by Marino. Wed Oct 03, 2012 3:22 pm
ssss_2_is_pwnage wrote:All i'm saying is, using a flask mid-duel is seen as wrong, so I see it as the same thing since it's a series of battles in the duration of 3 minutes. If you want a more relatable senerio, think of having a match between two people while one pops elizibeth mushrooms like their candy.
BTW, why would mods shut this down? I'm disgussing the healing spell in the arena..
Easy solution . Message the Guy you are dueling , and make rules .
All else is fair game
BTW, why would mods shut this down? I'm disgussing the healing spell in the arena..[/quote]
Never understood mods . So i accuse them of something to make myself feel better
Last edited by Marino. on Wed Oct 03, 2012 3:23 pm; edited 1 time in total