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    Tank build (Vit/end/faith) viable?


    Posts : 51
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    Tank build (Vit/end/faith) viable? Empty Tank build (Vit/end/faith) viable?

    Post by RaffoSS Sun Jul 29, 2012 10:24 am

    As the title says: is a build focused on VIT/END/FAITH viable?

    I was thinking about 30-40 vit and end and 50 faith. Enough to reach 1800 hp and some def.

    My biggest concern, however, would be: Which weapon setup should i use?
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    Tank build (Vit/end/faith) viable? Empty Re: Tank build (Vit/end/faith) viable?

    Post by Federally Sun Jul 29, 2012 12:14 pm

    Yes a build like this could work. Now I made it a cleric themed build but equipment and weapon options are many. Just go divine with your weapon choice to take advantage of your 50 Fth.
    Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden

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    Tank build (Vit/end/faith) viable? Empty Re: Tank build (Vit/end/faith) viable?

    Post by RANT Sun Jul 29, 2012 12:30 pm

    HAlberd are really good for fat rolling tanks since it keep people back and when they go for a bs you can easily counter since most people think. Bsing fat rollers is too easy and they get careless.

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    Tank build (Vit/end/faith) viable? Empty Re: Tank build (Vit/end/faith) viable?

    Post by WyrmHero Sun Jul 29, 2012 12:57 pm

    I posted this few days ago. It's my most powerful build.

    You buff the kat or any other weapon with DMB. When DMB runs out, you switch to an occult/divine weapon through the menu. With this setup you can use almost all Dex and some Str weapons.

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    Tank build (Vit/end/faith) viable? Empty Re: Tank build (Vit/end/faith) viable?

    Post by RaffoSS Sun Jul 29, 2012 1:20 pm

    WyrmHero wrote:I posted this few days ago. It's my most powerful build.

    You buff the kat or any other weapon with DMB. When DMB runs out, you switch to an occult/divine weapon through the menu. With this setup you can use almost all Dex and some Str weapons.

    Isnt Avelyn > Composite Bow? Is it because of the weight or Anti-BS tactic?

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    Tank build (Vit/end/faith) viable? Empty Re: Tank build (Vit/end/faith) viable?

    Post by WyrmHero Sun Jul 29, 2012 1:25 pm

    Not in this case, the Composite Bow is occult/divine to make use of 50 Faith. Moonlight Arrows will hit for about 200 damage.
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    Tank build (Vit/end/faith) viable? Empty Re: Tank build (Vit/end/faith) viable?

    Post by Federally Sun Jul 29, 2012 2:09 pm

    RaffoSS wrote:
    WyrmHero wrote:I posted this few days ago. It's my most powerful build.

    You buff the kat or any other weapon with DMB. When DMB runs out, you switch to an occult/divine weapon through the menu. With this setup you can use almost all Dex and some Str weapons.

    Isnt Avelyn > Composite Bow? Is it because of the weight or Anti-BS tactic?

    Avelyn is no good. A crossbow makes you reload it before you can
    move,Avelyn takes a long time to reload, and you have a good chance of
    getting your **** pushed in before that reload is finished. This makes
    it only useful in very specific situations, while a composite bow can be
    quickly fired off and rolled out of.

    My preference in Crossbows is Light Crossbows, it weighs very little,
    hits pretty good and won't get you roll bs'd all day since you can roll
    out of it much faster then the other Xbows

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    Tank build (Vit/end/faith) viable? Empty Re: Tank build (Vit/end/faith) viable?

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