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    need red titanite and slabs - xbox sl55 - resolved


    Posts : 51
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    Join date : 2012-06-26
    Age : 51
    Location : Brazil - Sao Paulo

    need red titanite and slabs - xbox sl55 - resolved Empty need red titanite and slabs - xbox sl55 - resolved

    Post by loklopez Sun Jul 15, 2012 12:07 pm

    Hi guys,

    I have a caracter on xbox soul level 55 placed to help people on annor londo, and i need red titanites and slabs to upgrade may weapons.

    I have others thinks to trade, boss souls, special weapons others titanite, and i have others caracters on diferent levels with others materials to trade if you want.
    others caracters that i can give others materials:
    SL 130
    SL 90 on this i have plenty of titanite slabs
    SL 70

    but the red and slabs titanite i need for the sl55

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