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    My turn for a gsoa build(its good!)

    Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden

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    My turn for a gsoa build(its good!) Empty My turn for a gsoa build(its good!)

    Post by RANT Tue Jul 24, 2012 7:52 pm

    so this is my build and it is surprisingly good, i always thought that with all those stats spread out like that it would make for a horrible build but i am glad it turned out the way it did, there's so much you you can do with it, for example the reason i have force is to roll force and r1 while theyre staggered or bs if youre fishing, when i come up against someone that uses really **** tactics i use twop the nxt time i see him and just beat the crap out of him. the int spells you can use are great for invading, hidden body, fall control, and chameleon are pretty awesome. then there's homing soulmass, GMW are prety good for pvp too. other spells like hush, cast light, fall control and cast light are useful for pve. basically what im trying to say is tha i am surpeised at how good this build is and it might be one of my favourite builds ive made.
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    My turn for a gsoa build(its good!) Empty Re: My turn for a gsoa build(its good!)

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Tue Jul 24, 2012 7:55 pm

    I like it a lot.

    I also like the look of the armor. It's kewl. winking
    Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden

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    My turn for a gsoa build(its good!) Empty Re: My turn for a gsoa build(its good!)

    Post by RANT Tue Jul 24, 2012 8:28 pm

    i think i can get 76 poise(77?) for an ugs hit but im not sure if i should do it. this is probably gonna be my last build in a while and im glad i did it since im having so much fun with it.i could go with fast roll and ligt armor for fast roll and use the wolf ring wich would fit the build.
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    My turn for a gsoa build(its good!) Empty Re: My turn for a gsoa build(its good!)

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Tue Jul 24, 2012 8:30 pm

    If you want the poise...
    Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden

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    My turn for a gsoa build(its good!) Empty Re: My turn for a gsoa build(its good!)

    Post by RANT Tue Jul 24, 2012 8:34 pm

    WhatDoesThePendantDo? wrote:

    If you want the poise... thanks. i might do something like this

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    My turn for a gsoa build(its good!) Empty Re: My turn for a gsoa build(its good!)

    Post by Soul_Reaver Tue Jul 24, 2012 9:56 pm

    They're some pretty boss defences ^^

    Although, if you're gonna stick with the 'knight' look, I'd suggest you swap out Havel's gloves, for the Black Iron ones. You'll still have 55 poise, plus you'll look cooler.

    But you seem to want, less.. more... so Idk. Just a suggestion, though.

    Build looks good btw. You going to 120-125, or sticking?
    Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden

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    My turn for a gsoa build(its good!) Empty Re: My turn for a gsoa build(its good!)

    Post by RANT Tue Jul 24, 2012 10:01 pm

    All my builds are 120, I'm just gonna put th rest I att. I want 61 poise for two white of a straightswods.

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    My turn for a gsoa build(its good!) Empty Re: My turn for a gsoa build(its good!)

    Post by Ghadis_God Tue Jul 24, 2012 10:39 pm

    I like it, but I've always felt that Artorias' swords were, in the developers eyes, meant for high-level play like the DSS and Grant. They require a great stat investment to use properly as well as looking more impressive than the other weapons, and having powerful but very difficult to use r2's.

    That being said, though, you get the full damage bonus of 40/40 by two handing it with only a slight disadvantage from the other stats you had to pump. I also really like the knight look, this is a 100% viable build.
    Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden

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    My turn for a gsoa build(its good!) Empty Re: My turn for a gsoa build(its good!)

    Post by RANT Tue Jul 24, 2012 10:54 pm

    i know but its they can still be viable for pvp, i love my leeroy build and if i want fast roll i have to use the dwgr or havel's ring and no poise but it still kicks ***(ok damage though).

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    My turn for a gsoa build(its good!) Empty Re: My turn for a gsoa build(its good!)

    Post by Ghadis_God Tue Jul 24, 2012 10:58 pm

    I know they're viable for pvp, I use the Curse GS often while hinting and I'm about to graduate to the Grant and True GS. (40/40/40/40) You just have to put some effort into getting them to be useable at 120.
    Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden

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    My turn for a gsoa build(its good!) Empty Re: My turn for a gsoa build(its good!)

    Post by RANT Tue Jul 24, 2012 11:30 pm

    Ghadis_God wrote:I know they're viable for pvp, I use the Curse GS often while hinting and I'm about to graduate to the Grant and True GS. (40/40/40/40) You just have to put some effort into getting them to be useable at 120.

    this is my leeroy build and what i have to do to get fast roll
    i usually use the dwgr and ger up to 53 poise but i like no poise sometimes.

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    My turn for a gsoa build(its good!) Empty Re: My turn for a gsoa build(its good!)

    Post by Soul_Reaver Tue Jul 24, 2012 11:47 pm

    I was going to suggest some extra att, you seem to have it covered then. GL!

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