- Seekers: seek out specific items and are paid in whatever they desire in exchange for whater they were tasked to find:
- Wilkinson3424
- Smiths: recieve items, titanite, boss souls , and whatever they need to create weapons:
- OstrawberyKushG
- Couriers: Deliver items when I personally cant deliver and take items between from seekers or smiths to their desired places:
- Bostonmobb0341
Anyone may be called upon to go to a client if I am not personally avaliable as well as be supplied with whatever they need as long as they serve. NEVER STEAL from a client or me, be sure to keep your word. (conact me on xbox or pm if your interested in becoming one)
Friday 3:30pm-1:00am (if busness is good 11-12 if not)
Saturday 8:30/10:30am- 1:00-2:30am
Sunday 8:30am- 2:30pm
(Message me here or on xbox) Those on xbox will be dealt with sooner
The only price I charge is any spare junk (souls,titanite,weapons, armor, rings) or if you decide to work for me I will supply you with whatever you require.
- If you need co-op help I highly recommend theses skilled sunbro gents:
- Sunlight Coalition
Last edited by Lord of Ash on Sat Jul 27, 2013 2:23 am; edited 22 times in total