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Knight Alundil
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    Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers)

    Knight Alundil
    Knight Alundil

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    Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers) Empty Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers)

    Post by Knight Alundil Wed Aug 08, 2012 5:36 pm

    When looking through the art book that came with the preorder of the game after playing through the whole game and watching all the DLC videos it shows some interesting things.

    I apologize in advance for the lack in quality of the photos; they are all from my iPhone.

    Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers) Picture_331

    Above is the cover of the art book. On the cover we have the obvious black knight in the centre and many blue phantom like knights, similar to the blue phantoms on the cover of the game box, which could be argued to be wearing the Elite Knight set. I would say on looking at them that they are not wearing any armor that features in the game. All of the knights are pretty much background except for one on the front right of the book:

    Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers) Picture_332

    Good ol' Lautrec.

    Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers) Picture_333

    This is obviously Witch Beatrice, and if you look at the top of her staff there is some black smoke like stuff coming out of a small hole.

    Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers) Picture_334

    I believe this to be the dark magic that we will be seeing in the DLC.

    Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers) Picture_335

    This is Ingward of New Londo. The thing that I noticed with him is mind boggling to me, perhaps someone could help me understand it?

    Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers) Picture_336

    He's wearing two pendants directly above and below each other.
    The top one is the darkmoon symbol and the lower one could be argued to be a sun. any thoughts?

    Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers) Picture_337

    This cool looking cat is going to be an NPC invader in the DLC, going by the trailers.

    Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers) Picture_338

    Wee close up for you happy

    Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers) Picture_339

    This is an interesting creature that, as far as I know, no one has encountered in the game.

    Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers) Picture_340

    The two creatures floating around it are the flies that you encounter in blight town. I believe this creature is what births the flies, and perhaps killing it would stop the flies from spawning? Perhaps a pre-release build of the game.

    Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers) Picture_341

    Just a quick point I wanted to make a bout patches and the masks. Has anyone else noticed that every time we see allfather lloyd it looks like the fathers mask? Any thoughts to who the mothers and childs mask could be made in the image of?

    Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers) Picture_342

    A lot of people, including myself, have noticed the recurring trees throughout the game. This is an image which is in the artbook which could be argued to be the large tree creatures you have to kill to get through secret paths in darkroot garden, but the three pictures of it in different stages never made sense to me.

    Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers) Picture_343

    This is a concept art picture of the Chimaera which will appear as a boss in the DLC.

    Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers) Picture_344

    I was going to upload aclose up of the bottom right corner of this last picture but it was so blurry it was pointless. Basically that is Gwyn, almighty lord of cinder. In the bottom right it apppears to be a small box showing us something specific. Does anyone else with the art book have any idea what this is?

    And finally, so everyone without the art book doesn't feel left out for the end of this post, here are some pancakes I made last night;

    Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers) Picture_346
    Chosen Undead
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    Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers) Empty Re: Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers)

    Post by Spurgun Wed Aug 08, 2012 6:00 pm

    Had to give you a 1+ for your pancakes your work, even though most of us have seen those pictures already silly .

    Anyway, i can´t help you much with the lore. But i´m sure that some o the lore nuts will come here and enlighten you.

    Knight Alundil
    Knight Alundil

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    Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers) Empty Re: Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers)

    Post by Knight Alundil Wed Aug 08, 2012 6:15 pm

    Oh, I know most people will have seen these but im just pointing out the differences looking at it now with the knowledge we have. And cheers for the +1 winking
    Knight Alundil
    Knight Alundil

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    Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers) Empty Re: Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers)

    Post by Knight Alundil Tue Sep 11, 2012 1:25 pm

    Just wanted to *bump* this ancient thread. Honestly, no one is interested in this? Ingward has the *** darkmoon symbol on him!? Honestly, no one cares!?

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    Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers) Empty Re: Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers)

    Post by TheLolrider Mon Nov 05, 2012 5:47 pm

    It's a bit interesting.

    The Darkmoon assassinate enemies of the gods. Perhaps the sealers fulfilled a similar role when they sealed off the Abyss? It would make sense, after all. The Darkwraiths are direct enemies of Gwyn, and the sealers would have to have been extremely powerful to seal off the Four Kings, more powerful than just being healers would mandate.

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    Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers) Empty Re: Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers)

    Post by XKnightArtoriasX Tue Nov 06, 2012 4:07 am

    Sadly i'll just add more questions than answers:

    Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers) Ouuoou10

    Who in the blue hell is this guy and where is he in the game?
    Duke's Archivist
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    Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers) Empty Re: Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers)

    Post by DoughGuy Tue Nov 06, 2012 4:09 am

    He doesnt appear in the game.

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    Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers) Empty Re: Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers)

    Post by XKnightArtoriasX Tue Nov 06, 2012 4:14 am

    DoughGuy wrote:He doesnt appear in the game.
    He is the ONLY one that didn't appear in the game, hmmm...
    Duke's Archivist
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    Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers) Empty Re: Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers)

    Post by DoughGuy Tue Nov 06, 2012 4:49 am

    Nope. There's the mosquito spawner as well as another enemy or 2 that doesnt appear.
    Chosen Undead
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    Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers) Empty Re: Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers)

    Post by TehInfamousAmos Tue Nov 06, 2012 4:54 am

    XKnightArtoriasX wrote:Sadly i'll just add more questions than answers:

    Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers) Ouuoou10

    Who in the blue hell is this guy and where is he in the game?

    Why not the green hell!? That guy is known as a fat official - perhaps they planned for Lordran originally to be the Land of Giants, hence why they maybe were going to put some fat officials in the game. His weapon? The Guillotine Axe.

    Actually maybe it is just Chester after eating too many humanities. His metabolism really must have slowed down.

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    Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers) Empty Re: Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers)

    Post by XKnightArtoriasX Tue Nov 06, 2012 5:16 am

    Nope. There's the mosquito spawner as well as another enemy or 2 that doesnt appear.

    I'm pretty sure iv'e seen them all, but perhaps i confused some with others.

    Actually maybe it is just Chester after eating too many humanities. His metabolism really must have slowed down.

    OR maybe it's Chester in the future???
    Knight Alundil
    Knight Alundil

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    Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers) Empty Re: Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers)

    Post by Knight Alundil Tue Nov 06, 2012 11:50 am

    XKnightArtoriasX wrote:Sadly i'll just add more questions than answers:

    Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers) Ouuoou10

    Who in the blue hell is this guy and where is he in the game?

    This guy is actually a mob in Demon's Souls happy

    And the other guys was right. There are a couple of other enemies who appear in the book who do not appear anywhere in the game. The "anti-Lautrec" character does not appear as well as the mosquito spawner which he mentioned.

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    Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers) Empty Re: Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers)

    Post by samster628 Sun Nov 25, 2012 1:18 pm

    dead thread sad oh well post anyway

    REALLY? i think everything in the book appears in game bar the fat guy. The mosqito spawner is located in blighttown near a pyromancy and can only be killed with pyromancy. that work cretur that is marked as unknown are those giant things that pop out of walls in isilith. As to what the fat guy is. i think thats exicutoner smough before he was changed to the armored guy. maybe
    Onion Knight
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    Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers) Empty Re: Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers)

    Post by Onion Knight Sun Nov 25, 2012 1:27 pm

    samster628 wrote:dead thread sad oh well post anyway

    REALLY? i think everything in the book appears in game bar the fat guy. The mosqito spawner is located in blighttown near a pyromancy and can only be killed with pyromancy. that work cretur that is marked as unknown are those giant things that pop out of walls in isilith. As to what the fat guy is. i think thats exicutoner smough before he was changed to the armored guy. maybe
    It's said in the developer interview for the artbook, that Smough was the first design completed for the game.
    The fat guy is a fat official from DeS, probably a reference like King Jeremiah and Patches.
    Concept art book second look (possible DLC spoilers) 1504876-fat_official

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