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    Weird invasion...


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    Weird invasion... Empty Weird invasion...

    Post by siddhartha Sat Sep 15, 2012 6:18 pm

    So I was playing in the Undead Parish area, farming some humanity, when I got a message that I'd been invaded. I was on Xbox. This is a low-level character that I'd started a few days before.

    So, I get invaded by this guy with stuff I'd ONLY seen in the new DLC from PC...I thought that the PC people couldn't play online with the Xbox or PS3 networks? Am I incorrect?

    He had some equipment and spells that are only available with the DLC (I've watched some walkthroughs on YT).

    Total griefer, too-this guy was way overpowered for my low-level character....oh well.

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    Weird invasion... Empty Re: Weird invasion...

    Post by ErrJon6661 Sat Sep 15, 2012 9:47 pm

    I ran into a guy on ps3 wearing what looked like chester's full armor set.

    He wasn't op or anything but hacks are as bad on ps3 as they are on xbox. I was just kinda jelly.

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    Weird invasion... Empty Re: Weird invasion...

    Post by CandleMax Sun Sep 16, 2012 3:14 am

    What stuff was he using?

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    Weird invasion... Empty Re: Weird invasion...

    Post by siddhartha Sun Sep 16, 2012 8:09 am

    He was using Obsidian Greatsword, and that fog spell from Oolacile sorcerers.

    I had no chance!

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    Weird invasion... Empty Re: Weird invasion...

    Post by vatar5 Sun Sep 16, 2012 8:12 am

    It's too bad you can't report glitchers/hackers to the PSN or to From.

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    Weird invasion... Empty Re: Weird invasion...

    Post by siddhartha Sun Sep 16, 2012 8:15 am

    TBH, I wasn't initially upset, because I was so surprised to see this. That, and I didn't figure such a high build could invade me. I got a few hits on him (gold pine resin spear I just did to kill Lautrec) and it barely registered on his status bar. When I got close, and got the fog spell, and then the R2 attack of the OGS, I was shocked, and then I was mad.

    Invasions are part of the game, but overpowered stuff like that saps the fun out.

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    Weird invasion... Empty Re: Weird invasion...

    Post by Alara78 Sun Sep 16, 2012 8:27 am

    This shouldn't be possible.

    The assets to display those weapons/spells aren't available on your console unless you also hacked it.

    Did you actually SEE them, or only just the effects of the weapons/spells ?

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    Weird invasion... Empty Re: Weird invasion...

    Post by tofucactaur Sun Sep 16, 2012 9:13 am

    yeah, that is very strange.... i did not think it possible....

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    Weird invasion... Empty Re: Weird invasion...

    Post by siddhartha Sun Sep 16, 2012 10:42 am

    I saw the effect of the greatsword-the two-hand plunge, then the fire, and the spell effect.
    I had watched the DLC vids not too long before, which was surprising to me. I actually looked to see if the DLC was available and I had gotten the dates wrong.
    Just now, I logged in to see who it was in my 'players met" and I saw his name. It appears to be a russian (or that general area) player from the language in the profile. I emailed him to ask about exactly what he used, etc. No response yet.
    I've played a lot of this game, and had never seen these things other than in the DLC

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    Weird invasion... Empty Re: Weird invasion...

    Post by siddhartha Sun Sep 16, 2012 11:21 am

    One more thing to note-and this all happened fast-but I did think that the animations for the attacks he made were lower quality/jerky for what I did see. I was trying to evade him at this point, too.
    I thought it might be lower framerate due to connection, but perhaps it was indeed a hacked system?
    I do not have a hacked system

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