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    Airglow Updates


    Posts : 56
    Reputation : 4
    Join date : 2012-01-18
    Age : 35
    Location : Bronx, N.Y

    Airglow Updates Empty Airglow Updates

    Post by AquaZeroX26 Wed Feb 08, 2012 2:46 am

    Hello everyone, later tonight I will be officially changing Airglow into Nightwatch... Our focus will still be the same, fight against evil and protect others... Our newer focus will be that we have to be the best of the best of the Sunbros and with that I suggest placing your name down on the roster if you are fully confident you won't disappoint us.

    Posts : 56
    Reputation : 4
    Join date : 2012-01-18
    Age : 35
    Location : Bronx, N.Y

    Airglow Updates Empty Re: Airglow Updates

    Post by AquaZeroX26 Wed Feb 08, 2012 2:47 am

    Now I will require that all members have a level 20 character available to help new players because as elite sunbros, why not pass down some of our knowledge seeing as how I run into new players everyday! That means people are still buying this game... So with our lvl 20s when you are bored or upon request from a new player, help them learn by personally giving them lessons (if they are competent, I'm sorry but we can't waste our time with players that dont know how to use common logic (sorry ghostrobo)
    Lastly that level 20 should be geared to also be an anti-griefer, you should be able to take on any anti-griefer (my personal KD is 8outta10 wins against them) those that glitch the game dont count towards your KD so dont worry, just report em...

    As Nightwatch, our job is to "watch" over the forces of darkness to make sure we keep them under control, there has to be a balance! Darkwraiths and others are welcome to "watch" over us so that we dont lose control and take over the dark souls universe...
    Your thoughts and comments are appreciated...also a reminder, my gamertag XBL: for any other msgs... Thank you

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