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Chaos Spectre
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    This is fantastic.


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    This is fantastic. Empty This is fantastic.

    Post by Bcc17 Thu Aug 23, 2012 10:58 pm

    I LOVE how From decided to give a big, "*** you!" to the PC gamers that ***** and moan about the port. Tried the KB+M because my wireless adapter thing for my 360 controller hasn't arrived yet. It is Godawful, and I love it. This is not a rage thread, I appreciate the bad Keyboard controls because it gives me that sense of fear and rush of adrenaline that I've been craving since my first time playing.
    Chaos Spectre
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    This is fantastic. Empty Re: This is fantastic.

    Post by Chaos Spectre Thu Aug 23, 2012 11:03 pm

    What an odd post lol. So far, people are loving the PC version after they apply the resolution patch

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    This is fantastic. Empty Re: This is fantastic.

    Post by Bcc17 Thu Aug 23, 2012 11:24 pm

    Oh hoh hoh, got a link to this?

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    This is fantastic. Empty Re: This is fantastic.

    Post by bloodpixel Fri Aug 24, 2012 1:50 am

    You know what I really like? All those PC gamers who thought this game would be easy, only to get their *** handed to them on a silver platter.

    Last edited by bloodpixel on Fri Aug 24, 2012 3:04 am; edited 1 time in total

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    This is fantastic. Empty Re: This is fantastic.

    Post by Bcc17 Fri Aug 24, 2012 2:13 am

    bloodpixel wrote:You know what I really like? All those PC gamers who thought this game would be easy, only to get their *** handed to them on a silver plater.

    I counted about 7 blood stains on the staircase up to the burg.

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    This is fantastic. Empty Re: This is fantastic.

    Post by H3adShotty Fri Aug 24, 2012 2:16 am

    Gah! The controls! they be killing me(Seriously, i'm still stuck in the cell where you start. silly)

    Guess it would have helped to write down the controls until i can get a controller to play the game with, with the keyboard it's gonna be a hell of a show.

    But so far it looks great.

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    This is fantastic. Empty Re: This is fantastic.

    Post by balatro Fri Aug 24, 2012 4:18 am

    bloodpixel wrote:You know what I really like? All those PC gamers who thought this game would be easy, only to get their *** handed to them on a silver platter.
    Ah now.You know what I really like?All those console players who think they know what hard game is,only to find out they dont. big grin There are plenty of very hard games on PC.Try playing Quake if you want twitch,Tribes is not that easy either or Dota2 if you like complexity/depth with a bit less motor skills involved.

    If you are a real man though(and from your statement it sounds like you are) i recommend since its free or if you want to spash out meat boy is platformer(not sure if this is real english) that sorts out men from boys!

    Bcc17 wrote:I LOVE how From decided to give a big, "*** you!" to the PC gamers that ***** and moan about the port. Tried the KB+M because my wireless adapter thing for my 360 controller hasn't arrived yet. It is Godawful, and I love it. This is not a rage thread, I appreciate the bad Keyboard controls because it gives me that sense of fear and rush of adrenaline that I've been craving since my first time playing.

    I just started playing and have to say controls are a bit strange.Personally I found keyboard bindings ok- ish but mouse was way to sensitive.Had to lower mouse sensitivity all the way down(literally) and its ok now.About one hour in and game seems like a ton of fun big grin

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    This is fantastic. Empty Re: This is fantastic.

    Post by Frostacar Fri Aug 24, 2012 5:44 am

    Welcome Balatro! It seems your new to the game and just bought the PC version. I'm glad to hear and I hope to hear more on your insight of the game from a(I'm assuming.)PC player stand point, But anyway I hope you have fun it's a great game. I also hope the forum helps you a lot as well.

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    This is fantastic. Empty Re: This is fantastic.

    Post by Barnission Fri Aug 24, 2012 6:17 am

    bloodpixel wrote:You know what I really like? All those PC gamers who thought this game would be easy, only to get their *** handed to them on a silver platter.

    I don't remember anybody saying that.
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    This is fantastic. Empty Re: This is fantastic.

    Post by Forum Pirate Fri Aug 24, 2012 6:52 am

    dmc, mega man, super meat boy, monster hunter, ninja giaden, perfect dark, star wars pod racer, armored core. Consoles arn't short difficult games either, though most current gen stuff is downright pathetic on both ends.

    For what its worth, I wouldn't say darksouls is hard, only strict. I actually die more playing other games, like castle crashers on insanity or bayonetta upwards of hard, but I don't lose anything other than a few minuites, deaths matter here. rather than a quicksave from 2 minuites ago one must re earn the resources that they have lost, including exp, and start the segment over.

    It simply seems hard because current gen is soft.

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    This is fantastic. Empty Re: This is fantastic.

    Post by balatro Fri Aug 24, 2012 11:12 am

    Frostacar wrote:Welcome Balatro! It seems your new to the game and just bought the PC version. I'm glad to hear and I hope to hear more on your insight of the game from a(I'm assuming.)PC player stand point, But anyway I hope you have fun it's a great game. I also hope the forum helps you a lot as well.
    Thanks!Im new to the game in sense that I didnt have console to play it on but have watched some lets plays and read up some.I really like it so far(apart from port stuff),people on forums are very friendly indeedy.I kinda wanted to write a long rant on pc/console players "wars" but wanted to play game a bit first.I just might rant yet big grin
    Good day!
    Chosen Undead
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    This is fantastic. Empty Re: This is fantastic.

    Post by dancash1808 Fri Aug 24, 2012 11:24 am

    Well there are these scary things called hybrids who play on both PC's and consoles
    also props for suggesting super meat boy big grin already got it but fun game big grin

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