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    (resolved) need help with ornstein and smough but need hummanity first :/ so ill help someone xd


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    (resolved) need help with ornstein and smough but need hummanity first :/ so ill help someone xd Empty (resolved) need help with ornstein and smough but need hummanity first :/ so ill help someone xd

    Post by ljdonnelly Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:37 am

    my sl is 123 i need hummanity before i can summon someone to help me so ill help anyone with any boss or uhh you could tell me a good way to get hummanity xd.

    psn: Ljdonnelly

    Last edited by ljdonnelly on Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:59 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    (resolved) need help with ornstein and smough but need hummanity first :/ so ill help someone xd Empty Re: (resolved) need help with ornstein and smough but need hummanity first :/ so ill help someone xd

    Post by ljdonnelly Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:39 am

    Please just post if you want to do a boss :L.

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    (resolved) need help with ornstein and smough but need hummanity first :/ so ill help someone xd Empty Re: (resolved) need help with ornstein and smough but need hummanity first :/ so ill help someone xd

    Post by ChillerHR Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:48 am

    ...we can do it now if you want...R U on PS3?

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    (resolved) need help with ornstein and smough but need hummanity first :/ so ill help someone xd Empty Re: (resolved) need help with ornstein and smough but need hummanity first :/ so ill help someone xd

    Post by ljdonnelly Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:53 am

    Yes im on ps3 :L

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    (resolved) need help with ornstein and smough but need hummanity first :/ so ill help someone xd Empty Re: (resolved) need help with ornstein and smough but need hummanity first :/ so ill help someone xd

    Post by ChillerHR Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:59 am

    ...damn, just realized that you can not summon me...not without humanity...I can't summon you either...well, just drop sign near bonfire...eventually someone will summon you and you'll get humanity...

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    (resolved) need help with ornstein and smough but need hummanity first :/ so ill help someone xd Empty Re: (resolved) need help with ornstein and smough but need hummanity first :/ so ill help someone xd

    Post by ljdonnelly Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:09 pm

    aww :/ if i drop next to the bonfire nearest to ornstein and smough do u think someone will summon me :S?

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    (resolved) need help with ornstein and smough but need hummanity first :/ so ill help someone xd Empty Re: (resolved) need help with ornstein and smough but need hummanity first :/ so ill help someone xd

    Post by ChillerHR Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:42 pm

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    (resolved) need help with ornstein and smough but need hummanity first :/ so ill help someone xd Empty Re: (resolved) need help with ornstein and smough but need hummanity first :/ so ill help someone xd

    Post by Tolvo Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:50 pm

    Yes, just be ready for NG+ and beyond O&S is all. Get your humanity, then wait until someone you know will be able to help you so there is less of a risk of invaders. I can actually help you out I believe on my STR toon, I can drop you some humanity also in case you die.

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    (resolved) need help with ornstein and smough but need hummanity first :/ so ill help someone xd Empty Re: (resolved) need help with ornstein and smough but need hummanity first :/ so ill help someone xd

    Post by ljdonnelly Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:31 pm

    Wow that would be great if you can help me xd. I just helped some other guy kill smough and ornstein o.o so now i have 1 hummanity xd. Could you add my psn big grin

    Ljdonnelly happy
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    (resolved) need help with ornstein and smough but need hummanity first :/ so ill help someone xd Empty Re: (resolved) need help with ornstein and smough but need hummanity first :/ so ill help someone xd

    Post by Tolvo Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:34 pm

    I just added you.
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    (resolved) need help with ornstein and smough but need hummanity first :/ so ill help someone xd Empty Re: (resolved) need help with ornstein and smough but need hummanity first :/ so ill help someone xd

    Post by Tolvo Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:10 pm

    It has been resolved, glad I could help out. Don't feel bad about asking for help sometimes on these bosses, some of us are sadists and love the pain of extreme challenge. But it's not for everyone, so don't feel bad about asking for a helping hand.

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    (resolved) need help with ornstein and smough but need hummanity first :/ so ill help someone xd Empty Re: (resolved) need help with ornstein and smough but need hummanity first :/ so ill help someone xd

    Post by ljdonnelly Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:54 pm

    Yer thanks a lot tolvo was really helpful we owned the bosses no problem xd and he gave me 10 hummanity happy. Thanks again big grin. I recommend him to anyone who needs fast boss help done well.
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    (resolved) need help with ornstein and smough but need hummanity first :/ so ill help someone xd Empty Re: (resolved) need help with ornstein and smough but need hummanity first :/ so ill help someone xd

    Post by Tolvo Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:55 pm

    You give me too much credit, we have some regulars in this part that are a lot better than me, unlike me they wouldn't have been hit by O&S even once. By the way a little thing to make things here easier for everyone is to edit the title to resolved, so people don't come in here offering help with the boss already defeated.

    Praise the Sun

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    (resolved) need help with ornstein and smough but need hummanity first :/ so ill help someone xd Empty Re: (resolved) need help with ornstein and smough but need hummanity first :/ so ill help someone xd

    Post by ljdonnelly Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:57 pm

    Sure just gotta find the edit button xd.
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    (resolved) need help with ornstein and smough but need hummanity first :/ so ill help someone xd Empty Re: (resolved) need help with ornstein and smough but need hummanity first :/ so ill help someone xd

    Post by Tolvo Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:58 pm

    With each post your avatar, name, information is there. Right below Join date should be Quote, and edit.

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    (resolved) need help with ornstein and smough but need hummanity first :/ so ill help someone xd Empty Re: (resolved) need help with ornstein and smough but need hummanity first :/ so ill help someone xd

    Post by ljdonnelly Wed Jul 25, 2012 2:59 pm

    Thanks again happy.

    Done big grin.

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    (resolved) need help with ornstein and smough but need hummanity first :/ so ill help someone xd Empty Re: (resolved) need help with ornstein and smough but need hummanity first :/ so ill help someone xd

    Post by ljdonnelly Wed Jul 25, 2012 3:01 pm

    I know i shouldn't post this here but do you buy smoughs armour off the guy in the sewers thanks in advance big grin.
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    (resolved) need help with ornstein and smough but need hummanity first :/ so ill help someone xd Empty Re: (resolved) need help with ornstein and smough but need hummanity first :/ so ill help someone xd

    Post by Tolvo Wed Jul 25, 2012 3:04 pm

    Indeed you do. But if if you've gotten that far, he should be near firelink. There is a hollow with a metal shield there. Kill him, right behind him is the under part of an aqueduct. Jump onto that, and that's where he'll be. He'll sell boss armor there.

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    (resolved) need help with ornstein and smough but need hummanity first :/ so ill help someone xd Empty Re: (resolved) need help with ornstein and smough but need hummanity first :/ so ill help someone xd

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