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    Silent Hill HD Collection / Downpour - Patch/tech issues

    ZikoLogiKa NL
    ZikoLogiKa NL

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    Silent Hill HD Collection / Downpour - Patch/tech issues Empty Silent Hill HD Collection / Downpour - Patch/tech issues

    Post by ZikoLogiKa NL Mon Jul 16, 2012 12:52 am

    According to the internet , a patch has recently been released on the 10th of July to fix several technical issues within Silent Hill HD Collection.

    I used to be a great fan of the series , and I believe I still am , but I decided not to buy Downpour when it was released because reviews & friends told me that there are terrible issues with frame drops sad

    I love good horror games but atmosphere is really important in those games , that actually means that the graphics are important (praise Dead Space 1 & 2 ) :pirat:

    Fortunately Konami announced a while ago they are looking into these issues , and patches will be released for both games.

    Im wondering if any of you forum-goers has experienced a noticable difference in framerate in the HD collection since the new patch has been released ?? :roll:

    And how bad was it , too you , in the first place ? :suspect:

    If so , I hope that that means they are still able to fix Downpour so I can still buy it in the futuree without hesitating too much :cyclops:

    I would also like to hear your opinions of SH Downpour's technical performance !

    Thanks in advance !

    Silent Hill HD Collection / Downpour - Patch/tech issues 639795459
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    Silent Hill HD Collection / Downpour - Patch/tech issues Empty Re: Silent Hill HD Collection / Downpour - Patch/tech issues

    Post by User Wed Jul 18, 2012 1:30 am

    I could never play Silent Hill 1... but I can play all the rest of them!

    Played number zero, one, downpour, and part of two... Would like to continue from two onwards. Gotta put it on my lsit of things to get in my box. Love the idea of Silent Hill, is very good at showing it. Of course, would be interesting to see someone who is a... resident, who interacts and affects many of those who come to Silent Hill for their 'enlightenment'.

    ZikoLogiKa NL
    ZikoLogiKa NL

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    Silent Hill HD Collection / Downpour - Patch/tech issues Empty Re: Silent Hill HD Collection / Downpour - Patch/tech issues

    Post by ZikoLogiKa NL Wed Jul 18, 2012 8:45 pm

    I played the eerie Silent Hill 1 on the PSX when I was younger and I loved it , I believe it was my first actual horror-game experience.

    No wait , I played an awesome horror game on PC called ''NOCTURNE '' before that.

    I also played all SHs on PS2 , all REs on gamecube , and both Forbidden Siren and Fatal Frame games on PS2.

    Played number zero, one, downpour ...

    How was Downpour for you man , was it still acceptable and enjoyable ?

    I played Silent Hill Homecoming , would you say Downpours technical performances are better or worse ? :roll:

    Im still on the fence and I really don't want to miss out on a great horrorgame , a mediocre one can be skipped though.
    Chosen Undead
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    Silent Hill HD Collection / Downpour - Patch/tech issues Empty Re: Silent Hill HD Collection / Downpour - Patch/tech issues

    Post by User Thu Jul 19, 2012 12:44 am

    Downpour is more... Free roam. It takes the aspect of town travel and adds, about, up to 15 'sub' missions, with the five main mission areas you go to in Downpour known as main (which are one way or another all related to the story and... Specific endings and even past lore). Silent hill has a good set of different psychological monsters (which I love with a passion, as they speak story in themselves), which are all challenging in themselves. If you watched the trailers, there are monsters that stun with screams, agile monsters, monsters that are stealthy and strong, somewhat invisible monsters, and so on. Although there are only actually two 'boss' monsters, if you look at the monsters and understand the story... They all make sense, and although may not be great compared to others they are good at what they represent, with both the main character and others.

    All weapons, even guns if used for melee, are vulnerable to break. They have many puzzles and items to find, most puzzles are secondary ('sub' missions). The best part? You can choose a separate difficulty for both the monsters and puzzles, so the types of players out there can be more satisfied, for those who prefer the puzzles and/or fighting.

    Downpour, although lacks done things that other silent games had that made them good, was still good none the less. Although they have no monsters that are of any other games (except in one endings out of... Six), nor any characters from other games that are primary (although a few that are from other silent products that were brought back, such as the mailman seen in the trailer), the game was a good game. Not a good sequel, but a good Silent Hill game; it is a game of its own, like many silent hills (1, 3, and shattered memories are the only true sequels, in my opinion... And silent hill zero).

    I recommend to reserve opinions when you actually reach the town... Takes a few missions to get to the city. Keep your mind open, your arm ready, and your balks tucked and secured. Not scary as Amnesia, but frights, surprise, and tension that Silent Hill was known for me was Leo away... Don't run out of weapons.
    Chosen Undead
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    Silent Hill HD Collection / Downpour - Patch/tech issues Empty Re: Silent Hill HD Collection / Downpour - Patch/tech issues

    Post by User Thu Jul 19, 2012 12:55 am

    I did not play silent hill homecoming, but I can say that the mechanics of silent hill zero and silent hill downpour is similar... Except the weapons and items used is changed for the more realistic path of... A lack of a backpack to hold 15 televisions, only able to hold A gun (that is right, one gun), and a melee weapon... Different flashlights and tools are there, and certain weapons can be used as a tool, such as an axe, harpoon, a shovel, and even a block of rock.

    Many mechanics of Silent Hill is still there... I don't remember the sane mechanic, but I think that you can save anywhere... I think, I don't remember that part, as I never really saved at all. I think it has an autosave which has many files, similar to Doom 3. Cons and Pros in different ways.

    You don't unlock costumes I think, but their are about... Four available costumes you can get, and each has their own flavour that I love. You also get a unique treat that the player experiences for the first time in many cases, and the return of unique mechanics in other games such as Silent Hill 3 and the... Red Mass.

    It is a good game. The mechanics are more acceptable than the one for Silent Hill 1, I give it that much. The hardships are different, yet the same as other games. It is not terrible, it is unique however keeps silent hill lore as close as Silent Hill 2 dies in a way, more than number 4. May not be exact, but close.

    It's not mediocre, it gives more freedom, interaction, and a fresh set of things in a world of old. Old world, new residents.
    ZikoLogiKa NL
    ZikoLogiKa NL

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    Silent Hill HD Collection / Downpour - Patch/tech issues Empty Re: Silent Hill HD Collection / Downpour - Patch/tech issues

    Post by ZikoLogiKa NL Thu Jul 19, 2012 10:06 am

    Acidic I have to thank you for your elaborate in depth review !

    Silent Hill HD Collection / Downpour - Patch/tech issues 945058907

    So was downpour's framerate any good ? That's now my only concern at this point.

    Im sure they put in the ''dog'' or ''ufo'' ending again 8)

    I like the idea of it being more free-roam .

    Ive watched several reviews and gampeplay videos and I do have to say that the new enemy models aren't as freaky as they used to be in previous SHs , but , it seems like they cooperate in an interesting manner , with the stun from the screamers and such lol

    I also like the idea of breaking weapons , hope it brings a more survival feel to it.

    I bet you haven't played Alan wake since you don't own an Xbox right ? I really love that game , it's a masterpiece which is def on par with the Dead Space series, though be it a little different & a little less advanced graphics!

    The storytelling is topnotch and emotional never to be seen before in a horrorgame , it really is a psychological action thriller and it brings an amazing thrill throughout the game. Survival is also huge part of the game.

    One of my favourite things is that the dark presence can take over humans but can also animate inanimate objects like bulldozers , wheelbarrows , buildings , bridges etcetera. those are all called poltergeist objects and can only be beaten with your flashlight because bullets are harmless silly

    I can't even begin to eplain the story because it would take me forever and is really hard to do ,

    if there is 1 reason to buy an xbox , it's alan wake for sure :silent:

    Soon as I have a little money left to spare , Im going to buy a PS3 again to finally be able to play Demon's Souls :bom:
    Chosen Undead
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    Silent Hill HD Collection / Downpour - Patch/tech issues Empty Re: Silent Hill HD Collection / Downpour - Patch/tech issues

    Post by User Thu Jul 19, 2012 10:20 am

    It dies not have a dog or UFO ending. Rather, it has a 'surprise' ending if you do a specific sub mission you can only do after beating the game.

    The frame rate is good, I never noticed any... Slow processes as that of Blighttown with other phantoms and mosquitoes. Enemies never really caused lag in the game, and many areas never really did, even when the rain comes to town (go inside for a while when that happens)

    Alan Wake I never played before, as my friends with Xboxes are not interested in such games, not do I have an Xbox. Sadly for such games, they only last until everything is done for me and I move on, so it would be a little expensive to get a system for one game... Played Blood Siren and bought for PS3: I hate that game. Not scary, rather the control system and darkness is annoying to explore.

    Ugh... I want a more free roam Silent Hill. Less linear, similar to the change of flow like that of Shattered Memories, with people coming in and out to bring their own stories. I would like that.
    ZikoLogiKa NL
    ZikoLogiKa NL

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    Silent Hill HD Collection / Downpour - Patch/tech issues Empty Re: Silent Hill HD Collection / Downpour - Patch/tech issues

    Post by ZikoLogiKa NL Thu Jul 19, 2012 10:29 am

    yeah I played Blood Siren PS3 for half an hour , the bad graphics and contols were bugging me from the start and the textures even made me dizzy , I can't play anything like that. I thought I was back in the PSX era again man.

    You persuaded me to go out and buy downpour as soon as the new cashcheck comes in !

    Silent Hill HD Collection / Downpour - Patch/tech issues 558843162

    I didn't buy RE operation raccoon city , never planning to , but I was hoping for Resident Evil 6 to be any good , the trailers were cool ,but after watching the first two gameplay videos ,

    I allready think I know that I won't buy it
    Chosen Undead
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    Silent Hill HD Collection / Downpour - Patch/tech issues Empty Re: Silent Hill HD Collection / Downpour - Patch/tech issues

    Post by User Thu Jul 19, 2012 10:50 am

    I feel the same way, I rented operation RC because of a friend. Blarg.

    The RE franchise has fallen flat for me since number V.
    ZikoLogiKa NL
    ZikoLogiKa NL

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    Silent Hill HD Collection / Downpour - Patch/tech issues Empty Re: Silent Hill HD Collection / Downpour - Patch/tech issues

    Post by ZikoLogiKa NL Thu Jul 19, 2012 11:05 am

    The original RE creator Shinji Mikami , didn't play 5 and he never even watched anything of it because he knew he would hate it because they didn't make it like he would've intended the series to continue.

    He is currently working on a new real survival horror game , it's called ''Zwei''

    I hope it'll be promising
    Chosen Undead
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    Silent Hill HD Collection / Downpour - Patch/tech issues Empty Re: Silent Hill HD Collection / Downpour - Patch/tech issues

    Post by User Thu Jul 19, 2012 11:18 am

    It I'd sad to hear that a creator has grown disgust of what his work has become... I hope the best fot game.
    ZikoLogiKa NL
    ZikoLogiKa NL

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    Silent Hill HD Collection / Downpour - Patch/tech issues Empty Re: Silent Hill HD Collection / Downpour - Patch/tech issues

    Post by ZikoLogiKa NL Thu Jul 19, 2012 11:18 am

    As a master of the ‘survival horror’ genre, Shinji Mikami is committed to making a game that is the realization of pure survival horror, an experience which he defines as one that pushes the limits of fear and exhilaration. He and his team at Tango are committed to attaining this vision.

    The following quote from Mikami can also be seen on the site:

    I’ve found my focus and once again I’m striving for pure survival horror. I am being very hands-on to see that the quality is there. Rest assured

    Mikami said that he selected survival horror as the game’s genre because he wanted to make a game that meets player expectations and that survival horror is the genre that he’s most adept at.

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