    Solaire and Ornstein rivals? Empty Solaire and Ornstein rivals?

    Post by Madara Tue Jul 03, 2012 9:32 pm

    Since there doesn't seem to be as much tantalizing discussion of innovative topics i thought i might introduce a new prospect to the many lore fans. This might be an idea people have already thought about but lets discuss it. We all know the theories surrounding Solaire being the firstborn. Where his covenant is based there is a broken statue with what looks like Ornsteins spear in one hand. I also noticed that every time i use solaire in the ornstein and smough fight no matter how hard i try to deflect him, solaire will always target Ornstein, its not that Ornstein is first to get close enough for the attack, i drag smough in his way and he somehow makes it to Ornstein, would this be possible proof of a rivalry between Gwyns captain of loyal knights and his first born, this rivalry having to do with that spear?
    Duke's Archivist
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    Solaire and Ornstein rivals? Empty Re: Solaire and Ornstein rivals?

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Tue Jul 03, 2012 9:35 pm

    I dunno. But I like that he goes at Orn first, allows me to take down Smough fast and painlessly.

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    Solaire and Ornstein rivals? Empty Re: Solaire and Ornstein rivals?

    Post by Madara Tue Jul 03, 2012 9:41 pm

    WhatDoesThePendantDo? wrote:I dunno. But I like that he goes at Orn first, allows me to take down Smough fast and painlessly.
    The thing is that sucks is that if you actually leave solaire to his business or if your weapon is weak, or you lack experience, he will take out Ornstein without difficulty meaning no Ornstein soul silly
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    Solaire and Ornstein rivals? Empty Re: Solaire and Ornstein rivals?

    Post by Tolvo Wed Jul 04, 2012 12:02 am

    He goes at whichever is closest to him, or has been attacking him. Ornstein charges so Solaire targets him first. If you pull O away from him and just leave S he'll target S.
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    Solaire and Ornstein rivals? Empty Re: Solaire and Ornstein rivals?

    Post by DoughGuy Wed Jul 04, 2012 2:38 am

    Just fought them. Solaire went for Ornstein at first but then switched to smough.
    Also bosses can 1 shot you. Or at least super smough can.

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    Solaire and Ornstein rivals? Empty Re: Solaire and Ornstein rivals?

    Post by TheLolrider Tue Nov 06, 2012 4:30 pm

    It would be an interesting idea, but it hinges on the idea that Solaire and Ornstein have some sort of shared history.

    However, I'd say that the problem is just simple AI.

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    Solaire and Ornstein rivals? Empty Re: Solaire and Ornstein rivals?

    Post by Shkar Tue Nov 06, 2012 8:28 pm

    Solaire can easily kill Ornstein? Funny, when I was first playing through I had to solo them because Solaire kept getting his *** wooped.

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    Solaire and Ornstein rivals? Empty Re: Solaire and Ornstein rivals?

    Post by BeeSeaEss Thu Nov 29, 2012 7:34 pm

    I don't know a lot about lore, but here's a shot. hope you like it. happy
    If you think about it, the sunlight covenant miracles are LIGHTNING. Ornstein's spear is a LIGHTNING spear that scales with FAITH(just like the sunbros miracles) my two theories:
    1. Solaire and Ornstein were both part of the sunlight covenant but Ornstein broke off, taking the "Sunlight Spear" with him. So Solaire wants to get it back and claim it for the sunbros. (could also explain why Ornstein's armor is GOLD)
    2. Ornstein took the sacred "sunlight spear" that the creator of the sunbros weilded when he died, and solaire wants to take it back from Ornstein, thinking that it is "rightfully" his.

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    Solaire and Ornstein rivals? Empty Re: Solaire and Ornstein rivals?

    Post by Ghadis_God Thu Nov 29, 2012 7:45 pm

    The spear on the stature resembles the DSS, but it has a solid blade at the tip instead of a spear point. It almost looks like a Broadsword was attached to the end of a DSS. Is it really hard to believe that the God of War was a spear user like Ornstein?

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    Solaire and Ornstein rivals? Empty Re: Solaire and Ornstein rivals?

    Post by BeeSeaEss Thu Nov 29, 2012 7:55 pm

    Ornstein may have made some modifications to it so he could use it more effectively, and that could have made solaire mad.

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    Solaire and Ornstein rivals? Empty Re: Solaire and Ornstein rivals?

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