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    How good is PvP normally on the ps3 atm?


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    Join date : 2012-07-27
    Location : Runnemede, NJ

    How good is PvP normally on the ps3 atm? Empty How good is PvP normally on the ps3 atm?

    Post by ssss_2_is_pwnage Fri Sep 14, 2012 9:07 am

    I haven't had a chance to try, and I was thinking about switching back from PC but every time I try all I find are How good is PvP normally on the ps3 atm? 3235151284 's and How good is PvP normally on the ps3 atm? 4174989374 's with How good is PvP normally on the ps3 atm? 3239986236 's. I find some good PvP on the PC, but it's mostly How good is PvP normally on the ps3 atm? 1330857165 's while im a How good is PvP normally on the ps3 atm? 945058907 . So is it still all How good is PvP normally on the ps3 atm? 3235151284 's and How good is PvP normally on the ps3 atm? 4174989374 's or are they any How good is PvP normally on the ps3 atm? 4125110524 's or any How good is PvP normally on the ps3 atm? 945058907 's?

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    How good is PvP normally on the ps3 atm? Empty Re: How good is PvP normally on the ps3 atm?

    Post by Alara78 Fri Sep 14, 2012 9:26 am

    Well, I haven't touched the PS3 since the release of the PC version, but I'd say there's a hell of a lot more PvP going on on PS3.
    I find it very frustrating to get into PvP on the PC.

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    How good is PvP normally on the ps3 atm? Empty Re: How good is PvP normally on the ps3 atm?

    Post by WyrmHero Fri Sep 14, 2012 9:33 am

    LOL. A lot of :mask-child: :mask-mother: :mask-father: :weap-lightning: flippy tanks and :dragon-stone: glitchers. Also a lot of :red-orb: :dung: :weap-lightning: low level grivers. If you value your humanity stay on PC till DLC comes to consoles.

    Posts : 466
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    Join date : 2012-07-27
    Location : Runnemede, NJ

    How good is PvP normally on the ps3 atm? Empty Re: How good is PvP normally on the ps3 atm?

    Post by ssss_2_is_pwnage Fri Sep 14, 2012 9:38 am

    WyrmHero wrote:LOL. A lot of How good is PvP normally on the ps3 atm? 758582142 How good is PvP normally on the ps3 atm? 3235151284 How good is PvP normally on the ps3 atm? 4174989374 How good is PvP normally on the ps3 atm? 3239986236 flippy tanks and How good is PvP normally on the ps3 atm? 2596258901 glitchers. Also a lot of How good is PvP normally on the ps3 atm? 1697547848 How good is PvP normally on the ps3 atm? 2324285107 How good is PvP normally on the ps3 atm? 3239986236 low level grivers. If you value your humanity stay on PC till DLC comes to consoles.

    Idk, I don't find How good is PvP normally on the ps3 atm? 758582142 's that bad unless they're also How good is PvP normally on the ps3 atm? 3596227959 's or How good is PvP normally on the ps3 atm? 2707236321 's, but it fun to shut down low level greifers by showing them what a true How good is PvP normally on the ps3 atm? 945058907 is like. But if there are still a lot of How good is PvP normally on the ps3 atm? 3235151284 's and How good is PvP normally on the ps3 atm? 4174989374 's with How good is PvP normally on the ps3 atm? 3239986236 's and How good is PvP normally on the ps3 atm? 152265441 's then i'll definitly stick with all of the How good is PvP normally on the ps3 atm? 1330857165 's on the pc and the once in a while How good is PvP normally on the ps3 atm? 945058907 I get to fight.

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    How good is PvP normally on the ps3 atm? Empty Re: How good is PvP normally on the ps3 atm?

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