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    Any Differences Between Cracked Red Eye orb and Red Eye Orb?


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    Any Differences Between Cracked Red Eye orb and Red Eye Orb? Empty Any Differences Between Cracked Red Eye orb and Red Eye Orb?

    Post by Techneeq Fri Sep 14, 2012 6:43 am

    So I am wondering if there are any differences between the cracked red eye orb and the red eye orb other than of coarse the fact that the cracked red eye orb is consumed on use where the red eye orb isn't.

    From looking on the wiki it seems as if there could be a few differences, but I want to be sure and told of other ones that may not be mentioned

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    Any Differences Between Cracked Red Eye orb and Red Eye Orb? Empty Re: Any Differences Between Cracked Red Eye orb and Red Eye Orb?

    Post by Bamjam Fri Sep 14, 2012 6:51 am

    Like you already know the only difference it that the cracked eyes are consumed and the orb can be used forever.
    Also some players use the Darkwraith covenant to buy 99 cracked orbs and then join another covenant.

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    Any Differences Between Cracked Red Eye orb and Red Eye Orb? Empty Re: Any Differences Between Cracked Red Eye orb and Red Eye Orb?

    Post by Techneeq Fri Sep 14, 2012 7:01 am

    Well as referencing to the website some of the things said for the Red Eye Orb are:

    • Can invade only players who have not killed the area boss yet.
    • Can invade upwards of own level unlimited.

    So do both of these also apply to the cracked red eye orb or is it free of these clauses?

    Edit: Also I just noticed that on the wiki it does not say that the red eye orb requires you to be human, while it does for cracked red eye orb.

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    Any Differences Between Cracked Red Eye orb and Red Eye Orb? Empty Re: Any Differences Between Cracked Red Eye orb and Red Eye Orb?

    Post by Bamjam Fri Sep 14, 2012 7:12 am

    Techneeq wrote:Well as referencing to the website some of the things said for the Red Eye Orb are:

    • Can invade only players who have not killed the area boss yet.
    • Can invade upwards of own level unlimited.

    So do both of these also apply to the cracked red eye orb or is it free of these clauses?

    Edit: Also I just noticed that on the wiki it does not say that the red eye orb requires you to be human, while it does for cracked red eye orb.

    Yes you can only invade players who have not killed the boss yet same as you cant get invaded in an area where you killed the boss.
    And yes you can only invade people of the same SL as you or higher so sometimes you get the rare lvl 300 NG+7 guy but as most people stay around 120 it should not be much of a problem.

    And yes you need to be in human form to be able to use the Orb also and if you die in the invasion you need to get your bloodstain back from the place you where standing before you invaded the other guys world but you wont lose your human form.

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    Any Differences Between Cracked Red Eye orb and Red Eye Orb? Empty Re: Any Differences Between Cracked Red Eye orb and Red Eye Orb?

    Post by Techneeq Fri Sep 14, 2012 7:22 am

    Okay, so then the only difference is the whole consuming thing. Thank you for the info.

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    Any Differences Between Cracked Red Eye orb and Red Eye Orb? Empty Re: Any Differences Between Cracked Red Eye orb and Red Eye Orb?

    Post by Bamjam Fri Sep 14, 2012 7:26 am

    No problem. Here to help. Thats what the forums are for! happy
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    Any Differences Between Cracked Red Eye orb and Red Eye Orb? Empty Re: Any Differences Between Cracked Red Eye orb and Red Eye Orb?

    Post by BLA1NE Fri Sep 14, 2012 4:54 pm

    Bamjam wrote:sometimes you get the rare lvl 300 NG+7 guy
    Yesterday I invaded someone SL600 with my SL80! I hadn't seen one of those in a long time. I got over 550K souls for killing him--it took a backstab and 2 parries, plus a couple hits.

    About the Cracked Eyes: there have been reports/ rumors that sometimes they glitch and allow you to invade people of substantially lower level than you. I don't know if that's confirmed, though.
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    Any Differences Between Cracked Red Eye orb and Red Eye Orb? Empty Re: Any Differences Between Cracked Red Eye orb and Red Eye Orb?

    Post by Forum Pirate Fri Sep 14, 2012 5:03 pm

    using either red orb, you can invade down. Its 10sls +10% down with no upper limit.

    I haven't personally tested the numbers but I have tested that dws can invade down, just as dms can invade up and have no lower limit.

    I invade and get invaded by sl90s with my sl 80 dms all the time.

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    Any Differences Between Cracked Red Eye orb and Red Eye Orb? Empty Re: Any Differences Between Cracked Red Eye orb and Red Eye Orb?

    Post by ChizFreak Fri Sep 14, 2012 5:12 pm

    Forum Pirate wrote:using either red orb, you can invade down. Its 10sls +10% down with no upper limit.

    I haven't personally tested the numbers but I have tested that dws can invade down, just as dms can invade up and have no lower limit.

    I invade and get invaded by sl90s with my sl 80 dms all the time.

    No you can't. Sorry, you must be wrong about your invasions. DMs can invade at a +/-10% plus 10 of your current soul. So in ex: you're level 50. So it's 10%=5. Then 5 + 10 = 15. That means you can invade anyone from a reach of 15 levels from your current soul level. In that case it would be from 45 to 65, while being level 50. I've tested this myself. And several people have confirmed it. I'm sure about the down limit, but not entirely about the upper limit.

    Now DWs CAN'T invade down. No way.
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    Any Differences Between Cracked Red Eye orb and Red Eye Orb? Empty Re: Any Differences Between Cracked Red Eye orb and Red Eye Orb?

    Post by BLA1NE Fri Sep 14, 2012 5:32 pm

    I'm pretty sure DWs can invade within a small lower limit, like Pirate said. But what I said was substantially lower with the Cracked Eyes--as in what DMs can do. But I also said I don't know if it's been confirmed, or if it was just hearsay.
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    Any Differences Between Cracked Red Eye orb and Red Eye Orb? Empty Re: Any Differences Between Cracked Red Eye orb and Red Eye Orb?

    Post by Forum Pirate Fri Sep 14, 2012 6:55 pm

    DMs? No. I'm quite positive that DMs can invade way farther that 10%+10sls down, and I know they can invade up, though I haven't tested exactly how far.

    I've caught the odd guy doing a sl1 playthrough using a lightning hand axe and pyromancy. I got less than 100 souls from him when I killed him (felt kinda bad) and both asked and checked the wiki. I'm also quite positive of sls of the 90's I get.

    You can say you've tested it all you like, but I only DM ever, I know I can invade lower than that. My theory is that it searches for players within the 10%+10sls first, then moves down if it can't find someone.

    DWs can invade down. In one instance me and a sl 86 dw traded back and forth invading eachother for a good 30 minuites. (again, I was at sl 80)

    EDIT: While I'm at it, I've also been invaded by sl 120s in the burg using a sl 110.

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    Any Differences Between Cracked Red Eye orb and Red Eye Orb? Empty Re: Any Differences Between Cracked Red Eye orb and Red Eye Orb?

    Post by ChizFreak Fri Sep 14, 2012 7:54 pm

    Well I didn't experience any of that. I only experienced what I said above, and several people said it too, I don't know, maybe as you say, it looks first for the formula, then if it fails it searches for further people?
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    Any Differences Between Cracked Red Eye orb and Red Eye Orb? Empty Re: Any Differences Between Cracked Red Eye orb and Red Eye Orb?

    Post by Forum Pirate Fri Sep 14, 2012 7:57 pm

    Thats my theory, I rarely go lower than the 10%+10sls down, but it does happen.

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    Any Differences Between Cracked Red Eye orb and Red Eye Orb? Empty Re: Any Differences Between Cracked Red Eye orb and Red Eye Orb?

    Post by fujiphoenix Fri Sep 14, 2012 8:53 pm

    The more indictments you have, the higher level DMs can invade you. I don't remember the formula for determining it tho. So if you are a sl 15 griefer, you will most likely get invaded by some Dms at a substantially higher level.

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    Any Differences Between Cracked Red Eye orb and Red Eye Orb? Empty Re: Any Differences Between Cracked Red Eye orb and Red Eye Orb?

    Post by Gazman0169 Sat Sep 15, 2012 10:55 am

    To the OP, it is also worth bearing in mind that only a Darkwraith can use a Red Eye Orb, but a Cracked Orb can be used by anyone in Human form, which means they can still be used if you ever decide to change covenants.

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