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ZikoLogiKa NL
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    Exercising the right way?


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    Exercising the right way? Empty Exercising the right way?

    Post by jsd201 Thu Aug 16, 2012 4:58 am

    Hi all,

    Having put on some weight over the last few years, I've finally decided to do something about it. I've been dieting and exercising for the last few weeks, but i'm worried i'm going about it wrong.

    I've got a cross trainer at home that i've been using first thing in the morning (before i've eaten anything), as i'm also on antibiotics which I have to have an hour before food. According to the machine I burn off around about 350 calories, which is then more than I actually eat during the day (approximately 190 calories for breakfast and carrot sticks and Ryvita crackers for lunch. I also eat an apple and a light yoghurt during the day). I then have my biggest meal of the day in the evening (never later than 6:30pm) and then don't really do much after that.

    I'm worried that i'm going about this the wrong way, as my partner keeps telling me that if I exercise on an empty stomach, my body will start to panic and store any subsequent food eaten as fat, rather than burning it off. I'm debating whether to switch to exercising at night after dinner, but I don't really know if it'll make any difference, as this is all rather new to me really!

    Does anyone know much about this sort of thing? I'm just trying to keep my momentum going with it (I find exercising first thing easier to make a routine out of) to burn off the unnecessary weight.

    Any advice would be very welcome!

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    Exercising the right way? Empty Re: Exercising the right way?

    Post by FexDS Thu Aug 16, 2012 6:55 am


    You can exercise on an empty stomach no problem, although having a protein shake right after is possibly a really good thing.

    What you should NOT do is overestimate and/or underestimate your calorie consumption.

    If you are truly ingesting less than 350 calories for an entire day, you will get sick really quickly. The average female will need about 1200-1500 calories daily when working out, the average male 1800-2300. You will also want lots of protein and good fats to keep you energized and doing those workouts.

    I'd recommend you search online and join one of the many websites that will allow you to track your food intake. You want to eat less than what you burn but still have enough fuel for your body to function and use up whatever stored energy there is

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    Exercising the right way? Empty Re: Exercising the right way?

    Post by jsd201 Thu Aug 16, 2012 7:12 am

    Thanks for the advice.

    That was me not being clear - I meant I eat around 350 calories for breakfast and lunch combined, then have an evening meal which obviously increases the intake.

    I'll look up one of those websites that you mentioned I think!

    Thanks again.

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    Exercising the right way? Empty Re: Exercising the right way?

    Post by Eolan Thu Aug 16, 2012 7:19 am

    Listen to this podcast, your partner is correct, you have states of metabolism which the body can switch between. Some are utterly ineffective for fat burning and starving yourself is a pretty good way to slow your weight loss right down.

    Its an economy podcast but its focusing on carb intake. Also bare in mind high protein alone is likely to give you diarrhea and thus slow your metabolism down ironically making your fatter. You need to eat right first and foremost or else your ice skating up hill.

    Interestingly there's a theory developing that challenges and with decent science throws away the whole calorie in calorie out concept. Listen to the podcast its fascinating and massively helpful.

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    Exercising the right way? Empty Re: Exercising the right way?

    Post by sinisterapathy Thu Aug 16, 2012 8:49 am is perfectly fine to excercise before breakfast. As long as you eat afterwards. Normally your body will only try to store it as fat is if you starve yourself on a regular basis. High protein is more likely to make you constipated than give you diarrhea(hah depending on your body and what you normally eat it could go either way though..)...but thats if you go from very little to ALOT.(or notihng but high protein foods) 350 seems a little low for breakfast AND lunch...unless youre VERY tiny.

    Its also a good idea to have many small(healthy) snacks through out the day if you work out frequently. Like instead of having 3 full meals have 5-6 smaller ones....well nothing smaller than your should be getting at least 1200 a day like Fex said. If you eat that little and then have a large dinner i suspect its not large enough to fill those missing calories. Even then you should really spread it out. All of this also depends on how often/hard you excercise. Also my experience is with gaining muscle not losing alot of what i said may not apply...

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    Exercising the right way? Empty Re: Exercising the right way?

    Post by jsd201 Thu Aug 16, 2012 9:00 am

    Thank you all very much for the input. I've been having a look online at healthy options I can add into my diet for lunches etc, so i've got a few ideas of how to up my protein intake whilst not having a major calorie-blowout.

    My exercise at the moment is pretty much doing the cross trainer for 30-35mins in the morning, then I walk to and from work each day also (about 1 mile each way). I do tend to graze at work, having an apple mid-morning and a yoghurt mid-afternoon, or vice versa), but having to work it all around my antibiotics at the moment makes timings more restrictive than i'd like.
    ZikoLogiKa NL
    ZikoLogiKa NL

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    Exercising the right way? Empty Re: Exercising the right way?

    Post by ZikoLogiKa NL Thu Aug 16, 2012 3:06 pm

    None of us should be giving you actual advice on what to do since we are no fieldexperts and everyone has a different background , different knowledge , other beliefs and other available resources. It's really up to you to find out what kind of a healthy lifestyle suits you the most.

    You might want to look into the benefits of adding raw , living foods to your daily meals. You can even start out by only eating an energizing nourishing raw breakfast, rich of enzymes and nutrients, instead of food that only drains your enzyme supply. How about a salad consisting of sprouted organic seeds , grains and beans , or a highly satisfactionary and nutricient greenjuice ? In between meals you can grab a handfull of activated nuts , homemade granola bars , and the obvious vegetables or fruits.

    It's up to you to find out which vegetables or fruits are the most valuable to eat winking

    Offcourse you shouldn't be treating it like an actual diet which will only cause you more stress in the end...Find a middle way!

    I often eat cooked vegan meals , and also still eat baked bread , aside from the raw living foods.

    There is much valuable information regarding nutrition available but a lot of it is being overshadowed by commercial advertising. We also really shouldn't be digesting supplements or chemical substances that are called ''minerals & vitamins''.

    Also , it's impossible to base a diet around calories alone since even a candy-bar claims to have a nutritional value then 😕
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    Exercising the right way? Empty Re: Exercising the right way?

    Post by Tolvo Thu Aug 16, 2012 4:51 pm

    I'm going to use this post to subscribe to this thread. For when I'm done healing, I really need to lose some weight, like badly.
    Silver Knight

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    Exercising the right way? Empty Re: Exercising the right way?

    Post by Silver Knight Thu Aug 16, 2012 7:13 pm

    First off congratulations!cheers Its a great thing to do.

    It is very hard to lose weight, I know (I now weigh the same as when I was in intermediate school even though I was 13/14 and now I'm almost 21). I didn't change my diet I just changed the way I ate. The biggest meal of the day should be breakfast and consecutivily getting smaller at lunch and dinner. I still snacked when I was truely hungery, though you need to make sure you are really hungry not thursty. Also it will take about 15/20minutes for your body to register that you've eaten something so be patient.

    And for exercising its not the length of time, its the intensity! If the cross trainer has a heart rate monitor use it! For fat burning my heart rate was between 140-160 for my age and height. You need to discover what your optimin fat burning heart rate is (its different for everyone), keep it at that rate for as long as you can using different exercises to get all your muscles burning fat. Refuel after exercise but monitor as your body can still be burning fat a few hours after a really good exercise.

    Hope it works well for you and listen to others until you find what works for you as this is just what worked for me.

    Good luck;)

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    Exercising the right way? Empty Re: Exercising the right way?

    Post by jsd201 Fri Aug 17, 2012 6:02 am

    Thanks again peeps. I downloaded an app last night that tracks all of your food & drink intake against what exercise you do, considering your current age, height and weight etc, and based upon your own goal weight gives you an idea roughly how many calories you should eat each day.

    Having entered yesterday's details, it turned out i'd only actually consumed about 780 calories all-in, which was pretty much exactly half what it suggests I should be consuming, so i'm putting pay to that pretty quick.

    I had a look online at healthy balanced foods that I could eat during the day time at work, and also healthier, lighter options for dinner, so i'm going to be trying this from now on - wish me luck!

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    Exercising the right way? Empty Re: Exercising the right way?

    Post by FexDS Fri Aug 17, 2012 7:25 am

    Best of luck!

    The key to sustainable success is that you don't diet and do lifestyle changes instead. Have the chocolate, just not the entire bar! Swap milk for low fat and the bread for a salad, etc happy

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    Exercising the right way? Empty Re: Exercising the right way?

    Post by Shkar Mon Aug 20, 2012 6:49 pm

    I'm just going to drop a few tips here that may or may not seem to make the entire process seem difficult or pointless. Ignore that feeling. Controlling your weight is hugely important.

    1. When it comes right down to it, it IS mostly a game of balancing your calories. If some ad or product claims it will "burn fat", ignore it. It most likely just burns "water weight", which you will regain the instant you stop being dehydrated.

    2. You know those stretches where you bend down and touch or toes, or other "hard" stretches? Don't do those before you exercise. If you are actually looking to increase your flexibility, feel free to do them, but do it on a day you don't exercise or at the very least AFTER your workout. Doing it before a workout actually increases your risk of tearing muscles or other injuries, so you should instead do light exercises to warm up.

    3. It will be hard. It will be INSANELY hard. I won't try to sugar coat it and say that you won't have any trouble. Statistics say otherwise. You have to be serious, because as horrible as it is, controlling your weight is a never ending fight. Think of it like an addiction to smoking or drinking; it basically is. The cravings never completely fade, but if you do things right they will be controllable.

    I hate to make it seem impossible, I REALLY do. But weight loss is a VERY difficult thing, and the biggest thing is dedication.

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    Exercising the right way? Empty Re: Exercising the right way?

    Post by jsd201 Wed Aug 22, 2012 7:23 am

    Thanks for the info Shkar. I know it won't be a quick or easy process, but i'm still going with it and about 1 month in so far. I'm definitely finding it easier to eat smaller meals now, so i'm sure that's something i'll be able to keep up with in the long-term. I've found high-protein and low calorie snacks I can eat instead of foods i'd normally turn to (eating beef jerky instead of crisps etc), and I'm feeling healthier for having a more balanced diet generally, so that's helping to keep me motivated at the moment!

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    Exercising the right way? Empty Re: Exercising the right way?

    Post by DxV04 Wed Aug 22, 2012 8:11 am

    Someone might have mentioned it already but it is very important to remove from your diet any kind of processed food. Personally I would subscribe the closer to nature advice given and the lifestyle change suggested not just dieting.

    As far as excersice, the best time is the morning by far just make sure you are not just doing one kind of excersice. The body loves variation. Do not be afraid to lift weights it is very good for a lady to do so.

    big grin This forum is full of smart people!!! cheers

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    Exercising the right way? Empty Re: Exercising the right way?

    Post by jsd201 Wed Aug 22, 2012 8:16 am

    Thanks DxV04. Though, for the record, not a lady lol.

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    Exercising the right way? Empty Re: Exercising the right way?

    Post by sonofartorias Wed Aug 22, 2012 8:23 am

    don't work out more than 5 day's a week trust me

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