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    n0rain's Guide to Boc (Lost Izalith)


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    n0rain's Guide to  Boc (Lost Izalith) Empty n0rain's Guide to Boc (Lost Izalith)

    Post by n0rain Thu Sep 13, 2012 4:18 am

    This guide is not a where to find X item or Y npc. This guide is not a list of things that you should always consider. This guide IS a guide based off of my experiences and steeped in recomendation to things you may or may not have known or thought of.

    To start off I would like to point you to the wiki page associated with the content I talk about which has much useful information pertaining to the guide. This guide will be using some of this information in conjunction with other commonly kmown terms and implications an intermediate player should be familiar with.

    This portion of the guide will talk about the obstacles in Lost Izalith leading up to the Bed of Chaos boss fight if you did not take the shortcut. it will feature tips and tricks that I have used to complete this area with the least amount of deaths possible. Try to keep up as this may get confusing.

    Rule 1 is that even with the Orange Charred Ring(OCR) on, your equipment takes slight residual durability damage. What?? Yes, this is true, as I have tested it. Standing in the lava reduces durability. Rule 2 is that you have several ways to approach this area so choose wisely. Rule 3 is that you should try to be as patient or calm as possible before you attempt this area. It is likely that this area will cause lots of frustration even when following a guide. This is because the area was deemed unfit for the rest of the game (in terms of quality) by the developer in an interview. Unfortunately the interview is buried under the thousands of complaints about this area but if I ever find it rest assured I will post it. If you are like me you willl have a hard time with this area, not because of difficulty, but because it's style. For whatever reason I tend to get a migraine, likely from the lava's color and sound when you walk through it. This obstacle is easily dealt with by tuning your tv's contrast and black level to apropriately match a visual style that does not give you headaches. It is also recomended to turn the volume down in the game to compensate for the torturous burning sounds. The enemies in this area are particularly varied so be ready for a multitude of different attacks. I am one of those types that believe a good RPG teaches you how to play the level as it unfolds in your experience only to test your abilities and knowledge of said teachings in the boss fight. Each area has a particular niche or lesson that was designed for you to learn and utilize. The Lost Izalith/Bed of Chaos obstacle is very stringent to the Iframe mechanic. Keep this in mind.

    Now, I am going to go over a few practices that I follow when clearing this arrea. I will try to list them and keep them orderly.

    • When first arriving it is wise to kindle the bonfire to it's maximum estus count. To do this it is recomended that you beat Pinwheel in the catacombs before even beating the Demon Firesage in the Demon Ruins.
    You may end up doing several run throughs before actually entering the boss room, however, it is not necessary.

    • My typical run through places me in doing 4 rounds. Starting with the NPC Round.

    NPC Round
    The NPC(or non-player character) round is me going through the level with nothing but my weapons equipped. This is done for the sake of not breaking my equipment before the boss. It relieves some stress when it comes to the actual boss fight. What I do is I reverse my hollowed state and run through the level activating all possible NPC interactions that are available. If you rescued and spoke with Seigmeyer in the previuous sections of the game he will show up in Lost Izalith. Kirk Knight of Thorns, a Chaos-Pyromancer, and Solaire of Astora all show up in this area as well. Now once I get to the keep(I will go over how I get to this point) I re-equip my gear so I am not completely vulnerable. During this time I try to get some Iframe practice in. When approaching the Chaos-Pyromancer it is easy to dispatch her before Kirk Knight of Thorns even appears. I implore you to kite the pyromancer and fight them togeter if possible. It will be a practice run for the boss encounter. The next run through Lost Izalith is the Item Round.

    Item Round
    The Item round serves to gather all items available that don't require an NPC. This means all of the items just lying around. There isn't much to this round other than unequipping your items so you aren't taking durability damage. If the item is heavily guarded and you are not confident in your ability to grab it without killing a few things you can always come back or equip a weapon for a moment. The final run through I will call the Clearing Round.

    Clearing Round
    If you have followed the guide up to this point you are now prepared to test your learning capacity to ultimately have a showdown with the portal into Hell or BoC. The clearing round is practice so I recomend you get the attention of as many Dino-demon's as you can and face them simultaniously. This will force you to use your Iframes and Stamina wisely to take out the obstacles. Again you want to unequip your items(all but your weapons). Mages are recomended to use a melee backup for this since it is more difficult in the boss fight to use spells. When you arrive at the Keep you have the option of doing the same thing with the fire spiting statues. Get all of their attention and use your stam/Iframes to kill them. It is not recomended to tank anyrthing in this area. Do so at your own risk. Repeat this process(barring the Dino's) until you are confident enough to face the Bed of Chaos. The fouth round is the Finale Round.

    Finale Round
    Once you are confident enough to do this Iframe business I speak of you can rush to the boss room and proceed to killing the BoC. Unequip all items and just rush the boss room. once inside do not step forward. Re-equip you items and start your descent. As a good luck charm I try to avoid breaking any branches on the way down. I believe (superstitiously) that there is approximately 2 to 3 seconds before it notices you which is a big deal when this boss is extremely stringent on timing.

    The next portion of the guide will detail the way to get to the boss and how to tread through the lava.

    It is infinitely wiser of a player to follow the path through the wasteland that the developers designed. If you are having problems finding said path I can detail the landmarks you should be spotting. Do this unequipped and quickly. It is recommended that you run only as this creates less visuals and sounds than any other action thus less of a headache. if the sound gets to be over bearing then I find jumping releives some of the repeatitive scorching sounds. Furthermore it is your choice whether you equip your gear after you exit the wasteland and into the keep or after the boss gate. Either way works but I prefer to rush to the boss gate. Always check to make sure you have the OCR equipped. Always!

    The final section will detail the most effecient way to kill the boss with melee that I have found.

    The Boss Battle
    When you first enter the room immediately rush to the right. Stay out of range of it's attacks and hug the wall. Go in for the kill. After the cutscene immediately dash back to where you first came in. The trick is to hug the root on the right and roll(use your Iframes) when it's hands swipe at you. Don't worry so much about the appendages that sprout up in the cutscene, as they are much easier to predict. The best way to tell when the first hand swings is the BoC will let out a deep curdling groan and then swing. It is slow though so give it a half a second. If done correctly your Iframes will protect you. The hands will not push you if done correctly. Once you defeat the right side follow a similar pattern to the left side. Be very careful because the floor caves in as you approach it so do so with caution while still keeping a decent momentum. There is a branch right before you head to the left where there is usually an orange message that says,"safe zone." use this if you are nervous or unconfident. Again hug the wall until you reach a branch that blocks the way. The BoC cannot get you in this area as long as you hug the wall. Back up to the corner and dash into a jump across the gap at the closest possible point. You will make it. The tricky part here is that the hands will be swiping again. Listen for the groan and you should be able to see it. Quickly roll and again for the second one since they both reach this area. If you get hit by the first one make sure you don't get hit by the second one. It will kill or knock you off the ledge. After destroying the right side go back exactly the way you came in. Stand behind the previously mentioned branch and watch the appendages for a few minutes. They will swing twice straight down the middle if you dash for the center. don't jump though just activate the cave in and retreat. Watch a little more and run to the circular stone flooring. Not to be confused with the rest of the flooring. It is distinctly different from the rest. This range activates the hands. It is best to retreat just far enough to avoid the hit then hurry up and run in closer. As the second hand is coming roll(use IFrames) and then dash jump. When you land you should land straight, but a defense mechanism activates that you have to use your Iframes for. So if you landed straight roll forward several times. If not quickly reposition yourself and roll. If done incorrectly you will likely be running through lava all over again.

    There are other ways to do this, but they are mostly on the wiki page. I will return with editing and pictures of landmarks and key points to pay attention to during the boss battle. i hope this cuts your deaths and stress down in this area of the game as it has mine. I am down to 3 deaths if I am in a hurry with this method. I've even done BoC all in one swoop.

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    n0rain's Guide to  Boc (Lost Izalith) Empty Re: n0rain's Guide to Boc (Lost Izalith)

    Post by Alara78 Thu Sep 13, 2012 5:31 am

    Quiting out after you destroy each orb is easier and safer than your method.

    I haven't been killed at the hands of the BoC in over 15 playthroughs.

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    n0rain's Guide to  Boc (Lost Izalith) Empty Re: n0rain's Guide to Boc (Lost Izalith)

    Post by n0rain Thu Sep 13, 2012 2:03 pm

    Don't use this method then.
    Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden

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    n0rain's Guide to  Boc (Lost Izalith) Empty Re: n0rain's Guide to Boc (Lost Izalith)

    Post by RANT Thu Sep 13, 2012 2:16 pm

    ik never understood why people had such a hard time agains boc, unless youre doing a no shield run. all you neee is a shield with good stability. i died like 20 times the first time though but only cause it was a blind run and knew nothing about the game. and the whole quitting every time you get one of the arms is the lamest way to do boc, no whonder you havent died in the last 15 playthroughs lol

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    n0rain's Guide to  Boc (Lost Izalith) Empty Re: n0rain's Guide to Boc (Lost Izalith)

    Post by n0rain Thu Sep 13, 2012 2:20 pm

    RantFromRant wrote:ik never understood why people had such a hard time agains boc, unless youre doing a no shield run. all you neee is a shield with good stability. i died like 20 times the first time though but only cause it was a blind run and knew nothing about the game. and the whole quitting every time you get one of the arms is the lamest way to do boc, no whonder you havent died in the last 15 playthroughs lol

    None of my characters use shields. In a previous life I think I was a knight of Carim. On another note, I tried to use a shield once in BoC and it just pushed me around like I was the mouse in a cat and mouse game. That's why I reccomend not doing it.

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