As the title says I need an Obsidian Greatsword for my lower lvl character to make him ready for pvp faster. My character is like lvl 20 but i can lvl him up if required.
I have another lvl 72 with almost every unique item including the obsidian GS and Ill gladly hand you over something you want if you get me the obsidian edge on the lower lvl character.
Edit: Nvm I had enough time to play my second character until kalameet
I have another lvl 72 with almost every unique item including the obsidian GS and Ill gladly hand you over something you want if you get me the obsidian edge on the lower lvl character.
Edit: Nvm I had enough time to play my second character until kalameet
Last edited by TonyDamajer on Sat Sep 01, 2012 11:19 pm; edited 3 times in total