A SL3 Sorcerer Humanity intact challenge run, with the self-imposed limitations of me not being able to use any of the sorceries/miracles/pyromancies, and only being able to use upgradable starting equipment (Dagger, Small Leather Shield, etc). With the one possible exception of me being allowed to substitute my Sorcerer's clothing with the Black Sorcerer Set when the time arises (it looks cooler). I feel I can get away with this because the increase in the Magic/Flame/Lightning defenses and the Bleed/Poison/Curse resistances that this would afford me will be pretty much off-set by a notable decrease in all of the Physical defenses. I suspect that I will feel the drop in the Physical defences a lot more than I will the increase in all of the other defences and resistances, seeing as that I will essentially be turning the Sorcerer into the lowest level melee toon possible. I was going to substitute the Black Sorcerer Boots with the Black Leather ones (again because of the coolness factor), but this would of given me a notable increase in all of the defences and resistances, and so it just didn't feel right. Also, just to prove that I am not totally mad, I have decided not to put any limitations on what rings I can use, and at this time am probably going to end up using a RoFP and Cloranthy ring combo, swapping the latter with other rings as and when the need arises.
Anyway, what do you think?