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    Just played four deathmatches in a row! Observations


    Posts : 80
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    Join date : 2012-08-25

    Just played four deathmatches in a row!  Observations Empty Just played four deathmatches in a row! Observations

    Post by RCPD_STARS Wed Sep 12, 2012 12:42 am

    I have been sitting in the deathmatch trapdoor when i go outside and have a smoke lately. Just now, I got back up and to my absolute utter freaking amazement, a deathmatch was starting. Even better, I won. So, I am pumped up that I finally played my first one, won it at that too!

    Soooo, I played the same guys 2 more times almost back to back. And they quit at the very end while I was winning sad (all three people) so I didnt get the win. I was mildly upset to see this behavior. However; I assumed it was just folks trying to prevent their streak from getting blemished

    After I looked at the leaderboard for 51-100. I felt like this :evil:
    WTF?! Those buggers stopped me from getting a streak of 3, which would put me at the top of the board.

    Does everyone quit out at the end to avoid losing their streak? That would explain why streaks are so low. My favorite Utuber is at 2 wins and that is top 5, which are the only people with 2+ streaks. Grrr, I am 32 which means crap if everyone quits

    Flame on!

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    Just played four deathmatches in a row!  Observations Empty Re: Just played four deathmatches in a row! Observations

    Post by Montante Wed Sep 12, 2012 8:46 am

    How did the fight themselves pan out? How does 4-man free-for-alls work out, practically speaking? Was there a lot of moving around, trying to get into good positions?

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    Just played four deathmatches in a row!  Observations Empty Re: Just played four deathmatches in a row! Observations

    Post by RCPD_STARS Wed Sep 12, 2012 10:39 am

    Each fight was not a backstab fest. Amidst the chaos, r1 spamming went highly unpunished. at one point, I was the fourth one to run into the fight, and I killed all three people with my CMW BSS unlocked. This will NOT stay this way once the pc community learns to parry.

    There is not enough time to buff before the trap door opens. Sometimes, I can't even get the catalyst out. Other times I almost have the wep buffed. Fun fact though: your buff is good for 60 seconds regardless of death; ie. you spawn with your weapon buffed.

    Everyone dodged pursuers on a regular basis. Since only the killing blow seems to matter, spears and bows prove to be highly useful.

    It was very crazy, and didnt work again the rest of the night unfortunately, but I would get 1 or 2 people waiting with me, which never happened before.
    Knight Alundil
    Knight Alundil

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    Just played four deathmatches in a row!  Observations Empty Re: Just played four deathmatches in a row! Observations

    Post by Knight Alundil Wed Sep 12, 2012 12:29 pm

    The quitting im afraid is quite common. I tend to win most of my fights since ive created my build strictly for the arena, not for pvp, and most people I fight quit out when they realize i'm 5-0 ahead lol

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    Just played four deathmatches in a row!  Observations Empty Re: Just played four deathmatches in a row! Observations

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