Has PvP really devolved to the stage where we all need to have tryhard builds with Katanas and Greatswords, and constantly punish every little mistake (or use of a sub-optimal weapon), in order to win matches consistently anymore?
I don't like to use these weapons anymore because I have been there and done that, and to be honest I'm actually incredibly tired of seeing Katanas in 9/10 fights, but that's another issue and of course just my opinion. I like to make builds that are a little bit different and which to me are more fun, and as such I've been messing around with Smough's Hammer, the Butcher's Knife and the Notched Whip recently, and have been losing significantly more fights than I usually would because when people see that you are using a sub-optimal weapon (and by that I mean not a Katana, Spear or Greatsword) or are mid-rolling, the only thing that the huge majority (read 98%) of PvPers that I met seemed to do was backstab fish and abuse the iframes of the DWGR to take zero damage from what would have been a direct hit. This also applies to what most people take as the 'dueling areas'.
It's incredibly disheartening to see that out of all the possibilities in weapons and strategies the Dark Souls offers, people are still only interested in Backstabing, and in backstabbing those who are trying something a little different. Even now, a year after the release. Yes of course it's to be expected to an extent, and there's little that can be done to change this, however I would like to ask a question of those who also like to use the more 'silly' builds; at what point do you say enough is enough? Do you also reach a point where you are tired of sitting through yet another teleport backstab animation? I also like to think that using a different build is entertaining for other people, as when I fight someone with an unusual build I have a great time, but in your experiences do people really only care about winning to the extent that they don't care about what they are fighting?
I'm thinking about trying to start up some sort of fight club or dueling covenant where the more frequently used weapons and rings are not allowed. Would people be interested in something like this? I suggest this purely as means to try something different and have a little fun with a more 'out there' build without fear of being roll-backstabbed etc, and not as an attack on people who prefer the more popular weapons as of course there is absolutely nothing wrong with them, and I'm sure there are plently of people who use them because they genuinely enjoy them and not just because they offer a tactical advantage.
So please take this as it was intended - a friendly discussion between like minded people - and offer your opinions and thoughts. Or if you disagree or think that such a covenant is a bad idea, please also share your thoughts.
Last edited by ChaosMoogle on Sun Oct 07, 2012 3:36 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Making Title Clearer)