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The Letter X
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    Cheapest boss in the game?


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    Cheapest boss in the game? Empty Cheapest boss in the game?

    Post by CrystallineKnight Sat Sep 15, 2012 9:40 pm

    I've just lost about 500,000 souls I got beating a level 600 player and 51 humanity to Gwyndolin. I absolutely hate this boss fight, every time I fight her I lose a **** ton of souls and humanity. I know there is a strategy to beating her/him but I just think her attacks are cheap and give you no time to recover or retrieve your souls.

    Which boss fight do you think is the cheapest?

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    Cheapest boss in the game? Empty Re: Cheapest boss in the game?

    Post by IceIfrit666 Sat Sep 15, 2012 9:44 pm

    CrystallineKnight wrote:I've just lost about 500,000 souls I got beating a level 600 player and 51 humanity to Gwyndolin. I absolutely hate this boss fight, every time I fight her I lose a **** ton of souls and humanity.
    Gwyndolin is a guy...

    On topic, it's Pinwheel.
    If you're down there at a low level and don't kill him fast enough (hard to believe) he can have 6 or so copies of himself.
    Which all deal their own damage...

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    Cheapest boss in the game? Empty Re: Cheapest boss in the game?

    Post by CrystallineKnight Sat Sep 15, 2012 9:51 pm

    IceIfrit666 wrote:
    CrystallineKnight wrote:I've just lost about 500,000 souls I got beating a level 600 player and 51 humanity to Gwyndolin. I absolutely hate this boss fight, every time I fight her I lose a **** ton of souls and humanity.
    Gwyndolin is a guy...

    I know he is, but I'm sure he would prefer to be known as a woman silly

    I always thought pinwheel was a bit of a lame fight, might try fighting them on a low level.

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    Cheapest boss in the game? Empty Re: Cheapest boss in the game?

    Post by Phantasmio Sat Sep 15, 2012 9:54 pm

    I would say Bed of Chaos is my least favorite. Most of the bosses are easy enough to kill if I don't make a dumb mistake. The Bed of Chaos can just randomly knock me into a hole in the floor and kill me without me expecting it.

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    Cheapest boss in the game? Empty Re: Cheapest boss in the game?

    Post by callipygias Sat Sep 15, 2012 9:56 pm

    Any talk of cheap bosses in Dark Souls... or in any game for that matter, begins and ends with the Bed of Chaos, as far as I'm concerned.
    The Letter X
    The Letter X

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    Cheapest boss in the game? Empty Re: Cheapest boss in the game?

    Post by The Letter X Sat Sep 15, 2012 10:02 pm

    I have to agree on Bed of Chaos. I enjoy doing no shield runs and I always have to deal with the fact that some giant tree branches will knock me down a hole to oblivion.

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    Cheapest boss in the game? Empty Re: Cheapest boss in the game?

    Post by ChizFreak Sat Sep 15, 2012 10:17 pm

    Yep, Bed of Chaos sucks, it's cheap, and it's not even a fight. It's plain boring to beat her, and on top of that, dangerous because there is always the risk of messing it up and you would have to be more careful next time and do all that walk to her again, that's right a boring walk to get to a boring boss non-fight.

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    Cheapest boss in the game? Empty Re: Cheapest boss in the game?

    Post by 255gecko Sun Sep 16, 2012 4:35 am

    CrystallineKnight wrote:I've just lost about 500,000 souls I got beating a level 600 player and 51 humanity to Gwyndolin. I absolutely hate this boss fight, every time I fight her I lose a **** ton of souls and humanity. I know there is a strategy to beating her/him but I just think her attacks are cheap and give you no time to recover or retrieve your souls.

    Which boss fight do you think is the cheapest?

    Gwyndolin is a easy boss with a high magic resistant shield or the spell magic shield on a crest shield, i personally think the cheapest boss is the 4 kings on NG+ onwards.

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    Cheapest boss in the game? Empty Re: Cheapest boss in the game?

    Post by The-Fiction Sun Sep 16, 2012 5:22 am

    Bed of Chaos no doubt. One little slip-up, or just bad luck and you end up in a pit of death. Probably my least favourite boss in the game, doesn't even feel like a proper boss fight.

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    Cheapest boss in the game? Empty Re: Cheapest boss in the game?

    Post by Garl_Vinland Sun Sep 16, 2012 11:42 am

    Asylum Demon is SO FREAKIN' HARD!

    Wahahaha~! That's a bad joke.
    Yeah, I think we can all agree that the Bed of Chaos, now matter how comfy it is, is the worst thing to come out of Dark Souls.

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    Cheapest boss in the game? Empty Re: Cheapest boss in the game?

    Post by Isirith Sun Sep 16, 2012 11:46 am

    Bed of Chaos without a doubt. It's not really him that kills me... More the floor.

    "Running here are ya!?" *collapse* "oops!"

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    Cheapest boss in the game? Empty Re: Cheapest boss in the game?

    Post by Tolvo Sun Sep 16, 2012 11:52 am

    The answer is Bed of Chaos. Some may be subjective, some may consider capra annoying to fight with this build, or Gwyn with that build.

    Bed of Chaos is a harsh wet nurse that pulls you out of your mother, slaps you across the face, then drowns you in the sink because you cried and she wishes to weed out any signs of weakness. It's a monster that needs to be killed, and should be hated by all.

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    Cheapest boss in the game? Empty Re: Cheapest boss in the game?

    Post by Garl_Vinland Sun Sep 16, 2012 11:59 am

    I'd say "KILL IT WITH FIRE", but I'm almost positive it would only piss it off.

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    Cheapest boss in the game? Empty Re: Cheapest boss in the game?

    Post by vatar5 Sun Sep 16, 2012 12:42 pm

    IceIfrit666 wrote:
    CrystallineKnight wrote:I've just lost about 500,000 souls I got beating a level 600 player and 51 humanity to Gwyndolin. I absolutely hate this boss fight, every time I fight her I lose a **** ton of souls and humanity.
    Gwyndolin is a guy...

    On topic, it's Pinwheel.
    If you're down there at a low level and don't kill him fast enough (hard to believe) he can have 6 or so copies of himself.
    Which all deal their own damage...

    I killed pinwheel with my SL 8 thief on first run with Leeroy o/

    It's not a boss but for me it's harder than any boss....Ted&Fred from Anor Londo:Best silver archers in all History in the number of kills from falling.

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    Cheapest boss in the game? Empty Re: Cheapest boss in the game?

    Post by reim0027 Sun Sep 16, 2012 2:04 pm

    Another vote for BoC. I'm decent at this boss not, but I use the quit strategy for each arm. I know exactly where to jump, so I can bee-line there before those accursed arms hit me.

    Still the worst boss in the game. I hate bosses you don't fight.

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    Cheapest boss in the game? Empty Re: Cheapest boss in the game?

    Post by Emergence Sun Sep 16, 2012 2:07 pm

    BoC, sorry, but that one was phoned in lol

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    Cheapest boss in the game? Empty Re: Cheapest boss in the game?

    Post by HomicidalCanine Sun Sep 16, 2012 2:10 pm

    4 Kings, hands down. Never had much trouble with BoC, the most annoying part of that is just swapping out rings for the hike there (which kind of happens with 4 kings anyway, so yeah).

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    Cheapest boss in the game? Empty Re: Cheapest boss in the game?

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