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    any kind souls willing to part with maiden robes, moonlight waistcloth and that scythe weapon that priscilla uses?


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    Location : morehead kentucky

    any kind souls willing to part with maiden robes, moonlight waistcloth and that scythe weapon that priscilla uses? Empty any kind souls willing to part with maiden robes, moonlight waistcloth and that scythe weapon that priscilla uses?

    Post by Goddess_Priscilla Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:45 pm

    if anyone has these things, please if you dont need them send them to me and send me a psn invite, my psn is SaintBoot7B I am on SL 98. is it also possible for people to gift poison arrows? gamefaqs posters told me it helps in anor londo with those fail archers up on the buildings! I would truly appreciate your help in this matter, I am currently at the bonfire in darkroot garden.
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    any kind souls willing to part with maiden robes, moonlight waistcloth and that scythe weapon that priscilla uses? Empty Re: any kind souls willing to part with maiden robes, moonlight waistcloth and that scythe weapon that priscilla uses?

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Thu Jul 26, 2012 12:11 am

    If you were on Xbox I'd give you all that jazz for free, but alas...

    On a side note, I'm not even sure you can gift arrows, I've never heard of that.

    Keep trying eventually you'll get yourself a trading partner. winking

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    Location : Perth, AUS

    any kind souls willing to part with maiden robes, moonlight waistcloth and that scythe weapon that priscilla uses? Empty Re: any kind souls willing to part with maiden robes, moonlight waistcloth and that scythe weapon that priscilla uses?

    Post by Nelo4 Thu Jul 26, 2012 1:11 am

    Nelo_21_2008- add me & it's all yours!

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    any kind souls willing to part with maiden robes, moonlight waistcloth and that scythe weapon that priscilla uses? Empty Re: any kind souls willing to part with maiden robes, moonlight waistcloth and that scythe weapon that priscilla uses?

    Post by Goddess_Priscilla Thu Jul 26, 2012 1:31 am

    ^ is that your psn? mine is SaintBoot7B, send me the invite, I am on DS right now at the darkroot garden bonfire SL 98

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    any kind souls willing to part with maiden robes, moonlight waistcloth and that scythe weapon that priscilla uses? Empty Re: any kind souls willing to part with maiden robes, moonlight waistcloth and that scythe weapon that priscilla uses?

    Post by xtal84 Thu Jul 26, 2012 12:37 pm

    I can also help you out if you're still in need.

    SL 82, psn: xtal84

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    Location : morehead kentucky

    any kind souls willing to part with maiden robes, moonlight waistcloth and that scythe weapon that priscilla uses? Empty Re: any kind souls willing to part with maiden robes, moonlight waistcloth and that scythe weapon that priscilla uses?

    Post by Goddess_Priscilla Thu Jul 26, 2012 2:48 pm

    anything you can send me would be so very appreciated, my sl is 113 (getting terribly pwned by invaders practically everywhere. my psn is SaintBoot7B and I am at firelink shrine.

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    any kind souls willing to part with maiden robes, moonlight waistcloth and that scythe weapon that priscilla uses? Empty Re: any kind souls willing to part with maiden robes, moonlight waistcloth and that scythe weapon that priscilla uses?

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