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    What Upgrade for PVP?


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    What Upgrade for PVP? Empty What Upgrade for PVP?

    Post by WhtieCopain Sat Sep 29, 2012 6:26 am

    So I'm building my character as an Anti Douche sunbro who helps low levels and keeps people from gibbing them with super over the top items.

    So far so good, thanks to the sunlight spears and Gravelord dance, I can hold off most bad players, however I need a reliable weapon and I'm wondering what upgrade path I should pick. This guy probably won't go above level 25 (or not far) so I need an enchant that isn't super dependent on my stats if possible

    I see people using weapons that shock a lot, so I was thinking of that, but best to ask..

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    What Upgrade for PVP? Empty Re: What Upgrade for PVP?

    Post by Alara78 Sat Sep 29, 2012 8:07 am

    Either upgrade your weapon to Fire, Chaos or Lightning.

    This way you'll only need the base stat requirements to do maximum damage.

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    What Upgrade for PVP? Empty Re: What Upgrade for PVP?

    Post by Gazman0169 Sat Sep 29, 2012 8:15 am

    I'd say Lightning, seeing as that most armour sets have lower resistances to it, and from personal experience the power of being hit by a fully upgraded Lightning weapon is more than enough to make the most battle-hardened amongst us sit up and think, which is why my weapons of choice when it comes to PvP have always been a +5 Lightning BSS and a +5 Lightning Avelyn firing Lightning Bolts. twisted

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    What Upgrade for PVP? Empty Re: What Upgrade for PVP?

    Post by WyrmHero Sat Sep 29, 2012 8:19 am

    Fire +5 is legitimate and only possible after farming green shards at the Depths or Blighttown. At SL 25 I'm usually at the Gargoyles, so I think it's a bit OP and you'll be ruining newbies experiences by 1 shotting the bosses. So have a lightning or chaos backup just in case an invaders arrives and don't use masks/DWGR.

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    What Upgrade for PVP? Empty Re: What Upgrade for PVP?

    Post by Gazman0169 Sat Sep 29, 2012 8:22 am

    That said, I do tend to get owned pretty badly when it comes to squaring up against an opponent wielding a fire upgraded Mura, and so I tend not to linger long enough to find out if it's a Standard Fire upgrade or a more powerful Chaos one. It's like "Oh crap, here go again, bye!", before I run off screaming like a little girlie! lol
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    What Upgrade for PVP? Empty Re: What Upgrade for PVP?

    Post by TehInfamousAmos Sat Sep 29, 2012 8:33 am

    Okay... Not above SL25 eh?

    Perhaps this:

    Astora Straight Sword for normal coop - SLB and WoG for invaders.

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    What Upgrade for PVP? Empty Re: What Upgrade for PVP?

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