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    Sooo...what the hell have I been doing my whole life...


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    Sooo...what the hell have I been doing my whole life... Empty Sooo...what the hell have I been doing my whole life...

    Post by Noob-of-Artorias Sat Aug 11, 2012 5:25 am

    So...tonight I had another in a long line of problems I've had with Firefox on my computer.

    So finally, I said, "You know what, I'm gonna download chrome, see what it's like"

    After playing around a mere 15 minutes...I must ask myself...WHY DIDN'T I DO THIS YEARS AGO?!

    It's like for YEARS you carried a 2 ton boulder up an icy mountain only to one day discover there was a *** elevator the whole time....

    The only thing that's really different (besides everything just being generally better) is that things are a little smaller than usual...any ideas on how to fix that?
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    Sooo...what the hell have I been doing my whole life... Empty Re: Sooo...what the hell have I been doing my whole life...

    Post by Spurgun Sat Aug 11, 2012 5:36 am

    My new laptop had chrome installed when i got it. But i haven´t seen any major difference between it and firefox yet.

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    Sooo...what the hell have I been doing my whole life... Empty Re: Sooo...what the hell have I been doing my whole life...

    Post by Noob-of-Artorias Sat Aug 11, 2012 5:53 am

    I've been experimenting and chrome is not only faster, its faster with more tabs open...

    Da Faq?!
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    Sooo...what the hell have I been doing my whole life... Empty Re: Sooo...what the hell have I been doing my whole life...

    Post by Tolvo Sat Aug 11, 2012 6:32 am

    Try holding down your middle mouse button and scrolling, though that's if text is the issue. Yeah I vastly prefer Chrome, for some reason Firefox always causes issues on my computers.

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    Sooo...what the hell have I been doing my whole life... Empty Re: Sooo...what the hell have I been doing my whole life...

    Post by Rin Sat Aug 11, 2012 9:46 am

    I used firefox for ages, i neved had a single problem with it and it runs realy nicely... so i have no idea what you use your browser for *cough* porn *cough* i did have crome but found it more or less the same...

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    Sooo...what the hell have I been doing my whole life... Empty Re: Sooo...what the hell have I been doing my whole life...

    Post by bloodpixel Sat Aug 11, 2012 1:32 pm

    My computer can't seem to run anything else besides chrome lol. Firefox is absolute crap on my computer and internet explorer is also sipping *** juice from a crazy straw that's in one of those cups that you get from a dollar store.

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    Sooo...what the hell have I been doing my whole life... Empty Re: Sooo...what the hell have I been doing my whole life...

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