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    Stunlocking *spoilered spoilers.


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    Stunlocking  *spoilered spoilers. - Page 2 Empty Re: Stunlocking *spoilered spoilers.

    Post by WyrmHero Sun Sep 16, 2012 4:49 am

    I'm ok with Str weapons stunlocking though, as rooster said, remove their stunlocking and they're almost useless (UGS and Greataxes). But a low weight weapon such as a Claymore shouldn't stunlock me, it's a bit OP in that sense. With the patch they'll be like maces and axes, can break 53 poise, but can't stunlock infinitely. By the way no one has said how many hits you can take before rolling out of the stunlock (without toggle escape). I know MSGS is 3 hits before patch.
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    Stunlocking  *spoilered spoilers. - Page 2 Empty Re: Stunlocking *spoilered spoilers.

    Post by Spurgun Sun Sep 16, 2012 5:32 am

    Is the r2 of some greatswords nerfed as well? If not then i imagine that you could hit them with it after a stun (thinking of the clay now). It wouldn't stunlock them but it would still deal a good amount of damage.

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    Stunlocking  *spoilered spoilers. - Page 2 Empty Re: Stunlocking *spoilered spoilers.

    Post by vatar5 Sun Sep 16, 2012 6:11 am

    I'm fully against speed nerf,toggle escape and entirely for stunlocking,here's why:

    In my PvP experience with my FAI/STR build,GS stunlock is almost the only way we can win in PvP(I don't chain BS) but it is really risky as most people either ninja flip or strafe me for BS when I throw a R1.

    Most of the time,I manage to punish BS strafe by continuing my R1 stunlock(I guess if you're <25% weight) but I often get OS'd with a BS or a chain BS if the guy's faster.

    Also GS are really easy to parry as you can see the attack coming from afar.

    GS is pretty hard to use in PvP already,a speed nerf would scare me as it will be impossible to punish Strafe BS.

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