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    So what is your least favorite boss?


    Your Least Favorite Boss?

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    So what is your least favorite boss? Empty So what is your least favorite boss?

    Post by Abiathar82 Thu Sep 27, 2012 8:17 pm

    So mine is by far Bed of Chaos , but was just curious as to how the community feels.

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    So what is your least favorite boss? Empty Re: So what is your least favorite boss?

    Post by mugenis4real Thu Sep 27, 2012 8:19 pm

    Bed isn't even a real boss fight and that's why I hate it :bom:

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    So what is your least favorite boss? Empty Re: So what is your least favorite boss?

    Post by CaligoIllioneus Thu Sep 27, 2012 8:25 pm

    Bed of Chaos here too. It's not challenging, it's not fun, it's just...annoying. In fact the whole Lost Izalith/Demon Ruins area is what I consider the worst area in the game. We have the Demon Firesage, who is just a copypasted Stray Demon, the undead dragon bottom halves (what seeketh thee in the lava, oh dragon rear end?) and overall I don't like the enemy placement and how the place looks. A shame, because I think the design of the Bed of Chaos is great.

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    So what is your least favorite boss? Empty Re: So what is your least favorite boss?

    Post by Revoltage Thu Sep 27, 2012 8:38 pm

    I've never usually had a problem with bed of chaos, actually it's one of the easier bosses for me in the higher NG's. It's just a repetitive and boring puzzle.

    Four Kings has always been hard for me, since most of my builds are pure melee and I just can't pump out the dps in the higher NG's before I get surrounded lol. I really hate 4 kings.....

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    So what is your least favorite boss? Empty Re: So what is your least favorite boss?

    Post by StockpileThomas Thu Sep 27, 2012 8:39 pm

    Bed of Chaos. You know why.

    I hate the Hellkite Dragon the most though, even though it's not a boss.

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    So what is your least favorite boss? Empty Re: So what is your least favorite boss?

    Post by Abiathar82 Thu Sep 27, 2012 8:45 pm

    The biggest reason I hate Bed of Chaos is because there is just no great way to do the fight. the Orbs are easy , the only challenge if you want to call it that is getting the timing/jump correct to get to the center. I have wasted more time on that garbage than any other thing in the game. Its to bad a Pharis Bow and Hawk ring cant reach the center. Also I aggree with you CaligoIllioneus , I really dont like the area in general. Worst part to me is that if you die to Bed , it takes atleast 4 minutes to run back to the fight. Could we not get a bonfire closer than this? The whole this is just frustrating. Hellkite is a b!+ch also though. You could have a trillion fire resistance and his fire attack from above will still one shot you.

    Last edited by Abiathar82 on Thu Sep 27, 2012 8:50 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : New Info)

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    So what is your least favorite boss? Empty Re: So what is your least favorite boss?

    Post by Cheesinator Thu Sep 27, 2012 9:06 pm

    I voted Priscilla because I never have the heart to kill her, and thus is (technically) the toughest boss for me to defeat. silly

    Similar sentiments towards Quelaag, after I found her sister...but that ***** attacked me first.
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    So what is your least favorite boss? Empty Re: So what is your least favorite boss?

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Thu Sep 27, 2012 9:21 pm

    Capra Demon doesn't even get his own option.

    He's an "other?"

    Son, I am disappoint :| .

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    So what is your least favorite boss? Empty Re: So what is your least favorite boss?

    Post by Abiathar82 Thu Sep 27, 2012 9:27 pm

    Lol, Good old 2 Shot Capra , shortest boss ever. Climb the ladder , slam sword into his face , if necessary swing sword one more time. Hurray easy souls.
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    So what is your least favorite boss? Empty Re: So what is your least favorite boss?

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Thu Sep 27, 2012 9:30 pm

    A lot of people had trouble with him, and, though weak, very low HP. He is a definitely a marked improvement on the enemies you would be facing at that stage of the game.

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    So what is your least favorite boss? Empty Re: So what is your least favorite boss?

    Post by Abiathar82 Sat Sep 29, 2012 2:13 am

    It would be great if a developer saw this poll and they put something in a future patch to make Bed of Chaos not suck.
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    So what is your least favorite boss? Empty Re: So what is your least favorite boss?

    Post by Forum Pirate Sat Sep 29, 2012 2:24 am

    mugenis4real wrote:Bed isn't even a real boss fight and that's why I hate it :bom:

    Just about.

    My least favorite boss fight is the capara demon because of the (stream of explatives) dogs.
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    So what is your least favorite boss? Empty Re: So what is your least favorite boss?

    Post by Rynn Sat Sep 29, 2012 2:31 am

    I hate Sif the most. He's not difficult to battle, but he tends to annoy me because he gets stuck in patters that make him difficult to fight with 0 poise and no shield.

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    So what is your least favorite boss? Empty Re: So what is your least favorite boss?

    Post by callipygias Sat Sep 29, 2012 3:57 pm

    Abiathar82 wrote:Lol, Good old 2 Shot Capra , shortest boss ever. Climb the ladder , slam sword into his face , if necessary swing sword one more time. Hurray easy souls.
    Hurray bb glitch, you mean? I'd be pretty impressed if you could 2-shot Capra without glitching. Besides that though, it's the dogs with him that make the fight.

    For the first few hundred hours of DkS I'd have chosen Bed of Chaos, but now I'll say 'other' for Hellkite. It's the only fight that really bores me.

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    So what is your least favorite boss? Empty Re: So what is your least favorite boss?

    Post by FruitPunchNinja Sat Sep 29, 2012 7:11 pm

    Probably either Bed of Chaos or Seath. I have to admit i was actually pretty disappointed with a few of the later bosses. My favorites were probably Orn & Smough,4kings,Sif, and Gaping Dragon(i know he's easy, but i always leave the channeler alive. Which makes it a really fun fight. Also i don't cut off the tail unless i'm a str build)

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    So what is your least favorite boss? Empty Re: So what is your least favorite boss?

    Post by CaligoIllioneus Sat Sep 29, 2012 7:45 pm

    I have to admit i was actually pretty disappointed with a few of the later bosses

    I agree, in fact I think the game kind of peaks in quality at Sen's/Anor Londo, but after that some bosses are not good enough for those high standards (Bed of Chaos, Firesage Demon, Centipede Demon, Seath, Pinwheel) and we have the Lost Izalith zone which I think sucks. I would also patch the game to make Gwyn unable to be parried, parrying makes him so easy, and playing the fight without using parries is actually challenging and fun.

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    So what is your least favorite boss? Empty Re: So what is your least favorite boss?

    Post by callipygias Sat Sep 29, 2012 8:30 pm

    Come on, we can't count Pinwheel!

    Firesage and the Centipede Demon can be pretty fun fights, I look forward to both each time through with my main character despite having access to the shortcut. I even enjoy Seath when I make myself go after his tail, plus I let a clam or 2 in and make Seath kill them; kinda fun.

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    So what is your least favorite boss? Empty Re: So what is your least favorite boss?

    Post by Abiathar82 Sat Sep 29, 2012 8:42 pm

    Again I have to aggree with Caligoillioneus. Anor Londo has such an epic opening and there is just nothing like that later in the game. Why is there no epic entrance when you are headed to Gwyn , I feel he should say something or something should happen when you zone into the fight , but nothing......

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    So what is your least favorite boss? Empty Re: So what is your least favorite boss?

    Post by vatar5 Sat Sep 29, 2012 8:53 pm

    Seriously,Ted&Fred,Silver Archer Duo number ouane should be considered as the most trolling boss since EVAR(Except Hazama of course) many players have not fallen to their death,trolled by a Dragonslayer arrow?

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    So what is your least favorite boss? Empty Re: So what is your least favorite boss?

    Post by Abiathar82 Sat Sep 29, 2012 10:53 pm

    Oh my god , good point. Next to Bed , that is the second most frustrating part of the game for me. NG+ those arrows are like getting shot by a tank.

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    So what is your least favorite boss? Empty Re: So what is your least favorite boss?

    Post by CaligoIllioneus Sat Sep 29, 2012 11:26 pm

    Come on, we can't count Pinwheel!

    What's the deal with Pinwheel, anyways? Is he supposed to be done early on, before Sen's? Every character I have completely obliterated him, and I don't think this boss is weak because of his abilities/encounter design, but because of his low stats. The Gaping Dragon, for example, is easy because his attacks almost never hit, and he gives huge openings for you to attack him (why does he slam his head into the ground no matter if you are half the room away, or behind him? silly but I digress); Pinwheel is not like him: he is weak because he has so little HP. I can recognize that the intended difficulty would be him swarming you with his clones, and then you'd have to hit them once to make them disappear, etc, but this never happens because he dies in seconds. A shame, really.

    P.S.: I'm not complaining that these bosses are annoying, in fact Gaping Dragon is awesome -his low difficulty is made up by the epicness of the fight, his incredible design, and that you encounter him early on in the game, plus you can still die if he lands on your head, and you can make the fight more challenging by leaving the channeler alive- and Pinwheel is not annoying at all, plus he has a cool design as well. They are nowhere on the level of the Bed of Chaos, where the encounter design is lacking.

    Oh and I love the bosses in this game, if these comments sound overly negative, I'm sorry silly For me it's easier to find some flaws or discuss possible improvements than it is to talk about what is done well.

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    So what is your least favorite boss? Empty Re: So what is your least favorite boss?

    Post by Siegfried. Sat Sep 29, 2012 11:52 pm

    One thing I miss from Demon's Souls is how unique many of the boss fights were. The bosses in Dark Souls are better than most game bosses, but Demon's Souls just has some absolutely wonderful fights.

    To me, nothing in Dark Souls quite lives up to the Storm King, and pulling a magic sword out of its resting place only to discover that it has a mighty wind-cutter attack that rips chunks out of the unlucky boss. It was so elegantly, gracefully designed -- a huge, flying boss, the size of an airship with no way to attack with a standard close combat loadout. But that magical sword wasn't only cool and unique (being the only weapon in Demon's Souls that had a special attack), it was a design factor that prevented the player being without a means to attack the boss. Brilliant.

    I also love the Old Hero, because it's not so much a stand-up fight, but more of a game of cat-and-mouse. He hits like a freight train, but is blind and can be easily tricked or distracted. The first time I did that fight, I swear I didn't breathe for the entire duration (which explains my extreme and tragic mental deficiencies). It was just completely enthralling.

    So many of the Demon's Souls bosses just seemed so legendary, as though the solutions to them were plucked right out of mythology or folklore. Dark Souls is a brilliant game, and better than Demon's Souls in a fair few ways, but the bosses in Demon's Souls still fill me with awe in terms of both their aesthetic and game design factors.

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    So what is your least favorite boss? Empty Re: So what is your least favorite boss?

    Post by SunlightCrusader Sun Sep 30, 2012 1:13 am

    Sif because I feel horrible every single time I land a hit on him. I hesitate to kill him every time.

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    So what is your least favorite boss? Empty Re: So what is your least favorite boss?

    Post by FruitPunchNinja Sun Sep 30, 2012 2:06 am

    You can make Gaping Dragon really fun and a fairly difficult fight. If you don't kill the channeler and don't cut off the tail. When it's buffed by the channeler it does massive damage, and you get soul arrows shot at you. Not cutting off the tail makes it so it can use its(in my opinion) best attack, the tail sweep. When it's buffed the tail sweep can 1shot pretty much any mid level build, and does massive dmg to high levels. In NG+ i would imagine it would 1shot you or very close to it.

    Without those things, it is as you mentioned insanely easy. With those things though, it becomes one of the better bosses in the game.

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    So what is your least favorite boss? Empty Re: So what is your least favorite boss?

    Post by BoilerFan8472 Sun Sep 30, 2012 11:03 am

    Four Kings...

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