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    WoG back stab?


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    WoG back stab? Empty WoG back stab?

    Post by deadagain Thu Aug 30, 2012 9:41 am

    In the forest last night a forest hunter invades and proceeds to cast WoG in a way I haven't seen before. He would spin around unlocked and then cast. I would be out of range but would still take damage from behind even though I was facing the invader. He went through about 7 cast to kill me and each time I was out of range. I tried to message him but I don't speak japanese.
    Has anyone seen this and is it a glitch or an exploit.

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    WoG back stab? Empty Re: WoG back stab?

    Post by VeranoChico Thu Aug 30, 2012 10:28 am

    So you're saying that as soon as he casts WoG, he would face away from you?
    It's a game mechanic exploit, called dead angling.

    How it works is that when he is attacking you in that particular way, the game sees that as an attack from behind. Assuming you're facing him with your shield up, you will get hit.


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    WoG back stab? Empty Re: WoG back stab?

    Post by deadagain Thu Aug 30, 2012 10:48 am

    Ahh dead angle miracle hit, well that's a first for me.
    Follow up question, he was able to cancle his casts, how do you do that. He would start to cast and as soon as the animation would start it stopped and he went back to spinning around.
    Thanks for the answer verano
    Chosen Undead
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    WoG back stab? Empty Re: WoG back stab?

    Post by TehInfamousAmos Thu Aug 30, 2012 10:53 am

    that has been in every souls game. You just pivot quickly as you hit r1/l1 to cancel it.

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    WoG back stab? Empty Re: WoG back stab?

    Post by deadagain Thu Aug 30, 2012 11:11 am

    Thanks amos I never played around much with magic or miracles in demons but I'm using it more in dark. I've always been a melee guy. It's amazing how much I still.learn about this game after playing it for so long. It's the gift that keeps on giving.
    Tyler Durden
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    WoG back stab? Empty Re: WoG back stab?

    Post by RANT Thu Aug 30, 2012 11:15 am

    unblockable wog glitch is so cheap, youre better off just dodging abd bs'ing them right away.

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    WoG back stab? Empty Re: WoG back stab?

    Post by deadagain Thu Aug 30, 2012 11:42 am

    Thats what's going to happen from now on Rant. I was like a.deer in headlights last night though I couldn't believe what I was seeing lol.

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    WoG back stab? Empty Re: WoG back stab?

    Post by DarkW17 Thu Aug 30, 2012 12:19 pm

    Ya dude its a SUPER cheap move and hits from twice as far away as a normal WOG....the good news is they have to turn there back to you to do it....need I say more????

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    WoG back stab? Empty Re: WoG back stab?

    Post by deadagain Thu Aug 30, 2012 12:29 pm

    Yea its rapier + hornets ring from now on. I generally avoid back stabbing, I just feel like its way to win and it makes for too quick a fight. There is just no fun in a fight that lasts only 1 minute. Yea you get good a bs but that's all you get good at if its.your crutch. Parry that's where its at and it shows your opponent you have skill.

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    WoG back stab? Empty Re: WoG back stab?

    Post by lordgodofhell Fri Aug 31, 2012 10:03 pm

    DarkW17 wrote:Ya dude its a SUPER cheap move and hits from twice as far away as a normal WOG....the good news is they have to turn there back to you to do it....need I say more????

    Ahh I was wondering last night invading sens, why a player kept facing away from me while casting wrath? I thought he was trying to time my pivot backstab and make it an ordinary r1 attack or something.

    sucks for him though as soon as he turned around and let the second off, bam! backstabbed back to his bonfire. He actually used force the second time not sure if he was trying to spell swap or whatever, does not matter though he is dead bounce

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