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Buggy Virus
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    So. . . Gwyndolin


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    So. . . Gwyndolin - Page 2 Empty Re: So. . . Gwyndolin

    Post by SEANB240 Sun Sep 02, 2012 3:57 pm

    Shkar wrote:Too be fair, the "souls" we get in game are actually one soul each. I'm thinking that the "Souls" everybody refers to is some kind of standardized measurement, kind of like a liter or a volt. If the energy of the soul of a crystal lizard is one, then Gwyn's Lord Soul is worth, what, 20,000?

    This is really the only way it makes sense. Good analogy.
    Buggy Virus
    Buggy Virus

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    So. . . Gwyndolin - Page 2 Empty Re: So. . . Gwyndolin

    Post by Buggy Virus Mon Sep 03, 2012 4:54 pm

    SEANB240 wrote:
    Shkar wrote:Too be fair, the "souls" we get in game are actually one soul each. I'm thinking that the "Souls" everybody refers to is some kind of standardized measurement, kind of like a liter or a volt. If the energy of the soul of a crystal lizard is one, then Gwyn's Lord Soul is worth, what, 20,000?

    This is really the only way it makes sense. Good analogy.

    But yet we see phantoms and the player amass more souls, so obviously the amount is increasing for them, so they couldn't have one stagnant soul.
    Compulsory Poster
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    So. . . Gwyndolin - Page 2 Empty Re: So. . . Gwyndolin

    Post by cloudyeki Mon Sep 03, 2012 5:12 pm

    Buggy Virus wrote:
    SEANB240 wrote:
    Shkar wrote:Too be fair, the "souls" we get in game are actually one soul each. I'm thinking that the "Souls" everybody refers to is some kind of standardized measurement, kind of like a liter or a volt. If the energy of the soul of a crystal lizard is one, then Gwyn's Lord Soul is worth, what, 20,000?

    This is really the only way it makes sense. Good analogy.

    But yet we see phantoms and the player amass more souls, so obviously the amount is increasing for them, so they couldn't have one stagnant soul.

    Probably because as you level your own soul grows in value.

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    So. . . Gwyndolin - Page 2 Empty Re: So. . . Gwyndolin

    Post by Shkar Mon Sep 03, 2012 5:43 pm

    Buggy Virus wrote:
    SEANB240 wrote:
    Shkar wrote:Too be fair, the "souls" we get in game are actually one soul each. I'm thinking that the "Souls" everybody refers to is some kind of standardized measurement, kind of like a liter or a volt. If the energy of the soul of a crystal lizard is one, then Gwyn's Lord Soul is worth, what, 20,000?

    This is really the only way it makes sense. Good analogy.

    But yet we see phantoms and the player amass more souls, so obviously the amount is increasing for them, so they couldn't have one stagnant soul.

    "There can be only one!" Much like how pouring two one liter bottles together gives you two liters, pouring two one soul souls together probably gives you a two soul soul. And so ends the strangest sounding sentence I have ever written.

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    So. . . Gwyndolin - Page 2 Empty Re: So. . . Gwyndolin

    Post by dr_calamitus Mon Sep 03, 2012 7:31 pm

    clearly, the main character is Knightmare,


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    So. . . Gwyndolin - Page 2 Empty Re: So. . . Gwyndolin

    Post by TheLolrider Mon Nov 05, 2012 7:30 pm

    Man, I forgot what we were talking about.

    Anyway, the Dark Lord is whoever kills Gwyn and extinguishes the fire. It's not necessarily a predestined person. If you choose to relight the fire, you obviously don't become the Dark Lord, right? There's a right of passage to becoming the Dark Lord, just like there's a right of passage to becoming Lord Gwyn's successor.

    Also, why does everyone insist that Gwyn "blurred" your past, specifically. Gwyn's been gone for a millennium, I doubt the player character has been around long enough for Gwyn to directly interact with him. I've always thought of the blurred past as a conspiracy by the gods against humans, not by Gwyn against you specifically.

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    So. . . Gwyndolin - Page 2 Empty Re: So. . . Gwyndolin

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